Title: WP8: Valuation Online Deliverables
1WP8 ValuationOnline Deliverables
- Sumaila and all members of WP8
WP1 Workshop Data Tools Outreach May 16-19,
2WP8 team members
- Claire Armstrong, UiT, Norway
- Ratana Chuenpagdee, CDC, Thailand
- Moenieba Isaacs, UWC, South Africa
- Kungwan Juntarashote, CDC, Thailand
- Kevin Stephanus, UNAM, Namibia
- Abbie Trinidad, PRIMEX-FAME, Philippines
- Sheila Heymans, Namibia UBC
- Patricia Susan Alexander, UNAM
- Jannike Falk-Petersen, UiT, Norway
- Rashid Sumaila, UNAMUBC.
3WP8 objectives
- Provide social economic data to the INCOFISH
Db - Value marine ecosystem goods and services
- Develop economic and social indicators of
ineffective management - Develop policy options for sustainable coastal
resources management - Publish at least 5 papers in the primary
4 Economic Social Database
- Coastal stakeholders by country
- Economic information
- Ex-vessel prices by taxon by country by year
- Cost of fishing by country by gear type
- non-market values by country.
- Coastal institutions management mechanisms by
country - Global database summary by country.
5Coastal stakeholders by country
- Fishers subsistence, artisanal, recreational
- Fishworkers
- Fishing Industries
- NGOs
- Unions
- Researchers scientists, economists, social
- Fish mammas sellers/traders.
6 Ex-vessel prices
- Point portal to SAUP website
7 Cost of fishing
Region Country Gear type Fixed costs Variable costs References/notes
Africa Namibia Wet fish trawlers
Freezer trawlers
Purse seiners
Asia Thailand Bottom trawl
Purse seiners
8 Non-market Data structure
- Title, year, author
- Country and district
- Ecosystem/species studied
- Type of publication
- Valuation technique used
- Results
- Policy implications/recommendations, if any.
9Market Values Market Values Non Market Values Non Market Values
Fisheries in US Tourism w/ Coral Reefs Coral Reefs in US Coral Reefs in US Application
Country CVM TC
Thailand 7.18 205.4 m Phi phi
Belize 527 Belize
Belize 219 Belize
N. Antilles 115 Bonaire
Philippines 3.7 Anilao
Philippines 5.5 Mactan Island
Australia 136 million GBR
Indonesia 3.8 billion
Philippines 52.7 million
Jamaica 7.49 million 210 m
Vietnam 17.9 million
Malaysia 4.2 Pulau Payar
Mexico 11 million Red snapper in Gulf of Mexico
Philippines 15 billion MER
Cambodia 233 million
10 Coastal Institutions
- Point portal to SAUP website
11 Management mechanisms
Mechanisms Thailand Namibia SAfrica Angola Norway
Input Restrictions Gear restrictions x ? ? ? x
Area Restrictions ? ? ? ? x
Time restrictions x ? ? ? x
Entrance restrictions x1 x ? ? x
Bycatch restrictions ? x ? ? x
Output restrictions TACs ? x x ? x2
IQs ? x x ? x
Bycatch regulations ? x ? ? x
Market mechanisms Taxes ? x3 ? ? -
ITQs ? x4 ? ? x5
Subsidies ? x6 ? ? x7
Management forms Top down ? x ? ? x
Bottom up ? - ? x
Local management x8 - ? -
Transparency of allocations ? - ? x
Catch Monitoring Offshore ? x ? ? x
Onshore ? ? ? ? x
Inspectors aboard ? x ? ? -
12 Management mechanisms
Thailand Namibia SAfrica Angola Norway
Stock assessment Single species x x x x x
Ecosystem x
Social parameters
Economic parameters
13 Global database summary
Country LSF catch (t) SSF catch (t) SSF values (US) SS fishers Aqua (t)
Albania 2,365 271 665,796 119 500
Algeria 99,936 3,105 7,620,288 1,362 99
Amer Samoa 2,017 132 323,931 84 0
Angola 285,636 50,420 123,625,859 25,500 0
Antigua Barb 1,435 2,527 5,933,263 1,088 0
Argentina 675,093 8,184 20,084,235 1,690 24,393
14Summary of top ten countries
Number Coastal population Large-scale fisheries production Small-scale fisheries production Aquaculture production Fisheries and aquaculture employee of tourism
1 Argentina Peru Indonesia China Main China Main France
2 Australia China Main Japan Japan India Spain
3 Bahamas Indonesia India Egypt Indonesia USA
4 Bahrain Russian Fed Viet Nam Korea, South Bangladesh Italy
5 Bangladesh Chile China Main Greece Viet Nam China Main
6 Barbados Japan Chile Turkey Philippines United Kingdom
7 Belgium India Philippines Italy Myanmar Malaysia
8 Belize Norway USA-Alaska Spain Nigeria Russian Fed
9 Benin USA-Alaska Canada Indonesia Thailand Germany
10 Brazil Iceland Venezuela France Russian Fed Canada
15 Thanks for your attention