Title: Irrelevant topics in Physics (Part II)
1Irrelevant topicsin Physics (Part II)
2Three more topics
- Plus-size numbers
- Theyre just big boned, more to love really
- Venn-diagrams
- Forget everything youve forgotten about them
from third-grade - Football betting
- Did I mention Im from Vegas?
3Really really big numbers
- First a contest!
- Write the largest number you can think of on the
note card. - Use standard mathematical functions or define
your own. - The number must be verifiably finite and
computable. - The number must be completely defined on the card.
4Progression of expression
- First-grader
- Third-grader
- Sixth-grader
- Twelfth-grader
5What's next ?
- Addition, multiplication and exponentiation are
simply higher orders of the same function
6Time to think big
- The idea is not to generate the largest number,
per se, but rather the largest growing
function... - Many different styles Conways chained arrow,
hyper-geometric, and of course Knuths up-arrow
7Knuths Up-Arrow notation
- Each arrow starting from exponentiation forms the
higher operators
8Knuths Up-Arrow notationNumerical examples
Note that the operator is right-associative
9Knuths Up-Arrow notationMore arrows!
- Clearly we can grow larger numbers by simply
adding more arrows onto the expression
10Why are big numbers so awesome?
- We have primitive brains
- For small numbers we can only think spatially,
four cows, three hens etc - Abstract numerical systems allow us understand
larger quantities - If you build it .
- Large numbers systems were invented because of
their necessity. For example
11Grahams number
- Grahams number is so big that even Knuths up
arrow notation is insufficient to contain it. It
is the best known upper-bound to the problem
Consider an n-dimensional hypercube, and connect
each pair of vertices to obtain a complete graph
on 2n vertices. Then color each of the edges of
this graph using only the colors red and black.
What is the smallest value of n for which every
possible such coloring must necessarily contain a
single-colored complete sub-graph with 4 vertices
which lie in a plane?
12Grahams number, G
- This is an upper bound to the problem. It has
been proven that the lower bound solution is at
least 11. The authors state that there is, some
room for improvement.
13Venn Diagrams! (originally invented by Euler)
You, at the conclusion of this talk
14Formal definition of a Venn Diagram
- Let C C1, C2, ..., Cn be a collection of
simple closed curves drawn in the plane. The
collection C is said to be an independent family
if the region formed by the intersection of X1,
X2, ..., Xn is nonempty, where each Xi is either
int(Ci ) (the interior of Ci ) or is ext(Ci )
(the exterior of Ci ). - If, in addition, each such region is connected
and there are only finitely many points of
intersection between curves, then C is a Venn
diagram, or an n-Venn diagram if we wish to
emphasize the number of curves in the diagram. - In other words every subset built from a
collection of n objects has to be represented
only once .
15Venn or not Venn?
Not Venn as A U B is not represented, this is
still known as an Euler diagram
16Converting diagrams to graphs
Constructing graphs allows different Venn
diagrams of the same order to be
compared. Diagrams are isomorphic if their graphs
are Isomorphic.
17Special Venn Diagrams Minimum
- Number of vertices in the graph is no more than
18Special Venn Diagrams Symmetric
- Must display n-fold symmetry.
- Can be shown that these only exist when n is
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21Football betting
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Which squares are better and by how much?
- Should some squares cost more?
- Are you more likely to be a win or lose?
- Is the post-season different from regular season?
22Football for squares
- Data collection wrote script to dump all scores
from 1994-2007 season (no box scores were found
pre-1994). - Partitioned data into regular season and post
(wildcard, playoffs and Super Bowl) games. - Took into account home-field advantage 07 is
different from 70, with the first score the home
team (irrelevant in games where neither team has
home field advantage). - Each score (x,y) was given an expected value
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