Title: SAF Report to Southern Plant Board
1SAF Report to Southern Plant Board
- Lin Schmale
- Senior Director --
- Government Relations
- Society of American Florists
- April 16, 2007
2- Geranium program Ralstonia
- Gladiolus Rust
- Chrysanthemum White Rust
- Whitefly Q and EU
3Geraniums the Cadillac (Humvee?) program
- -Systems approach
- --Successful.. So far!!
- --It all depends on cooperation, communication,
eternal vigilance
4Gladiolus rustUromyces transversalis
- --The good news narrow host range
- --A real headache for Florida and APHIS
- --The U.S. industry more effort!
- --Mexico, too
5Chrysanthemum White Rust
- --Regular outbreaks mid-Atlantic, CA
- --Costs to commercial growers, states, USDA
- --Workshop proposed this fall
6THE WHITEFLY Bemisia tabaci
- We have worked together in the U.S. to establish
a strong and effective DOMESTIC program - E.U. trade requirements could ruin that domestic
program and create another international problem
7B. Tabaci is a major WORLDWIDE problem for
- Globally distributed
- Very wide host range
- A major pest, and a vector of viruses
New World Biotype A not a problem anymore,
(displaced by introduction of Biotype B)
Mediterranean, Europe, Africa Biotype B Biotype
Q Subsequently shipped to US
Q is resistant to many of the pesticides we
have Danger that B is developing resistance as
well Why? Over-spraying
11B biotype 1990s -- from Europe
- 1991-92 200-500 million (multiple commodities)
- Imperial Valley, CA 1991-95 100 million annually
- Arizona, California Texas 1994-98 153.9
million spent to prevent sticky cotton
12Then the Q-Biotype...
First found in Arizona, 2004 MAJOR CONCERN.
Would we repeat the losses of the 1990s caused by
B? After all, Q is resistant to most chemicals
13Industry VERY concerned
- There were moves to begin regulating
- BUT U.S. industry agreed to a new approach
- --cooperate
- --educate growers _at_ resistance
- --support research
14APHIS said it would not regulate.CA, AZ backed
off regulating.
- APHIS agreed to facilitate the
15Whitefly Taskforce
- Cotton
- Floriculture
- Nursery
- Vegetables
16Whitefly Taskforce
17Whitefly Taskforce
Federal and State regulatory officials from
potentially impacted states work together in
designing and implementing operational plans to
prevent or minimize the pests impact on the
various industries.
18Pest Management Plans
- Ornamental
- Cotton
- Vegetables
Selected State surveys And GROWER
COOPERATION Growers were encouraged to come
forward if they saw resistance problems, have the
whiteflies tested (no quarantine fears)
20Q-Biotype Whitefly Survey, 2005
Initial Plan
Additional States
Positive Finds
21Q-Biotype Whitefly Survey, 2006
Initial Plan
Additional States
Positive Finds
22U.S. is caught in the middle
- We have worked together in the U.S. to establish
a strong and effective DOMESTIC program - E.U. zero-tolerance requirements could ruin that
domestic program by forcing over-spraying and
developing new resistant whiteflies
23- The EU requirements
- Herbaceous plants, Ficus, Hibiscus
- --originate in a free area or a place of
production free from B. tabaci (non-European
populations) inspected 1x/3weeks during the
9-week period before export - --or if found, then plants treated to ensure
freedom and subsequently the nursery has been
inspected weekly during the 9 weeks prior to
24- The EU requirements
- Plants intended for planting
- --statement that no symptoms of relevant
viruses observed during an adequate period and - --area or place of production free of B. tabaci
or - --plants treated to destroy the B. tabaci
25- The Plant Board last year suggested working from
our Task Force Management Plan to find a simple
way of allowing inspectors to certify shipments.
26- We do not want to destroy our domestic program.
- We need an international effort to avoid
resistance development, modeled on that US
program - Not more complex regulations on US growers!
27- Recall that the B and the Q both came to us from
Europe. What resistant variety will they send to
us next? And when? - The good news another approach to the EU