Energy Retailers Association of Australia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energy Retailers Association of Australia


Total membership of 20 diverse retailers 14 full members (board representation) ... Texas has 25% of the US cattle herd. What you may not know about Texas ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energy Retailers Association of Australia

Cameron OReilly, Executive Director
ERAA Membership
  • Total membership of 20 diverse retailers 14
    full members (board representation) and 6
  • National gentailers Origin, AGL
  • Regionally significant gentailer TRU
  • Regionally significant gas retailer - Alinta
  • Government owned/stapled with regional
    significance Aurora, Integral, Energy
    Australia, Country Energy
  • Medium sized retailers Simply Energy (IP),
    Victoria (Infratil)
  • Niche Momentum (Hydro), Red Energy (Snowy
    Hydro), ERM Retail, Jackgreen
  • Stand-alone Australian Power Gas
  • Single jurisdiction ActewAGL, Ergon, Synergy,
    Horizon, NT Power Water

Eastern Australias Retail Markets
  • Australia has some of the most competitive retail
    energy markets in the world
  • Has large, medium and niche retailers
  • Some are vertically integrated between generation
    and retail
  • Connection between retail margin/competition
  • Need to have competitive wholesale market and
    liquid contract market to support retail
  • Despite progress on energy market reform
    regulation is a barrier to entry, especially
    retail price regulation
  • Non-price regulation has a disproportionate
    impact on smaller retailers National Energy
    Customer Framework (NECF) a test for Governments
    on regulatory burden
  • There is continual growth in green regulation
    that impacts retailers smaller retailers are
    impacted disproportionately

Retail Competition
Source VaasaETT, 2008 World Retail Energy Market
Rankings 4th Edition
Small Monthly Transfers State Comparison
Source Australian Energy Market Operator
ERAA priority issues - 2010
  • Pass through of the cost of Carbon Pollution
    Reduction Scheme (CPRS) and Renewable Energy
    Target (RET) in an environment of continuing
    retail price regulation (risks to retailers
    identified by Farrier Swier Report)
  • Progressing phase-out of retail price regulation
  • NSW market reform liquidity in generation
  • Implementing National Energy Customer Framework
  • Prudentials and credit requirements
  • Short Term Trading Market (STTM) for gas
  • Smart meters Victorian roll-out in particular

ERAA Farrier Swier Report
  • Report identified serious risks to retailers from
    climate change policy where price regulation
  • Carbon market immaturity
  • Changes in merit order
  • Wholesale volatility
  • Fuel costs gas in particular link to LNG
  • Risk of generator distress/failure opens up
    counter party hedge failure

Executive Director Fulbright Scholarship
  • Based at University of Texas at Austin from
    February to June, 2009 Center for International
    Energy Environmental Policy
  • Project focused on US approach to reducing
    emissions from the stationary energy sector
    common challenges with Australia
  • As State capital of Texas Austin allowed for
    discussions with Public Utilities Commission of
    Texas (PUCT), ERCOT, Austin Energy, retailer
    groups, and major generators
  • Also visited Houston (guest of NRG/Reliant/Apache)
    and Dallas (guest of Oncor part of old TXU)
    visited South Texas Nuclear Plant
  • Spent a week in California at Stanford University
    looking at energy efficiency and venture capital
    support for renewable energy and electric
    vehicles hosted by Project Better Place
  • Made two visits to Washington and spoke to peak
    groups like Edison Electric Institute, American
    Gas Association, Electric Power Research
    Institute, Nuclear Energy Institute, US Chamber
    of Commerce and Federal Energy Regulatory
    Commission (FERC)

The US context
  • First year of Obama Administration which is
    losing popularity Republicans even more
  • Economic downturn in US very serious as is
    budgetary situation makes cap and trade
    difficult in 2009
  • Healthcare reform will receive priority over
    climate change
  • No doubt that Obama is serious about climate
    change has used his own office to push
    legislation and made key appointments that
    reflect commitment Steven Chu, Carol Browner,
    Todd Stern
  • So called Waxman-Markey bill passed narrowly in
    the House 219-212 with 44 Democrats opposing
  • Politics of US Senate even harder than the House.
    Boxer-Kerry Clean Energy Jobs and American Power
    Act will require 60 votes to stop filibuster
  • While oil and gas industry is largely in the Gulf
    of Mexico (Texas in particular) coal states are
    dispersed and have many Democrats

Current initiatives
  • Australia
  • Draft legislation before the Australian
    Parliament to establish a cap and trade emissions
    trading system by 2011 (CPRS). Scheme coverage
    includes 75 of emission sources
  • Targeted reduction in emissions of 5 below 2000
    level emissions by 2020, or up to 25 if a new
    global agreement is reached. Ultimate aim of 60
    reduction in emissions by 2050
  • Some issuance of free permits to EITE industries
    based on energy intensity and to badly affected
  • National renewable energy target of 20 by 2020
    to be legislated
  • Substantial government support for carbon capture
    and solar
  • United States
  • Waxman/Markey cap and trade legislation passed by
    House aims for emission reductions of 17 below
    2005 levels by 2020
  • Ultimate aim of 83 reduction from 2005 emission
    levels by 2050
  • Waxman-Markey initially allows 85 of permits to
    go to affected industries for free 15
  • Boxer-Kerry legislation released by Senate aims
    for 20 reduction by 2020 and 80 by 2050 more
    pro nuclear than House
  • Senate legislation only at committee stage and
    will have to get through six committees prior to
  • Senate legislation unlikely to reach vote prior
    to Copenhagen needs 60 votes to stop filibuster

US coal States based on production
  • Wyoming - 39 of output
  • West Virginia 13.4
  • Kentucky 10
  • Pennsylvania
  • Montana
  • Texas
  • Colorado
  • Indiana
  • Illinois
  • North Dakota
  • 15. Ohio
  • Source Energy Information Administration (DOE)

United States national greenhouse gas emission
Australias national greenhouse gas emission
Electricity Generation Sources
The Greenhouse gas situation in Australia and the
  • Both countries have generally had domestic energy
    security (oil an exception since 1970 in the US)
  • Both countries depend heavily on fossil fuels
    EU only gets 30 of electricity from fossil fuels
    (source esaa)
  • Stationary energy contributes more to Australian
    emissions than it does to US emissions
    Australia less diversified electricity sector
  • The transport sector contributes more to US
    emissions far larger vehicle fleet
  • Industrial processes contribute more to US
  • Agriculture still a relatively large emitter in
    both countries compared to its share of Gross
    Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Both countries are Federations policies aimed
    at reducing emissions involve three levels of

Factors mitigating against US climate bill
  • State of the economy
  • Climate change not as big an issue with US voters
  • Almost universal opposition from Republicans
  • Need for 60 votes to stop a filibuster means
    every Democrat Senator must support legislation
  • Democrat Senators from coal states and
    manufacturing states will be nervous
  • Democrat Senator from Louisiana, Mary Landrieu,
    led opposition to earlier Liberman-Warner bill
  • US will want to see developing nations as part of
    global deal seems difficult to achieve

Factors in favour of climate bill
  • President prepared to use his authority to
    support legislation on climate change
  • General concern about dependence on imported
    fossil fuels has seen right wing individuals
    support renewables e.g. The Pickens Plan
  • Wind power likely to grow in Republican States
  • US likes to take leadership role on major issues
  • US has nuclear power industry that can be ramped
  • Support for CCS can win over coal state Democrats
  • Some major US companies want legislation to
    resolve uncertainty (USCAP)
  • The US Government is virtually in control of the
    car industry which is a major source of emissions

What a carbon price would mean for Texas
  • Texas is the highest greenhouse gas emitter in
    the US (11.5 of US emissions)
  • Texas, if a nation, would be the 7th largest
    emitter in the world
  • Texans consume 60 more energy than the average
  • Texas is the largest US producer of oil
  • Texas is the largest refiner of oil in the US
  • Texas is the largest user of coal
  • Texas is the major US producer of natural gas
  • Texas is the base for a large amount of energy
    intensive industry
  • Texas has 25 of the US cattle herd

What you may not know about Texas
  • Texas emissions have a lot to do with industries
    that export to the rest of the US
  • Texas energy generation is less dependent on coal
    than the rest of the country
  • Texas is now the largest producer of wind power
    in the USA (in top 6 in the world)
  • Texas was the second State to introduce a
    renewable portfolio standard 1999 when the
    Governor was George W. Bush
  • Texas has been using CO2 for enhanced oil
    recovery for many years
  • Texas is leading the country in the roll-out of
    advanced metering infrastructure

Texas Installed Generation Capacity 2009
Source Electric Reliability Council of Texas
(ERCOT) - ERCOT Quick Facts May 2009
Texas electricity Energy produced 2008 source
  • Coal 37
  • Gas 43
  • Nuclear 13
  • Wind 5
  • Other 2
  • Texas is the largest electricity market in the
    USA (10 of US electricity use), the highest user
    of coal for electricity generation and the
    biggest wind producer

Energy market structure in Texas
  • Real time wholesale electricity market covering
    85 of States load and vast majority of
  • Texas based market/grid operator - ERCOT
  • Competition in generation between independent
    power producers
  • Five major distribution companies Centerpoint
    (Houston), Oncor (Dallas-Fort Worth), Texas New
    Mexico Power Company, AEP North, AEP Central
  • Some regional municipal monopolies e.g. Austin
  • Competition in retail outside monopoly areas 80
    retailer licenses deregulated prices since 2007
  • Texas in top ten retail markets for customer
    churn unique in USA
  • Rest of US more interconnected and therefore
    subject to Federal regulation (FERC) of
    transmission and market operation

The Texas and Australian grids
  • Australias NEM
  • 18 million people
  • 47,000 megawatts of generation
  • Peak of 34,500 megawatts July, 2008
  • 260 generation units
  • 25,000 miles of transmission lines
  • 11.5 billion in electricity traded
  • Texas ERCOT Grid
  • 21 million people
  • 81,000 megawatts of generation
  • Peak of 62,000 megawatts 4 August, 2008
  • 560 generation units
  • 38,000 miles of transmission lines
  • 31.5 billion in electricity traded

Recent Retail History in Texas
  • Retail price regulation price to beat ended
    January, 2007
  • By June 2008 2.9 million Texans had switched
    provider including 2.4 million residential (not
    all Texas customers are contestable)
  • Spike in wholesale gas prices in first half of
    2008 saw major retail price increases
  • Even without price caps four retailers failed in
    mid 2008 triggering ROLR Regulator reviewing
    ROLR scheme
  • Even large retailer Reliant Energy got into
  • Reliant now purchased by NRG so vertical
    integration increasing TXU largest retailer
    also has generator arm
  • With wholesale gas prices declining retail
    outlook has improved
  • Recession likely to keep gas prices low for some

Texas Wind
  • Texas in 2007 surpassed California in wind
  • Growth started with portfolio standard in 1999
    (2,000 megawatts for renewables wind dominated)
  • 2015 portfolio standard increased to 5,000
    megawatts (500 megawatts to be non-wind)
  • Current wind installed far exceeds target and is
    nearing 9,000 megawatts (20 of Australias total
  • Regulator (PUCT) and market operator (Ercot) have
    committed to 5 billion investment in four
    competitive renewable energy zones (CREZ) in West
    Texas could provide for 15 gigawatts of new
    renewable power
  • Location of wind zones away from major population
    centres reduces community issues communities
    are supportive
  • Wind is now supported by conservative rural
  • Wind in West Texas leading to significant periods
    of negative prices (mainly at night) and
    beginning to impact thermal generators
  • ERCOT moving to nodal market in 2010 to try and
    deal with congestion

Some lessons for Australia out of Texas
  • Gas based retail markets subject to significant
    volatility also witness UK sometimes makes it
    difficult to defend competition
  • Gas market design critical for the future in
  • Texas competitive wholesale market has seen
    highest growth in renewables competitive
    markets good for renewables
  • However those intermittent renewables now
    creating problem for other generators and market
  • Price caps have allowed majority of retailers to
    manage risk of high prices but not all ROLR
    still important
  • Significant constituencies still argue against
    competition and deregulation in the most
    pro-business, small government US State
  • Competitive producers now got together in
    Washington to argue for the benefits of
    competition facing off against monopoly
    municipal providers

Texas versus UK relevance to Australia
  • An electricity market with large amounts of gas
    fired generation
  • A hot climate with significant summer peaks
  • Large number of stand alone retailers and
    independent power producers
  • Housing stock usually detached
  • Large area with significant transmission
  • A market in which gas use exceeds electricity
  • A cool climate with significant winter peaks
  • Industry dominated by 6 vertically integrated
    utilities - small retailers virtually disappeared
    from market
  • Housing stock usually attached /high density -
    small land mass
  • However social policy much more like Australia

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