Title: Image Compression Using Space-Filling Curves
1Image Compression Using Space-Filling Curves
- Michal Krátký, Tomáš Skopal, Václav Snášel
- Department of Computer Science, VÅ B-Technical
University of OstravaCzech Republic
2Presentation Outline
- Motivation
- Properties of Space-Filling Curves (SFC)
- Experiments
- lossless compression (RLE, LZW)
- lossy compression (delta compression)
- Conclusions
3Space-Filling Curves
- bijective mapping of an n-dimensional vector
space into a single-dimensional interval - Computer Science discrete finite vector spaces
- clustering tool in Data Engineering, indexing,
4Space-Filling Curves (examples)
- Traditional methods of image processing
scanning rows or columns, i.e. along the C-curve -
- Our assumption other scanning paths could
improve the compression and could decrease errors
when using lossy compression
6Images scanned along SFC
7Properties of SFC
- SFCs partially preserve topological properties of
the vector space. The topological (metric)
quality of SFCPoints close in the vector
space are also close on the curve. - Two anomalies in a SFC shape
- distance enlargements in every SFC
- symmetry of SFCcorrelation of anomalies in all
dimensions - jumping factornumber of distance shrinking
occurences(jumps over neighbours)
8SFC symmetry, jumping factor
Symmetry C-curve Snake lt Random lt Z-curve lt
Spiral lt Hilbert Jumping factor Hilbert
Spiral Snake lt C-curve lt Z-curve lt Random
9Experiments, lossless compression
- neighbour color redundancy, applicability to RLE
10Experiments, lossless compression
- pattern redundancy, applicability to LZW
11Experiments, lossy compression
- delta compression, 6-bit delta ? delta histograms
- Max. deltas
- error pixels
- Tall bell
- low entropy
12Experiments, lossy compression
- visualization of error pixels (all color
13Experiments, lossy compression
- visualization of error pixels (all color
14Experiments, lossy compression
- entropy evaluation ? arithmetical coding
- Choice of a suitable SFC can positively affect
the compression rate (or entropy) as well as the
quality of lossy compression. - Experiments symmetric curves with low (zero)
jumping factor are the most appropriate ? Hilbert