Title: Arthurs Reading Race
1Arthurs Reading Race
Created By Agatha Lee July 2008
Ignore means to NOT pay attention.
My mother told me to ignore my baby brothers
crying. Would you ignore a phone ringing? Would
you ignore a T.V. commercial?
What are some reasons to ignore something? Why
might you ignore a friend? Would you be happy
or sad if someone chose to ignore you?
Dangerous means something that is likely to cause
harm or injury.
Alligators are dangerous animals. Would it be
more dangerous to jump rope or jump off a
trampoline? Is it dangerous to ride your bicycle
without a helmet?
Name some things that might be dangerous.
What types of dangerous things are shown on
television? What animals do you know about that
are dangerous?
Style means you have a certain way of doing
The teacher told the student to practice his
reading style. My running style is slow and
Name someone whose singing style you like. If
someone reads slowly and never changes his or her
voice, then would the persons reading style be
interesting? Why or why not?
Passion means you do something with energy and
strong feelings.
My mother read with such passion that I couldnt
wait for her to read it again. Do you have a
passion for playing soccer? Is your passion to
create things out of Legos?
What are some things you do with passion?
Would you be excited or bored doing something you
have a passion for?
Challenge means you ask someone to be in a
D.W. accepted Arthurs challenge to read ten
words. Would you want to challenge someone to
jump rope fifty times or read fifty words? Would
you challenge your teacher to a race?
If you were playing in a pool, what might you
challenge your friends to do? What if you were
playing in a yard? How might you feel if you
were challenged to do something you are good
at? What if you were challenged to do something
you arent good at?
Underestimate means when you think that something
will be easier than it really is.
Arthur underestimated D.W. Have you ever
underestimated how long it would take you to do
your homework? Did you underestimate how long it
would take you to clean your room?
What might happen if you are walking your dog
and you underestimate how strong your dog is?
Why could it be hurtful to underestimate someone?
Proficient means you are very good at doing
Arthur became a proficient reader by reading all
the time. Is it more likely for a child to be
a proficient pilot or a proficient student? What
are you proficient at?
Name some things you are proficient at
doing. What could you do to make yourself
proficient at playing a sport? What is a
proficient reader able to do?
Heed means to pay attention. It means you will
listen to a warning and use it to help you do
Arthur did not heed the warning on the Wet
Paint sign. Which are you more likely to
heed- a warning from a parent or a warning from a
What could happen if you didnt heed a warning
about a dangerous situation? Tell about a time
when it was important to heed someones advice.
26My mom _______________ how long it would take to
clean the house. A. heed B. underestimated C.
proficient D. challenged
27Is it ___________ to play with matches? A.
style B. ignore C. passion D. dangerous
28Mrs. Gabriel has a ________ for art. A.
style B. proficient C. passion D. heed
29The teacher tried to _________ the loud
children. A. ignore B. heed C. dangerous D.
30It would be smart to _______ a warning from your
parents. A. passion B. challenge C. heed D.
31Are you _______ at playing the piano? A.
dangerous B. passion C. challenge D. proficient
32My sister _________ me to a pie-eating
contest. A. challenged B. ignored C. heed D.
33Mo Willems has a unique writing ________. A.
passion B. proficient C. style D. dangerous