Title: Spanish influenza 1918-19: Lessons from history
1Spanish influenza 1918-19 Lessons from history
- 1. Historical context
- 2. Yakimas experience
- 3. Lessons
2Why discuss Yakimas Spanish Flu experience?
- It happened
- Teachable momentbefore crisis
- Advance preparation
- Essential to public health
- Reduces panic
- Limits damage
3Yakima County 1918
Yakima Avenue
Speck Motors Sunnyside
4Impact Seattle
5Rapid spread through the world
6Impact Philadelphia
7The 1918 Pandemic
- 1/5 of worlds population affected
- Result
- Total 675,000 dead in the U.S.
- More than 20,000,000 dead worldwide
8Military camps
9Impact Yakima
- Typical Yakima Daily Republic headline
10Advance conclusions
- Could be catastrophic
- Preparation, rehearsal, and education
11Week 1 Yakima hears of new illness
- Day 0 43 deaths in Boston 5000 soldiers at
Camp Devens under treatment - Day 1 Epidemics at 6 military bases
12Week 2 Pandemic catches fire
- Draft cancelled Death rate of army at home
beyond control - Day 6 Flu in 26 states
- Day 15 Misplaced optimism in Yakima in October 4
13Week 3 Pandemic hits Yakima
- Day 17 Flu hits Seattle
- Days 19-26 44 cases Yakima
- Seattle 300 new cases / day
- All county schools, churches, theaters, and
public gatherings closed - Day 23 Passengers panic on train to Yakima
14Week 3 Health care strained
- Nurses scarce
- Misinformation Cases seem to be decreasing
- Day 28 6200 deaths in 30 cities
- Yakima officials seek site for influenza hospital
- 58 cases in city and county, whole families ill
15Week 4 Influenza hospital
- Army camps death rate of 206 per thousand cases
- Camp Lewis quarantined with more than 200 cases
in 24 hours. - Influenza hospital established in Yakima
16Response police and transport
17Week 5 Healthcare system overwhelmed
- 20 to 40 new cases / day
- Nurse shortage, physicians cant keep up
- Gauze masks mandated
- Keep off the streets
- Courts close. Nobody allowed into/out of jail
18Week 5 gt100 new cases per day
- All stores except groceries and butchers closed
for 6 days - Nearly 500 teachers sent home
19Week 6 Confusing message to public
- Day 44 Public told Yakima flu at standstill
- Day 44 7 die in Yakima
- Day 46 Public told flu on the decline in city
- Day 46 Record number of patients in flu hospital
- Day 46 Stores reopened
20Week 7 WWI Ends, US celebrates
- 50-100 new cases per day
- 32 people arrested for not wearing masks
- Masks removed one dayto celebrate defeat of
21Week 8 Conflict of interestconfusing message
- More people from Yakima died by flu than by war
- Ban on public gatherings lifted, theaters opened
- Public told Yakima death rate low
- Public told Spreading in county and Homes
22Week 9 2nd wave begins in Yakima
- Day 69 Influenza on increase, start of 2nd wave
- 15 of Yakima teachers out sick
- Day 71 New record number of patients in flu
23Week 10 Officials feel conflicting interests
- Health head says Many persons have urged him to
put the ban on while Others are strongly
opposed - People know that influenza is prevalent here and
yet they have gone ahead and held their dances,
church meetings and large gatherings of all
kinds. - Excess mortality rate of 25
24Week 11 Impact on public services
- 36 students absent
- 25 teachers out sick
- Second wave in full swing
- Influenza strikes post office
- Street car workers hard hit
- Superior court closed
- Nurses unobtainable
25Week 12 Deaths level, then decrease
- Day 84 40 students absent
- 18 deaths in 4 days
- 15 houses placarded
- 713 cases under a physicians care
- Day 90 27 students absent
- Day 92 Public told For the first time in 6
weeks 24 hours have passed without a death from
26Weeks 14-17 Flu subsides
- Day 104 20 students out
- 45 of 80 deaths in December 1918 due to influenza
- Day 115 Public health head says little
influenza in county now - Day 125 Flus last gaspSt. Elizabeths crowded
with flu patients
- 14 weeks of major impact on Yakima county in 2
waves - 2 fatality rate
- Public policy conflicts surfaced during weeks 4
and 5 - Commercial interests
- Public fatigue and boredom
- Relaxation of social distancing measures spurred
second wave
28Clear communication calms
- Credibility and consistency essential
- Actionable communication
- Responsive leadership
- Scalable rehearse for range of scenario severity
- Coordinate with media news directors
29Mental health matters
- Sensible preparations reduce chaos
- Knowledge decreases anxiety, helplessness,
depression - Scale of disaster is critical
- Breakdown of social institutions causes massive
trauma lasting years - Imagine a nationwide Katrina
- No outside backup
30Social distancing concepts
- School closures
- Theater restaurant closures
- Business restrictions
- Public meeting bans, including churches
31Public Education points
- Cover your cough
- Be prepared
- Wash hands regularly
- Dont go to work sick in pandemic
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
- Teach kids to do same
32Basic preparation for everyone
- Home preparation
- Food for 2 weeks
- Water
- Medicine
- Basic supplies
- Business preparations
- Encourage telecommuting
- Create minimum staff plans
- Change business culture for pandemic
33Questions and Discussion?