Title: Complexity Research Why and How
1Complexity Research Why and How
Sorin Solomon Racah Institute of Physics HUJ
Israel Director, Complex Multi-Agent Systems
Division, ISI TurinDirector, Lagrange
Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Excellence In
Sorin Solomon, Racah Institute of Physics HUJ
Israel Director, Complex Multi-Agent Systems
Division, ISI Turin
Director, Lagrange Interdisciplinary Lab for
Excellence In Complexity
MORE IS DIFFERENT (Anderson 72)(more is more
than more) Complex Macroscopic properties are
often the collective effect of many simple
microscopic components (and independent on
their details)
- Phil Anderson Real world is controlled
- by the exceptional, not the mean
- by the catastrophe, not the steady drip
- by the very rich, not the middle class.
we need to free ourselves from
average thinking.
3Misfit was always assigned to the neglect of
specific details.We show it was rather due to
the neglect of the discreteness. Once taken in
account gt complex adaptive collective objects.
even in the worse conditions
Sorin Solomon, Racah Institute of Physics HUJ
Israel andDirector of the Complex Multi-Agent
Systems Division, ISI Turin
Lagrange Laboratory for Excellence In Complexity
at ISI Torino support for students
and researchers General Integration Action in
Complexity Science 12 Specific Targeted
Research Projects in Complexity (CO3)
MORE IS DIFFERENT (Anderson 72)(more is more
than more) Complex Macroscopic properties may
be the collective effect of many simple
microscopic components (and independent on
their details)
5The Multi-Agent Complex Systems Paradigm MICRO -
the relevant microscopic degrees of
freedom INTER - their fundamental
interactions MACRO - the macroscopic
emerging collective objects
- Intrinsically (3x) interdisciplinary
- MICRO belongs to one science
- MACRO to another science
- Mechanisms statistical mechanics (?)
phase transitions, scale
The challenge
transcend traditional disciplinary research
Complexity Research More than a juxtaposition
of expertises a new grammar with new
interrogative forms allowing
the formulation of new questions. Grow a new
generation of bi- or multi-lingual scientists.
6 MORE IS DIFFERENT Complex Systems Paradigm
MICRO - the relevant elementary
agents INTER - their basic, simple
interactions MACRO - the emerging
collective objects
- Intrinsically (3x) interdisciplinary
- MICRO belongs to one science
- MACRO to another science
- Mechanisms a third science
Sorin Solomon, Racah Institute of Physics HUJ
Israel Complex Multi-Agent Systems Division, ISI
TurinLagrange Interdisciplinary Lab for
Excellence In Complexity
MORE IS DIFFERENT (Anderson 72)(more is more
than more) Complex Macroscopic properties may
be the collective effect of many simple
microscopic components (and independent on
their details)
- Phil Anderson Real world is controlled
- by the exceptional, not the mean
- by the catastrophe, not the steady drip
- by the very rich, not the middle class.
we need to free ourselves from average
8Simplest Example of a More is Different
Water level vs. temperature
TRANSITIONMore is different a single molecule
does not boil at 100C0
9Example of MORE IS DIFFERENT transition in
Finance Instead of Water Level -economic
index(Dow-Jones etc)
Crash result of collective behavior of
individual traders
10Systems, Organisms health,
perception self-non-self recognition
chemotaxis, metabolism
DNA chains, proteins reproduction,evolution,syn
almost free particles
Social groups
Anderson abstractization
Herds, Crashes
Cognition, perception
Statistical Mechanics Phase Transition
12Instead of temperature (energy /
matter) Exchange rate/interest rate Value At
Risk / liquid funds Equity Price /
Dividends Equity Price / fundamental
value Taxation (without representation)/ Tea
13Product Propagation
Bass extrapolation formula vs microscopic
Actual sales
CARS in USA 1895-1930
Reality curves
14Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
15Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
16Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
17Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
18Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
19Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
20Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
21Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
22Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
23Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
24Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
25Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
26Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
27Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
28Microscopic view of a water drop a network of
linked water molecules
29The water drop becomes vapors the network splits
in small clusters
30The water drop becomes vapors the network splits
in small clusters
31The water drop becomes vapors the network splits
in small clusters
32The water drop becomes vapors the network splits
in small clusters
33The water drop becomes vapors the network splits
in small clusters
34Boiling is not a physical property of particular
molecules but a generic property
of the cluster geometry
To understand, one does not need the details of
the interactions.
Rather one can prove theorems on what is the
density of links that ensures
the emergence or
disintegration of clusters
Phase Transition
35Product Propagation
Bass extrapolation formula vs microscopic
Actual sales
36Product Propagation
Bass extrapolation formula vs microscopic
Actual sales
Also Belief Propagation
37Product Propagation
Bass extrapolation formula vs microscopic
Actual sales
Also Belief Propagation
CARS in USA 1895-1930
Reality curves
38- Microscopic Customers and Macroscopic
Sales MICRO Customers, products / ideas /
information INTER purchase, inform, learn,
hear-say MACRO global trends, waves of sales
(e.g. Tamaguchi), hits, flops,
market fluctuations, anomalous diffusion
39Propagation effects - product propagation -
spread of ideas - epidemics - Internet
viruses - Social ills drugs, violence,
terror - Credit networks and bankruptcy
avalanches - production / trade practices -
real estate valuation - tax paying habits
40The Square Lattice is just for clarityThe
effects demonstrated are much more general
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46Density of potential adopters 26/48gt50
What Percent will actually
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53The Buyers are split in small clusters
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58The epidemics, bankruptcy avalanche, idea,
product spread is limited to one cluster
59Density of potential adopters
26/48gt50 What Percent will actually adopt? 7/48
lt 15
60Density of potential adopters
26/48gt50 What Percent will actually adopt? 7/48
lt 15
61Only 15 will actually adopt! But what if add
one more potential adopter?
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70If adds one more potential adopter 22 out of 27
potential adopters adopt 22/4846
71This is not just a fortuitous case for larger
systems the effect is even more dramatic
Adopters Density 55
74If lowering the price , or increasing quality,
or decreasing taxes or subsidizing adopters
(or affecting credit rate) etcone gains 5 more
potential adopters Thendensity of potential
adopters 60 How much will this increase the
actual adoption?
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8560 potential adopters
55 potential adopters
8660 potential adopters
55 potential adopters
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88Fractal Sales Prediction Tool for product
success (15/17)
89fractal space distribution
Prediction of campaign success (15/17)
Air-view of a sub-urban neighborhood crosses on
the roofs indicate air-conditioner purchase
90Market 'spikes' are seen by traders as freak
events.Physicists expect them
Small changes in product quality, price,
external conditions can produce large
effects(e.g. large market fluctuations) Small
deterioration in credit market can trigger large
waves of bankruptcies
91Market 'spikes' are seen by traders as freak
events.Physicists expect them
Lev Muchnik Phys. Scripta
92Levy, Solomon and Levy's Microscopic Simulation
of Financial Markets points us towards the
future of financial economics. If we restrict
ourselves to models which can be solved
analytically, we will be modeling for our mutual
entertainment, not to maximize explanatory or
predictive power."--HARRY M. MARKOWITZ, Nobel
Laureate in Economics
93Percolation transition
From non-sales at all to a lot of
sales Infinitely sharp at infinite size system
94- ALSO effects of
- Expectations Adaptation
- Self tunning to criticality
- Fractal fluctuations
- and correlations
95ALSO effects of Expectations Adaptation
Fractal space-time fluctuationsProduct Success
prediction (15/ 17)
96 Resistance
97 Resistance
98 Resistance
99 Resistance
100ANTI-Percolation Antivirus
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102Figure 1 Comparing infection process evolution
with (bottom) and without (top) immunization
edges. On the top the network is being infected
fully by the virus. On the bottom the virus
cluster is reduced by more than half by
introducing immunization edges. The blue (dark
green) edges represent the original network
(further immunization) edges. During the spread,
an edge is coloured in red (turquoise) if it was
used to infect (immunize) a node. In both cases
we present four snapshots of each network in
different times. In addition, we present the time
(t ) varying graphs for the cluster development
over time.
The blue, red and green lines are used to present
the size of the susceptible, infected and
immunized clusters, respectively. Note that in
the bottom set, initially in snapshots 1 and 2,
the virus cluster develops uninterruptedly until
the immunization agent manages to escape the
border of the virus cluster, in snapshot 3, and
start immunizing the network therefore the agent
manages to immunize most of the network even
though the virus had a head start.
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105Figure 2 Relative virus cluster size as a
function of immunization link density (loglog
scale). The dependence of the relative infected
cluster size on the relative edge addition q,
resulting from simulations over uncorrelated,
scale-free networks with power exponent -3, mean
degree 4 and network size 50,000200,000 nodes.
The ratio dependence shows a power-law form,
with an exponent close to -4/3. The error bars
present the 95 confidence interval.
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107Figure 5 Comparison of virus cluster sizes for
the random-edge and the honey-pot architectures.
The different sets present different relative
edge additions, q. The clusters in the random
case are always larger than the clusters in the
honey-pot case as the network size grows, so
does the gap between the two architectures. The
reason behind this is that, whereas in the random
case the cluster size remains fairly constant as
we vary the network size, in the honey-pot case
as the network grows, so does the effectiveness
of the honey pots. This effect is mostly noted in
the middle range of the density values where the
immunization has an effect but the virus cluster
is not extremely small. The error bars present
the 95 confidence interval. show a power-law
ratio dependence
Figure 6 The dependence of the virus cluster on
the degree distribution power exponent. We ran a
sensitivity analysis where we varied the power
exponent of the Pareto degree distribution
characterizing the underlying topology between
1.8 and 3, which includes all degree
distributions found in real scale-free networks.
As can be seen, the effectiveness of the
immunization process grows with the
power exponent, owing to the fact that lower
exponents entail a higher density of edges, which
allows the virus to advance faster. However, this
variation is still minor compared with variations
in the relative edge addition, q, and in the
architecture type, which are illustrated by the
different data sets presented. The error
bars present the 95 confidence interval. HP
honey pot.
108 Parallel Networks
Consumption home
Expectations work
109- Microscopic Investors and Macroscopic Crashes
/Power Laws
MICRO - Investors, individual capital ,shares
INTER - sell/buy orders, gain/loss
MACRO - social wealth distribution, market price
fluctuations (cycles, crushes,
booms, stabilization by noise)
110-Microscopic Concepts and Macroscopic Ideas MICRO
- concepts, connections between concepts INTER -
creating/deleting/activating connections between
- Microscopic Seers and Macroscopic Sight MICRO
- motion visual sensors for points and line
elements. INTER - time and space local data
integration. MACRO - Perception of 3 Dimensional
global structure.
111- Microscopic Picassos and Macroscopic Drawings
MICRO - local line / motion features, mental
states, mental eventsINTER - line breaks and
mind events(changes) vs line/mind inertia.MACRO
- drawing shapes, emergence of representational
- Microscopic Doctors and Macroscopic
Health MICRO - Cells, Enzimes, Antigens,
Antibodies INTER - producing,
destroying, changing state of a
cell/enzime, MACRO - immunity, health,
infection, sickness, inflamation.
- Microscopic Drivers / police and Macroscopic Jams
- MICRO - cars
- INTER - go ahead/give way at intersections.
- MACRO - traffic flow, jamming self-organization
useless police
112Microscopic Grimm Brothers and Macroscopic
Stories MICRO persons, relations INTER
change in relations acting MACRO plot, story,
113 Internet study along the
same lines1. physical,2. information flow and
3. emergent / cognitive.
114- We exemplify this by studying two types of
networks Genetic networks and the World Wide
Web. In the first case we formulate a model
including only random unbiased gene duplications
and mutations. In the second case, the basic
moves are website generation and rapid
surf-induced link creation (/ destruction). In
both cases we do reproduce the experimental
observations at all scales. - For the genetic network our model predicts a slow
convergence toward a directed structure composed
roughly of a core directing toward a periphery.
By contrast, the WWW presents rapidly changing
non-stationary bi-directionally linked clusters. - In the genetic case the rough picture outside the
core is of a tree-like structure with arrows
preferentially directed towards the branches. In
the WWW case, the hierarchy is rather in the form
of strongly linked clusters-within clusters and
the connections between clusters are generically
pointing in both directions.
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117Gene network
Internet network
118Figure 1 - Mechanisms of individual node
evolution the 3 elementary processes defining
our genetic model. Their effect is demonstrated
on the configuration of the left upper corner
(only links and nodes relevant for the
explanation are explicitly shown). The effect of
a Node copying elementary event is shown in A) .
The blue node is duplicated by introducing the
new brown node that has the same targets for its
out-going links (and no incoming links at all).
The Node removal is illustrated in B). The
green node and all its links are deleted. The
drawing C) illustrates the elementary operation
of Link Mutation the pink link is copied. i.e.
a new link with the same origin but different
target is created . These 3 elementary
operations turn out to be sufficient for the
formation of a steady state directional
hierarchical scale free network, with the
experimentally observed sub-motif distribution.
119Microscopic Links, Macroscopic NetworksMICRO
Nodes, connections INTERACTIONS - Local changes
(node / link (dis-) appearance)MACRO- Global
connectivity, percolation, topology
New generation of network studiesInstead of
study generic properties that are not specific to
any particular system, Study specific macroscopic
collective properties implied by specific
elementary interactions..
Gene activation
WWW linking
120Figure 2 Node degree distribution in the genetic
model- Incoming (empty circles) and outgoing
(full squares) link distributions. The outgoing
link distribution is normal (as experimentally
observed). The incoming link distribution is
scale free over more than three orders of
magnitude (10-50,000). The straight line
corresponds on this double logarithmic graph to a
power law with exponent -2.2 (the value actually
observed in most genetic networks). Increasing
the network size has no effect on the exponent of
the power distribution it only increases its
validity range.
121Figure 3. Measures of the Small World character
of the genetic network. The main graph represents
the clustering coefficient (C) as a function of
the degree k. The clustering coefficient of the
node i, with a degree ki is defined as as Ci
2ni/ki(ki - 1), where ni denotes the number of
direct links connecting its ki nearest neighbors
among themselves. Ci is equal to 1 if the
neighbors of i are all connected one to the
other. A random (Erdos-Renyi) graph would produce
a flat very small clustering coefficient. One
sees from the graph that the actual distribution,
far from being a small constant is fitted by a
straight line that represents on the double
logarithmic scale a power law with exponent -1 as
observed in genetic networks (and in contrast
with the preferential attachment dynamics). The
fit is excellent with no free parameters. The
inset plots the distribution of distances between
arbitrary pairs of nodes in the network. A
regular one dimensional lattice would produce a
distance proportional to the network size
(50,000). The combination of a distance of the
order of the log of the network size (inset) and
the existence of high clustering coefficient are
the hallmark of a "small world network".
122Figure 6 Double logarithmic histogram of the
nodes rank distribution in the WWW model. Results
show a power law for both incoming (empty
circles exponent 2.1/-0.1) and outgoing links
(full squares exponent 3.1 /- 0.2). These
exponents are in perfect agreement with the
experimental data. The inset shows the average
node distance as predicted by the WWW model. The
distance grows as the log of the network size,
and thus the network is indeed a small world
network in agreement with the experiments.
123Executive Abstract
- Logistic dynamics has been recognized since 200
years to govern a wide range of social, economic,
biological and cognitive systems. - In the past the predictions of the logistic
equation have been invalidated almost
systematically in many occasions. - In particular they predicted often falsely the
decay of the dynamics in adverse conditions. - We show that the correct accounting for the
discrete character of the elementary components
of the system leads to dramatically different
predictions - In particular the emergence of adaptive
collective objects that insure survival and
development in conditions in which the naïve
continuous/ global treatment would predict
complete and uniform decay. - The emergence of stable Pareto-Zipf power laws
even in very non-stationary conditions. - We review a series of applications, predictions
and their validation.
124Objective Algorithm to Evaluate Interdisciplinary
researchers relevance
- map the interdisciplinary cooperation
network(- people are nodes - cooperations
andcommon papers, are links).
Discipline 1
125This was a Particular case of Logistics dynamics
(with Corrections!!) Other technological
change innovations diffusion (Rogers) new
product diffusion / market penetration
(Bass) social change diffusion
dX/dt X(N X )
X number of people that have already adopted
the change and N -X number of remaining
Logarithmic scale
Naïve logistic
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Shalit A. Erez T. Deters A. Hershberg U. Shir E.
Solomon S.
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133I am here
My papers
New (Dynamic, Distributed, Open, Free, Self-Org,
New (Dynamic, Distributed, Open, Free, Self-Org,
135-emergence of High-Tech communities-start-ups
connections to previous businesses-entrepreneurs
emerging from old businesses-partners having
previous common institutions
136-emergence of High-Tech communities-start-ups
connections to previous businesses-entrepreneurs
emerging from old businesses-partners having
previous common institutions
137Realistic macroscopic simulations require a new
causal framework discrete / delayed/ conditional
/ nested causality
instead of the usual Markov
infinitesimal one
New mathematical concept Markov Webs