Title: Ethnic, language, religious group
1Ethnic, language, religious group
- Use of 2000 census recommendations and proposals
for improvement
2Ethnic group
Total 46 countries Number of countries of total
Ethnic group total 29 63
According to recommendations 25 86
Other approach 4 16
3Language group
Total 46 countries Number of countries of total
Language group total 35 76
Mother tongue 21 60
Main language 3 8
Most spoken language 11 31
Knowledge of language 19 54
4Religious group
Total 46 countries Number of countries of total
Religious group total 24 52
Formal membership 6 25
Religious belief 9 38
Participation in religious practice - 0
Other concepts 9 38
5Proposals ethnic group
- Enlarge paragraph on ethnic groups
- Proposal of a definition
- Insist on the distinction from questions on
language, religion and nationality (in the sense
of citizenship!) - Delete notion of national group (?)
- Insist on the need for explanation of concepts
and documentation of classification procedures - Introduce optional question on ethnic
origin/ancestry - Adress issue of children from mixed marriages and
problem of multiple identiites - What about registers can data on ethnicity be
collected through registers (?)
6Proposals language groups
- Insist on need for clear spelling out definitions
during field work and documentation of
classification procedures - Drop priority of main language before mother
tongue and priority of spoken language before
knowledge of languages - Propose a common classification of languages?
- What about registers Can they give information
on language?
7Proposals religious groups
- Change list of proposed questions drop question
on practices. - Introduce questions on identification with
community or denomination and question on
denomination in which a person was brought up - Possibility to answer none
- Insist on need for documentation of
classifications - Propose a common classification of religious
denominations (?) - What about registers can they give information
on religion?