Title: USJFCOM Joint Data Strategy Initiatives Fall SIW September 2005
1USJFCOM Joint Data Strategy InitiativesFall
SIWSeptember 2005
- Ms. Leslie WintersUSJFCOM J6Ileslie.winters_at_jfco
- To share information on USJFCOM efforts to
improve Joint interoperability through
implementation of the DoD Net-Centric Data
- DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy
- JFCOM Data Strategy Implementation
- Time Sensitive Targeting (TST) Pilot COI
- Summary
- Relevance to SISO C4I Forum
4DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy
- Ensure data is
- Visible
- Accessible
- Understandable
- Trusted
- Interoperable
- Responsive
Describes content using metadata Posts metadata
in catalogs and data in shared space
Shared Data Space
COI / Developer
Posts to and uses metadata registries to
structure data and document formats for reuse and
Advancing from point-to-point to
many-to-many typical of a net-centric data
5Publishing and Subscribing to Data Services
System B
Data exchanged across engineered, well-defined
System A
Known User of System A Data
Publish Structural and Semantic Metadata
Publish Data and Services
DoD Metadata Registry
All Data Assets are Tagged with DDMS Metadata
Pull Structural and Semantic Metadata
Pull Data and/or invoke services
DoD Service Registry
DDMS Compliant Metacards
DoD Discovery Catalogs
Query Catalogs and Registry
User X
Shared Space
Unanticipated User of System A Data
6 Blue Force Tracking Prototype Service
BFT Concept of Operations
1. Provider (e.g. Army FBCB2) locates BFT
Service. 2. Provider registers with BFT
Service. 3. Consumer (e.g. Air Operations
Center) locates BFT Service. 4. Consumer
subscribes to BFT Service. 5. Provider posts
BFT info to BFT Service. 6. BFT Service delivers
info to every subscribed consumer, including
unanticipated users.
7JFCOM Data Strategy Implementation
- Per JROCM 199-04, JFCOM will
- Establish COIs focused on tactical/operational
joint command and control to provide a venue for
facilitation of data strategy implementation
activities. - Initial Efforts Centered on Pilot COIs within
JBMC2 - Time Sensitive Targeting (TST) Pilot COI - USAF
- Blue Force Tracking (BFT) Pilot COI - USA
- Scoping Larger Task of a Joint Data Strategy
- COIs/implementation efforts within JBMC2
- COIs/implementation efforts with JFCOM interest
or ownership - Management structure/process
- Joint Data Standards
Goal is to improve Joint interoperability through
implementation of the Net-Centric Data Strategy
8JC2 Transition
Reasonable vertical interoperability, but limited
horizontal interoperability
Migrate to a single joint C2 architecture
USJFCOM provides oversight and sponsorship of
Joint C2 requirements/ capabilities JROCM 167-03,
22Aug03 -- ORD approval authority, for non-KPP
adjustments, delegated to USJFCOM
Support joint C2 rqmnts/capabilities from NMCS
thru JF commander to components Organized along 8
joint Mission Capability Packages and
cross-functional services
Block II
9JBMC2 Joint Mission Threads
Data Strategy Pilots
Sept 30
Joint Mission Threads Joint Close Air
Support Joint Task Force Command Control
(JTFC2) Integrated Air / Missile Defense
(IADM) Time Sensitive Targeting (TST) Joint
Ground Maneuver (JGM) Integrated Fires
(IF) Focused Logistics (FL)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014
10Joint Time Sensitive Targeting (TST) Pilot COI
11The Joint TST Kill Chain
- Accepted TST kill chain
- Find
- Fix
- Track
- Target
- Engage
- Assess
- Sequential data processing with gray-matter
fusion filling in gaps - Information overload environment We work the
data, but the data doesnt work for us!
12Time-Sensitive Target Process Flow
13Joint TST COI Objectives
- Objectives
- Implement the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy
- Decrease time through the TST kill chain
- Increase TST situational awareness
(Pilot effort will work on a subset to build
initial vocabularies and services, demonstrate
the concept, and inform emerging capabilites.)
14Community of Interest Role
- Per DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy, COIs will
- - Populate the network with all data.
- - Support interoperabilityuse DoD Metadata
Registry. - Provide discovery metadata, in accordance with
the DoD Discovery Metadata Standards for all data
posted to shared spaces. - Establish and maintain (Metadata) catalogs.
- - Identify data assets (authoritative sources)
and services. - - Create shared spaces and data access services.
- - Develop community understandingontology.
- Publicize authoritative data to DoD.
- Determine the appropriate focus and level of data
15Pilot TST COI Membership
- USAF AFC2ISRC (Co-Director)
- US Joint Forces Command (Co-Director)
- Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
- US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
- US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)
- Joint SIAP System Engineering Organization
(JSSEO) - US Army
- PEO Missiles and Space (MS)
- PEO Aviation
- PM Air Missile Defense Command Control
Systems - PEO C3T
- Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense
- USN PEO Integrated Warfare Systems (IWS)
- Strong partnerships with
16TST Pilot COI Organization
JBMC2 BoD Oversight
Information Workflow
Data Tags Model
Web Services LOEs
Dr. Bob Miller, MITRE Dan Winkowski, MITRE Maj.
Boadway, AFC2ISRC
Mike Shifflett JFCOM J87 Tim Eveleigh JS J2T
Paul Kim Chris Kaprielian, ESC Hanscom AFB,
17TST Pilot COI Panel Deliverables
- Sponsors/Leads
- MOU/MOA with selected data sources (maintenance
and support) - Charter
- Architecture Products OV-1, AV-1
- Data Producers Consumers
- Information Flow for TST Pilot COI
- Authoritative Data Sources Identification
- Architecture Products OV-2, OV-3, OV-5
- Vocabulary Metadata Schemas
- Standardize Joint TST Vocabulary
- TST Pilot COI Data Model and Tagging Schema
- Demonstrations/Tests
- Architecture Products AV-2, OV-7, SV-11
- Information Space
- COI Service to access the TST Pilot COI Data
- Demonstrations/Tests
- Architecture Products OV-6c, SV-5, SV-10c,
18Pilot TST COI Panel Synchronization
Kick Off May 5/6
MID Pilot COI Conference
Final Pilot COI Conference
Prod / Consumer Iteration 1.0
Prod / Consumer Iteration 1.1
Register / Transition
Vocab 1.0 Schema 1.0
Vocab 1.1 Schema 1.1
Vocab 1.2 Schema 1.2
Services 1.1
Services 1.2
Services 1.0
19Pilot TST COI Schedule
06 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
COI Statement /Charter / MOU
CONOPS/TTP/etc Review
Warfighter Analysis Workshops
1 2 3
Vocabulary Development
1 2 3
- LOEs
- JSIC In-House
- Trident Warrior 06
XML Schema delivery(s)
Services Development
JEFX 06 Spirals
TST Data Services COI Registration
06 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
20TST Scenario IM Flow
21TST Scenario IM Flow (contd)
22TST Specific Services
- Weapon-target-pairing
- De-confliction
- Fratricide avoidance
- Kill boxes
- Validation
- Target cueing
- Common Grid Reference Systems (CGRS)
- Orchestration
- Association
- Operations context
23Initial COI Recommendations
- Sequence panel work efforts based upon products
produced / needed by each panel - - COI Leads
- Problem Definition Scope
- - Producers/Consumers Panel
- Identify Systems, Warfighter input
- - Vocabulary Panel
- Identify initial data model direction
- - Info Services/Experimentation Panel
- Identify initial services for development and
- experimentation
24Initial COI Recommendations
- Establish a defined set of deliverables to be
produced, using standards-based language and
models (DoDAF, UML, etc) - Establish a shared workspace for all
communications and deliverables that is easily
accessed by all participants - Ensure Warfighter / SME involvement throughout
the process
25Initial COI Recommendations
- Establish core group within each panel who are
committed to heavy lifting -
- Ensure key stakeholders/agencies actively
participate - Foster vertical and horizontal understanding
commitment to effort within participating
agencies - Maintain awareness of other COI efforts
- DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy mandates a new
approach to interoperability - Make data visible, accessible, understandable,
etc. - Many-to-Many interfaces
- Unanticipated Users
- Communities of Interest
- USJFCOM, others implementing the NCDS to improve
Joint interoperability - Pilot COIs within JBMC2
- Gather lessons learned, implementation guidance
- Inform NCES,JC2, other programs of record
- Developing a Joint Data Strategy
27Relevance Recommendations for SISO C4I Forum
- MS will interoperate with C4I systems according
to the principles of the NCDS - MS community must participate in C4I efforts to
implement the NCDS - Share valuable interoperability lessons learned
- Demonstrate/maintain MS relevance
- Recommend SISO identify and partner with C4I
interoperability efforts - COIs
- C4I standards efforts
29Related COI Efforts
- Blue Force Tracking COI
- Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance COI
- Joint Air and Missile Defense COI
- JGA Geospatial COIs
- C2 Space and Situational Awareness COI
- Modeling and Simulation COI
30DoD Metadata Registry
- One Stop Publish Subscribe for
- Build Time Structural Metadata Registration
- Pulling Re-usable Data Components
- Information Community Management
- XML Gallery
- Supporting
- Database Structures
- Reference Sets
- XML Structures
- Taxonomies
- Transformations
Purpose visibility and re-use
31 DoD Discovery Metadata Spec (DDMS)
- EO 13356 Coordination
- (Sharing of Terrorism Info)
- DoD
- IC
- Justice
Registered in Data Catalog(s)
32Use Case Description (OV-5)
Net-Centric Enterprise Services
Increment 1
Spiral 1
User Assistant
Enterprise Services Mgmt
P/S/R Enterprise Messages
Discovery Of Services
ID Authenticate
Assist User/Entity
Store/ Retrieve Info
Establish Collaboration Session
Application Hosting
Provide Integrated Service Mgmt
Data Transfor- mation
Access Control/Data Integrity
Capacity Planning
P/S/R Presence Information
Discovery Of Content
Information Transfor- mation
Provide Performance Quality
P/S/R Alerts by Topic
Plan Storage Capacity
Subscribe To Information
Testing, Staging, Deployment
Share Whiteboard/ Application
Key Mgmt Encryption
Discovery Of Metadata
Workflow Coordination
Monitor Enterprise Config.
P/S/R Notifications
Allocate Storage Resources
Security Awareness
User Profiling
Share Files Docs
Configure Admin.
Discovery Of Persons
Language Translation
Policy Mgmt
Chat/Instant Messaging
Manage Services
Provision/ Load Balance
Read/Send /Manage E-mail
Encryption /Data Protection
Configure Admin.
Publish/ Subscribe Information
Assist w/ Smart Agent
Data Fusion Correlation
Audio/Video Sessions
Security Policy Enforcement
Vulnerability Assessment OS Security
Manage Profiles
Taxonomy /Ontology Mgmt
Establish/ Manage Virtual Team
Information Aggregation
Browse Message Boards
Click Stream Analysis
P/S/R Publish/ Subscribe/ Receive
Intrusion Prevention Detection
Fail-over Recovery
Transcribe Collaboration
Metadata /Schema Registration Mgmt
Provide Negotiation Services
Provide Feedback On Service Quality
Configure Admin.
Multi- Domain/Enclave Security
Configure Admin.
33NCES Schedule for Increment 1
34Proposed JC2 Federated Development and
Operational Piloting Environment
Developmental Piloting Environment
Development Environment
- Operational Demonstration
- Govt CM
- NetOps Validation add scalability and SLA
maintainability - Others
- Candidate ECM Development
- Developer CM
- Developer Test
- Initial security certification
- ECM Integration
- Govt CM
- Performance Testing
- NetOps validation including security and
Management - ECM DTE
- Early Mil Utility Assessment
- Others
- JC2 Operational Baseline
- Operations, Maintenance evaluation for
Candidate ECM
Improve Replace
ECM Drop
Improve or Discard
Operational Capability Module (OCM)
Evaluation Capability Module (ECM)
Federated Development and Certification
NetOps for Operational Services