Title: MINE 292 Introduction to Mineral Processing Lecture 2
1MINE 292Introduction to Mineral
ProcessingLecture 2
- Overview of the Mining Industry
- How a Mineral Processor may end up running a mine
- and how a Miner may end up running a Mill
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14Komatsu's Autonomous Haulage System
15How Komatsu's AHS Works
16The Canadian Mining Industry
- B.C.
- copper
- metallurgical coal
- gold
- silver
- lead/zinc (Trail Smelter)
- aluminum (Kitimat Smelter)
- Alberta
- - thermal coal
- - oil sands
- - gold
- - nickel refining (Ft. Saskatchewan)
17The Canadian Mining Industry
- Saskatchewan
- Potash
- Uranium
- Manitoba
- nickel (Thompson Smelter)
- gold
- copper
18The Canadian Mining Industry
- Ontario
- Platinum and PGMs
- Gold and Silver
- Iron ore (steel-making Hamilton Sault St.
Marie - Lead and Zinc
- Ni Cu (Falconbridge)Xstrata / (Inco)Vale
smelters - Salt
19The Canadian Mining Industry
- Quebec
- Copper (Noranda)Xstrata smelter - Rouyn-Noranda
- Gold and Silver
- Nickel
- Asbestos
- Iron ore (steel-making - Sorel and Montreal
- Lead and Zinc - Varennes refinery - S. of
20The Canadian Mining Industry
- New Brunswick
- Copper
- Lead/Zinc (Pb/Zn smelting at Belledune)
- Potash
- Nova Scotia
- Tin
- Coal
- Gold
- Copper
21The Canadian Mining Industry
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nickel
- Copper
- Gold
- Iron ore
22The Canadian Mining Industry
- Yukon
- Gold
- Copper
- Zinc/Lead
- Northwest Territories
- Diamonds
- Gold/Silver
- Uranium
- Tungsten
23Metal Prices
- Producer Price (most base metals)
- Long term Contracts (iron ore and coal)
- Metal Exchange Price (N.Y. and London)
- - stocks are important factors (most precious
metals) - www.kitco.com (9/8/09)
- Can U.S. 0.93
- Gold /oz 1009
- Silver /oz 16.80
- Platinum /oz 1295
- Palladium /oz 303
- Nickel /lb 8.15
- Copper /lb 2.90
- Lead /lb 1.09
- Zinc /lb 0.88
- Aluminum /lb 0.83
24Price Trends
- 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 - Aluminum /lb 72.5 61.6 61.7 70.3 66.5
61.2 64.9 77.8 86.1 116.5 119.6 69.0 83.0 - Copper /lb 103.6 75.1 72.1 84.0 73.7
71.7 81.1 129.0 168.2 308.9 322.2 138.0 290.0 - Zinc /lb 60.0 46.5 48.8 51.2 45.2
38.6 40.6 52.5 67.1 145.2 147.0 48.0 88.0 - Lead /lb 28.3 24.0 22.8 20.6 21.3
20.5 23.3 40.2 44.3 58.5 117.0 45.0 109.0 - Nickel /lb 3.22 2.18 2.75 3.99 2.83
3.10 4.45 6.34 6.81 10.98 16.91 4.00 8.15 - Moly /lb 4.17 3.31 2.59 2.50 2.31
3.67 5.21 15.92 31.39 24.38 29.91 10.50 15.00 - Gold /oz 331 294 278 279 270
310 364 409 445 604 697 748 1009 - Silver /oz 4.89 5.53 5.25 5.00 4.41
4.63 4.91 6.69 7.34 11.57 13.42 8.25 16.80 - Platinum, /oz 395 372 377 544 546
540 692 845 897 1,142 1,305 795 1295 - Palladium /oz 177 285 358 681 651
337 200 231 202 320 355 175 303
25Leading Canadian Production - 2007
- Commodity of World
RANK - Production
- Uranium 23.0 1
- Potash 33.0 1
- Nickel 15.9 2
- Cobalt 13.3 2
- Titanium Conc. 14.6 3
- PGMs 4.4 3
- Aluminum 8.1 3
- Gypsum 7.5 4
- Asbestos 8.1 5
- Zinc 5.6 5
- Molybdenum 3.7 5
- Salt 6.0 5
26Gold price from 1950 to 2000
27Gold price since 1344 constant dollars
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29Mining Information News
- www.infomine.com - Vancouver
- www.mining.com - London
- www.miningweekly.com - South Africa
30Fundamentals of Mineral Processing
- Mining
- Transportation (trucks/conveyors/shafts/pipeline)
- Comminution
- Liberation
- Separation
- Transportation (conveyors/trains/ships/pipelines)
- Extraction
- Transportation (trucks/trains/ships)
- Manufacturing
- Transportation to End Customers
31Canadian Mining Clusters
32Capital Expenditures in the Canadian Mining
Industry 2003-2005
33Survey of Selected Production Costs
34Value of Production
35Worldwide Exploration Spending
36Trends in Canadian Exploration Expenditures
37Exploration in Canada Juniors vs. Seniors
38Exploration Spending by Target
39Top Ten Countries by Exploration Budget in 2005
40Global Mining Financings - 2005
41Mining Equity Raised role of the TSX
42Geographic Reach of TSX-Listed Companies - 2005
43Government Investment in Geoscience
44Employment in the Minerals Industry
45Employment in the Minerals Industry
46Energy and GHG Intensity Trends in Smelting and
Refining in Canada
47The Environment
48UBC-CERM3 and Britannia Mine
- The Millennium Plug Project
- Exhibits for the Museum of Mining
- The Water-Treatment-Plant
- Architectural Design Charrette
- District Heating System
- Bricks from Sludge
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54UBC - Britannia Mine Collaboration
- for over 26 years, gt 9000 tonnes of heavy metals
have spewed into Howe Sound with no one
assuming responsibility to correct the problem - UBC had a need for a research facility to conduct
testwork into the design of bulkheads to seal
tunnels - by placing this laboratory at the 2200 level
portal of Britannia Mine, two synergistic
events occurred - - UBC got its research lab at a full-scale
field site - - Britannia Mine closure plan moved nearer
to fulfillment
55Problems at Britannia
56Water Quality in1995
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60Project Supervisor - Rimas Pakalnis
61Corrosion of Concrete by ARD at Britannia Mine
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66After 2200 Level was Plugged
Mining 1902-1974
67Mine History
Mine operated between 1902 and 1963 by Britannia
Mining and Smelting Co. and between 1963-1974 by
Anaconda Mining Company - 47 million tonnes of
ore mined - 80 km of underground development - 5
open pits (glory holes)
Britannia Concentrator
68Jane Creek before it drains into Britannia Creek
69Cleaning up Britannia Creek
- In 2001 CBEL in cooperation with UBC/CERM3,
constructed a concrete plug in the 2200 Level of
Britannia. - Plug diverts water to lower part of the mine and
is discharged to Howe Sound at 23 m depth. - Concrete plug facilitates construction of
experimental Millennium Plug
70The Millennium Plug Project Results
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72Millennium Plug
- Built in much the same way as an earth dam
- Impervious clay core
- Layers of sand, gravel, cobble, rip rap
- Resistant to acidic conditions
- Cheaper to build
- Uses locally available materials
- Generates a walk-away solution
73Installation of the UBC Soil-Testing
Laboratory in the 2200 Level Portal at Britannia
Quartzite Rock/Sand
Clay Seal
Pressurized Chamber
Contact Grouting
Concrete Plug
Sand and Gravel
Longitudinal Section
Pressurized Pipeline
Throttled Pipeline
74 HDS Treatment System Features
- Sized to handle all but highest peak flows
- Lime-based HDS represents proven conventional
technology implemented on a world-wide basis to
meet stringent effluent and sludge disposal
criteria. - High effluent quality (ppb range) and non-toxic
- Produces minimum sludge volumes - sludges are
chemically physically stable - comply with
industrial landfill requirements. - Can be designed with high level of automation to
facilitate remote operation and advanced control
and monitoring.
75HDS Plant Process Flow Diagram
Recycle Water
Lime Paste
Acidic Feed Water
Lime Tank
Lime Reactor
Sludge/Lime Mix Tank
Effluent Overflow
Sludge Recycle
Sludge disposal
76Sludge Disposal
- Sludge Disposal in Jane Basin at least for first
5 years - Temporary holding site at 2200
- After plant is in operation - Studies to look at
improving sludge stability
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78Britannia Beach and CERM3
- CERM3 has been involved since 2000
- First group to address pollution at site
- Millennium Plug Project (2001)
- Exhibits for the Museum (2002)
- Community Design Charrette (2003)
- ARD Pilot Plant Testwork (2004)
- Geothermal Energy Project (2005)
79Health and Safety
80Sullivan Mine Accident May 2006
- On May 15th a sampling contractor did not come
home from work. - His body was found on Wed., May 17th lying face
down in a sump beneath a sampling station at the
No. 1 Waste Dump. - A fellow contractor went in to try to revive him
and immediately fell victim to a lack of oxygen. - Two paramedics entered the shed thereafter and
also succumbed to the lack of oxygen.
81Number 1 Shaft Dump Sullivan Mine
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Monitoring Station
16-inch pipe
Figure 1. No. 1 Shaft Waste Dump and seepage
monitoring station.
90Weather station and soil moisture station
Soil moisture station
Borehole 1A
Borehole 2A
Borehole 1B
Borehole 2B
Borehole 3B
Borehole 3A
Heated instrument shed
Figure 2. Locations of monitoring instruments
and boreholes.
91Figure 3. Air movement within waste dump
controlled by seasonal temperature.
92Borehole 1A
Borehole 2A
Borehole 2B
Borehole 1B
Borehole 3A
Borehole 3B
Figure 4. Sulphide and carbonate content measured
in drillhole samples ( S and CO3 by weight).
93Borehole 1A
0 O2
5 CO2
Borehole 2A
21 CO2
0.3 O2
21 CO2
0 O2
0 O2
5 CO2
5.6 CO2
0 O2
4.8 CO2
0 O2
5.1 CO2
0 O2
5.1 CO2
0.1 O2
Borehole 2B
0 O2
4.8 CO2
0 O2
2.4 O2
4.7 CO2
4.8 CO2
2 O2
4 CO2
4.7 CO2
0 O2
7 O2
2.1 CO2
Borehole 1B
1.7 O2
4.3 CO2
Borehole 3A
0.6 O2
4.5 CO2
17.9 O2
1.2 CO2
0.3 O2
4.3 CO2
0.2 O2
6.6 CO2
3.1 O2
4.3 CO2
0.9 O2
4.4 CO2
19.9 O2
0.3 CO2
Borehole 3B
3.4 O2
3.4 CO2
0.3 O2
7.2 CO2
0 O2
4.8 CO2
2.5 O2
5 CO2
1.9 O2
5 CO2
0 O2
4.7 CO2
13.1 O2
1.7 CO2
13 O2
1.8 CO2
0.9 O2
4.4 CO2
Figure 5. Borehole oxygen and carbon dioxide at
depth (June 7, 2007).
94Borehole 1A
Borehole 2A
10 ft
7.3 oC
6.8 oC
16 ft
6.9 oC
21 ft
7.3 oC
26 ft
Borehole 2B
10.5 oC
4 ft
10.9 oC
9.7 oC
8 ft
10.5 oC
8.3 oC
13 ft
Borehole 1B
18 ft
7.6 oC
Borehole 3A
11 oC
8 ft
Borehole 3B
9 oC
18 ft
13 ft
12.2 oC
28 ft
11.9 oC
Figure 6. Borehole temperatures at depth (May 31,
95Borehole 1A
Borehole 2A
Borehole 2B
Borehole 1B
Borehole 3A
Borehole 3B
Figure 7. Differences in air density resulting
from oxygen depletion and carbon dioxide
96Detail of Monitoring Station
Alignment of former seepage collection ditch, now
toe drain.
Figure 8. Seepage collection system and
monitoring locations.
97Figure 9. Air flow in the 16 pipe and
atmospheric air temperature. A positive velocity
indicates air was moving into the pipe a
negative velocity means air was moving out.
Periods of inward flow are shaded green periods
of outward flow are shaded yellow.
98Figure 10. Daily average air temperature at
Cranbrook airport in May 2006. Monitoring
station was entered safely on May 8, 2006.
99Figure 11. Bare spots in the snow covering the
dump, March 2007.
100Water and Mining
- All mines must deal with water
- Surface precipitation (rain and/or snow)
- Ground water flows (in and out of mining area)
- Two main methods of Mining
- Underground
- Open Pit
- Underground types of mining
- Unsupported
- Supported
- Caving
101Water and Mining
- Broken rock provides fissures for water
percolation - Much higher specific surface area of exposed rock
- Sulfides react with air (O2) and water to produce
sulfuric acid - Acid leaches metals from the ore and waste
102Water and Processing
- Stages
- Liberation
- Crushing
- Grinding
- Mineral Separation/Beneficiation
- Flotation
- Gravity Separation
- Magnetic Separation
- Hydrometallurgy
- Metals Extraction
- Leaching
- Electrowinning/electrorefining
- Pyrometallurgy
- Roasting
- Smelting
103Water and Mining
- Mines must control water flow into mine
- Contaminated water is always being pumped from
mine - With surface mining, often must drawdown ground
water-table in adjacent neighbourhood
104Water and Processing
- Water is required by virtually all processes
- To move material (pumping slurry)
- To separate ore minerals from waste
- To recover/extract metals from ore (leaching)
- Typical fresh water use 1 t / t of ore
- Recycling practices are used to
- Reduce fresh water use
- Provide sufficient water in arid climates
105Water and Processing
- Liberation
- Crushing
- Grinding
106Water and Processing
- Mineral Separation/Beneficiation
- Flotation
- Gravity Separation
- Magnetic Separation
107Water and Processing
- Reagents added to treat ores
- Flotation
- Collectors hydrophobicity (10-500 g/t)
- Frothers stabilize bubble formation (5-25 g/t)
- Depressants hydrophillicity (25 - 1,000 g/t)
- Activators bridge between mineral surface and
collector - (500 - 2,000 g/t)
- Dewatering
- Flocculants 1 - 10 g/t
- Dewatering Aids 1 - 10 g/t
- Hydrometallurgy
- Gold and precious metals (cyanide)
- Uranium ores (alkalis or
acid) - Copper ores (sulfuric
acid) - Zinc electrowinning (sulfuric acid)
108Water and Processing
Organic collectors
Amyl Xanthate
109Water and Processing
Inorganic collectors
110Water and Processing
Inorganic depressants
111Water and Processing
Inorganic activators
112Water and Processing
113Water and Processing
- Hydrometallurgy
- cyanidation
Elsner's equation
Park's equation
114Water and Processing
- Dewatering
- Separates solids from liquids
- Thickeners and filters
- Also clarifiers
- Needed for
- Saving pumping water costs
- Protecting the environment
- Preparing leach solutions for metal recovery
115Forms of Pollution
- Suspended Solids
- Dissolved metals and ion species
- Copper
- Zinc
- Aluminum
- Manganese
- Iron
- Can be complex ions such as cyanides
116Practices to Minimize and/or Eliminate
- Use dry processing (creates dust)
- Recover free material as coarse as possible
(gravity/magnetic) - Use as little fresh water as much as possible
(recycling) - Reduce water flows through mine areas (diversion)
- Treat effluent that must be discharged
117Dealing with Legacy Sites
- Britannia Beach
- Look for ways to become sustainable
- Look for ways to pay for pollution elimination
- Anticipate future standards
- Design for closure
118Energy Audits and Water Balances
- Reduce energy use
- Create geothermal resource
- Examine ways to reduce water use
- Recycling water back into aquifer
- Water energy
- Metal pollution occurs at nearly all mines
- Prevent pollution during operation
- Plan for closure
- Monitor and treat
120The real price of gold since 1300 A.D.
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123Gold and the U.S. Dollar
124Gold Price 1995-2007
125Platinum Price 1992-2007
126Silver Price 1995-2007
127Palladium Price 1992-2007
128Copper Price 2002-2007
129Copper LME Stocks 2002-2007
130Lead Price 2002-2007
131Lead LME Stocks 2002-2007
132Nickel Price 2002 - 2007
133Nickel LME Stocks 2002 - 2007
134Zinc Price 2002 - 2007
135Zinc LME Stocks 2002 - 2007
136Aluminum Price 2002-2007
137Aluminum LME Stocks 2002 - 2007
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139Gold Associated with Quartz
140Pouring a Gold Bar
141Canadian Diamonds
142Reclamation at Bluebell
143Reclamation at BullMoose
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145Native Plants at Quintette
146Tailings Reclamation at CVRD-Inco
147Antamina Tailings Dam