Title: Rocks: Records of Geologic Processes
1Rocks Records of Geologic Processes
- Rock Families
- Igneous Rocks
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Metamorphic Rocks
- The Rock Cycle
2All a Geologist wants to do is
- 1. To figure out how all the rocks every- where
were formed - 2. And understand all these processes
- 3. So that we can understand
- Earths history,
- Find fuel mineral resources,
- Solve environmental problems
- Protect ourselves from natural hazards!
- A naturally-occurring solid aggregate of
minerals. - It can be made of just 1 mineral (mono-mineralic)
- - marble, limestone
- Or of many minerals (poly-mineralic)
- - granite, sandstone, slate
4Rocks are identified by
- 1. TEXTURE - grain size shape
- Fine grained - can not see individual grains
- Coarse grained - can see individual grains
- Grain shape - rounded or angular
- Grain arrangement - floating, inter-locked, etc.
- 2. COMPOSITION - chemistry
- Percent SiO2
- Mg/Fe, Na/K, presence of H2O, etc.
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6Rock Cycle and the Earth System
7Three Families of Rocks
8Igneous Rocks - born of fire
- Rocks formed by the crystallization of magma
- Cool below the surface - INTRUSIVE/PLUTONIC -
slow cooling
Cool at surface - EXTRUSIVE/VOLCANIC - fast
9Igenous Rocks - formed from the crystallization
of magma
10Sedimentary Rocks
- Rocks formed by
- consolidation of pieces of previously existing
rocks - chemical precipitation from solution
- Material is deposited in BEDs, buried
compacted/cemented to form rock
11Weathering, Erosion, Transportation, Deposition,
Burial, Lithification.
12Sedimentary rocks
- 5 by volume of the upper crust
- 75 by area of continents
- Often the only record of geologic events
- e.g. Himalaya will someday be sandstone
13Metamorphic Rocks
- Rocks formed by the transformation of
previously-existing rocks in the solid state due
to increased temperature pressure and fluids.
14Kinds of Metamorphism, etc.
- All rock families can be altered
- Change is in mineralogy texture in the solid
state! - Foliation recrystallization
- Thermal range is between 250 - 7000 C
- Regional metamorphism is progressive so earlier
assemblages are overprinted by later ones - Contact is related to the size of the intrusion
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16Proportions of the Rock Types
17We see bedrock in outcrops drilled cores.
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26The end