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OT Survey


OT Survey – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: OT Survey

Old Testament Survey
Pentateuch and Historical Books
Lesson Five
Pentateuch and Historical Books
Lesson Five
  • Pentateuch (The Mosaic History)
  • A. Genesis
  • B. Exodus
  • C. Leviticus
  • D. Numbers
  • E. Deuteronomy
  • II. The Deuteronomic History
  • A. Joshua
  • B. Judges
  • C. Samuel
  • D. Kings
  • III. The Chronistic History
  • A. Chronicles
  • B. Ezra-Nehemiah
  • Other Books
  • Esther
  • Ruth

Author and Date Originating with Moses To guide
Israel in the early stages of nationhood under
the leadership of Moses and Joshua. OT Witness
2 Chr 254 Neh 81 131 NT Witness Jn 546
Luke 2427 Also Mt 84 1978 Mk 144 710
1034 1219,26 Lk 1629,31 2444 Jn 145
85 Ac 1521 2622 2823 Ro 105,19 2Co
31415) Literary sources (Ge 51 Nu
2114) Linguistically and Historically Updated
(Ge 1414 3631) Critical Theories JEDP
History Final Composition of Mosaic History
Final Composition
By reading Genesis, Moses displayed Gods
merciful preparations for Israels exodus and
conquest, relevant requirements for loyalty,
and significant blessings and curses in ancient
Primeval History 11-119
Early Patriarchs 1110-371
Joseph Story 372-5026
Josephs story demonstrates how the tribes are
to relate to each other and to others in the
exodus and conquest.
Primeval history demonstrates that the exodus
and conquest accord with divinely ordained
primeval patterns.
Early patriarchal history provides guidance for
understanding and fulfilling the exodus and
Abrams Exodus from Egypt (Gen 1210-20) Abram
Goes to Egypt because of Famine (1210) Abrams
Progeny Threatened by Pharaoh (1211-16) Abram
Delivered by Divine Intervention (1217) Abram
Released by Pharaoh (1218-19) Abram Leaves for
Canaan (1220)
Israels Exodus from Egypt Israel went to Egypt
because of Famine Israels Progeny Threatened
by Pharaoh Israel Delivered by Divine
Intervention Israel Released by Pharaoh
Israel Leaves for Canaan
History Final Composition of Mosaic History
Final Composition
Moses displayed how the stories of the exodus
show that God had mercifully placed him as
leader of Israel, that Israel is required to
respond with loyalty to him and that Israels
response to him will result in blessing and
Deliverance 11-1827
Covenant Law 191-2418
Tabernacle 251-4038
Moses was shown to be Gods authorized leader
of Israel in the giving of Tabernacle law.
Moses was shown to be Gods authorized leader
of Israel in the giving of his covenant law.
Moses was shown to be Gods authorized leader
of Israel in the deliverance from Egypt.
Moses Born to Deliver (11-210) Background to
Pharaohs Actions (11-1-7)
(Numbers of Israelites creates a threat for
Pharaoh.) Pharaohs First Foiled Plan
(18-14) (Israelites increase despite hard
labor.) Pharaohs Second Foiled Plan
(115-21) (Israelites increase despite plan
with midwives.) Pharaohs Third Foiled Plan
(122-210) (Israelites deliverer is born
despite attempt

to exterminate boys.)
In his birth and early years, Moses was shown to
be the climax of God spoiling Pharaohs evil
plans he is Israels God-ordained deliverer.
History Final Composition of Mosaic History
Final Composition
Moses displayed that the laws of Leviticus were
divine benevolences to Israel, that Israel must
be loyal by fulfilling these laws, and that
blessings would follow loyalty and curses would
follow disloyalty to these laws.
Priesthood (81-1020)
Cleanness (111-1634)
Holiness (171-2734)
Sacrifices 11-738
Moses explained how priests and laity are to
participate in various sacrifices.
Moses explained how Aaron and sons were
ordained and demonstrated curses for violations.
Moses explained how to identify and deal with
ritual uncleanness.
Moses explained how Israels ritual
acceptability was tied to broad holiness.
Aaron Worships Properly (91-24) Moses Orders
Proper Sacrifices (91-7) Aaron Offers Proper
Sacrifices (98-23a) God Responds Favorably
(923b-24) Aarons Sons Worship Improperly
(101-20) Nadab and Abihu (101-11) (Sever
Divine Judgment) Eleazar and Ithamar
(1012-20) (Divine Mercy)
Observing the laws of sacrifice as given by Moses
will result in great blessing serious
violations will result in serious judgments but
God shows mercy toward humble priests despite
their imperfections.
History Final Composition of Mosaic History
Final Composition
Moses displayed that God mercifully
re-constituted the second generation as a holy
army ready for conquest, that he set forth the
kinds of regulations that the army must observe
to be his holy army, and that blessings and
curses will come to the second generation as it
demonstrates loyalty or disloyalty.
First Generation Preparation (11-914)
First Generation Failed March (915-2518)
Second Generation Preparation (261-3613)
Second generation (the readers) have been
given a fresh start to move forward as a holy
army into conquest.
First generation was well prepared by God to
move forward as a holy army into conquest.
First generation failed to remain faithful
during the march and was severely cursed.
First Generation and the Moabites
(221-2518) Summoning of Balaam
(221-40) (King of Moab fears transitional army
and calls for Balaam to curse.) Balaams
Prophecies (2241-2424) (God causes Balaam to
bless transitional army.) Dangers of Moabites
(2425-2518) (Still, Moabites seduce Israelite
men and nearly destroy the nation.)
The second generation only exists because God
showed so much mercy. This mercy should not be
taken lightly the second generation must not
repeat the mistakes of the first generation with
the Moabites or any others.
History Final Composition of Mosaic History
Final Composition
Moses displayed that God had done so much for the
Israelites that they should be delighted to obey
specific stipulations and to re-commit to
loyalty, knowing that blessings and curses are
coming to the faithful of the nation.
Historical Prologue (15-443)
Stipulations (444-2619)
Ratifications (271-3020)
Preamble (11-4)
Succession (311-3412)
Moses identifies himself as mediator of
covenant at Moab.
Israel should have gratitude and loyalty
because of past mercy.
Israels loyalty must be shown in obedience
to specific commands.
In the future srael must re-commit to covenant
with Moses.
Israel must remember Moses but now
follow Joshua.
Deuteronomic History
  • Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
  • History written with heavy dependence on the
    language and
  • theology of Deuteronomy.
  • Literary Unity
  • Joshua depends heavily on Deuteronomy (Jos
    12//Dtr 1011 etc.)
  • Judges depends heavily on Joshua
  • Samuel depends heavily on Judges
  • Kings depends heavily on Samuel
  • Written at different times.

History Final Composition of Deuteronomic
United Monarchy
Divided Monarchy
Fall of Samaria
Fall of Jerusalem
Cyrus Edict
c1400 1400-1050 1000 930
722 586 538
Final Composition
The writer demonstrated that God had shown much
mercy to Israel during the years of Joshua,
that Israel was responsible to observe Gods law
especially regarding conquest, land
distribution, and covenant renewal, and that the
nation could expect blessings and curses in
accordance with these laws.
Conquest of Land (11-1224)
Distribution of Land (131-2145)
Covenant Renewal (221-2433)
Israel should continue conquest in accordance
with these accounts.
Israel should observe land distribution
in accordance with these accounts.
Israel should renew covenant in accordance
with these accounts.
God Encourages Joshua for War (Josh 16-9) Gods
Destiny for Joshua (16) Be strong and
courageous (16) Gods Guide for Joshua
(17-8) Be strong and very courageous
(17) Gods Presence for Joshua (19) Be
strong and courageous (19)
The readers can have strength and courage as they
continue the conquest that Joshua had begun, if
they will recall Gods destiny, Gods guide, and
Gods presence as they move forward into battle.
History Final Composition of Deuteronomic
United Monarchy
Divided Monarchy
Fall of Samaria
Fall of Jerusalem
Cyrus Edict
c1400 1400-1050 1000 930
722 586 538
Final Composition
The writer demonstrated that God had shown much
mercy as he patiently prepared the nation for
kingship during the period of Judges, that Israel
was responsible to be loyal to God with or
without a king, and that the nation could hope
for enduring blessings instead of curses as a
godly king rose to lead in loyalty to God.
Faltering Conquest (11-25)
Cycles of Judges (26-1631)
Failures of Levites 171-2125)
The conquest faltered because of lack of
proper leadership.
Judges could not provide the stabile, godly
leadership needed in Israel.
Levites could not provide the stable, godly
leadership needed in Israel
Cycles of Judges (37-1631) Good but
Temporary (Othniel) Ehud (Shamgar) Deborah
Mixed Gideon Weak and Temporary (Tola)
(Jair) Jephthah (Ibzan) (Elon) (Abdon) S
The readers should grasp that even the best
judges were unable to lead to the kind of long
term godliness that would bring the enduring
blessings of God to the nation. Israel needed a
godly king to do that.
History Final Composition of Deuteronomic
United Monarchy
Divided Monarchy
Fall of Samaria
Fall of Jerusalem
Cyrus Edict
c1400 1400-1050 1000 930
722 586 538
Final Composition
The writer displayed that God mercifully chosen
Davids house as Israels permanent dynasty
despite the troubles his failures had brought,
that David and Israel were to be loyal servants
of God, and that God blessed and cursed David
and Israel according to their loyalty and
Preparation for Kingship (1.11-717)
Sauls Failed Kingship (1.81-1535)
Davids Rise and Sauls Fall (1.161-2.127)
Hope in Davids House (2.211-2425)
Davids Full Kingship (2.21-2026)
Israel should acknowledge God raised Samuel
to anoint her King.
Israel should acknowledge Samuel gave and
removed kingship from Saul.
Israel should acknowledge God ordained David to
replace Saul.
Israel should acknowledge David was blessed
and cursed.
Israel should acknowledge Davids house still
offers much.
History Final Composition of Deuteronomic
United Monarchy
Divided Monarchy
Fall of Samaria
Fall of Jerusalem
Cyrus Edict
c1400 1400-1050 1000 930
722 586 538
Final Composition
The writer displayed that God been patient toward
Israels rebellion, that Israel had flagrantly
violated the Law of God time and again, and that
Israel deserved the curse of exile and could
receive the blessing of restoration glory only
through full repentance.
Positive/Negative of Divided Kingdom (1.121-2.17
Positive/Negative in Late Judah (2.181-2530)
Positive/Negative of Solomons
Reign (1.11-1143)
Solomons reign indicates why exile and hopes.
Divided kingdom indicates why exile and hopes
Late Judah indicates why exile and hope.
Chronistic History
Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah Author and Date
Traditionally thought to be all the work of
Ezra. More recently, the anonymous Chronicler
viewed as sharing many points of view and
emphasis with the anonymous final compiler of
Ezra-Nehemiah. Final composition between the
Cyrus Edict (539 BC) and the end of Nehemiahs
governorship (around 400BC) These books
designed to guide and validate the restoration
program begun under Zerubbabel, Ezra and
History Final Composition of Chronistic History
Cyrus Edict
Temple Reconstruction
586 538 520-515
Final Composition
The writer recounted this history of Israels
experience to direct the restoration of the
kingdom after the exile, with special emphases on
the unity of Israel, the king, the temple and
immediate blessings and curses.
Genealogies of Gods People (1Chr 11-944)
United Kingdom (10.1-2Chr 9.31)
Divided Kingdom (2Chr 10.1-28.26)
Reunited Kingdom (2Chr291-3623)
Israels genealogies reveal the privileges and
responsibilities of those who returned from exile.
The ideal reigns of David and Solomon illustrate
the blessings that came to Gods people when the
king, the temple and all the people were reunited.
The reigns of the divided period illustrate how
divine blessings and judgments came to the
divided people of God.
The reunited kingdom illustrates how Gods
blessings and judgments applied to the reunited
people of God.
History Final Composition of Chronistic History
Cyrus Edict
Temple Reconstruction
586 538 520-515
Final Composition
The writer sought to encourage those who returned
to the promised land to continue the work that
Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah had begun.
Return of the Exiles and the Rebuilding of the
Temple (Ezra 11 - 622)
Return of Ezra and the Rebuilding of the
Community (Ezra 71 - 1044)
Return of Nehemiah and the Rebuilding of the
Wall (Nehemiah 11 - 73)
Return of the Exiles and the Rebuilding of the
Community (Nehemiah 74 1331)
The early returnees properly began the
restoration after exile. God delivered and
blessed these early returnees from Babylon.
Zerubbabel led them into Gods blessings by
rebuilding the temple despite opposition.
Ezra properly furthered the efforts of the early
returnees. God delivered from Babylon and blessed
Ezra and his companions. Ezra led the people
into Gods blessings by reforming their moral
Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem with the approval
of God and the king. Nehemiahs return was
motivated by holy desires for Jerusalem and the
people. With Gods help Nehemiah proved faithful
and successful in building the city wall despite
much opposition.
Nehemiahs restoration program included the
central feature of bringing more people to
Jerusalem and sanctifying the nation. He led the
people in covenant renewal, in devotion to the
city, and in moral and social reforms.
History Final Composition of Other Books
United Monarchy
Divided Monarchy
Fall of Samaria
Fall of Jerusalem
Cyrus Edict
1400-1050 1000 930 722 586
538 450-420
Final Composition
The writer demonstrated the legitimacy of the
Davids kingship despite his Moabite ancestress.
Naomis Bitterness (1.1-22)
Ruth Discovers a Kinsman Redeemer (21-23)
Boaz Agrees to be Kinsman Redeemer (31-18)
Boaz Acquires Right to be K-Redeemer (41-12)
Naomis Blessing Genealogical Notice (413-21)
Ruth became a joyful convert to Israels faith.
She lovingly journeyed to Judah with Naomi as she
faced bitterness and emptiness.
As she gathered food, Ruth came upon Boaz, a near
kinsman who showed her kindness and protection..
Ruth received assurance from Boaz that she would
have a kinsman-redeemer either her nearer
kinsman or he would care for her.
Boaz followed all legal means and found approval
from the elders and the people to receive Ruth as
his wife.
Boaz and Ruth had a child who brought relief from
Naomis emptiness and became the ancestor of
History Final Composition of Other Books
United Monarchy
Divided Monarchy
Fall of Samaria
Fall of Jerusalem
Cyrus Edict
1400-1050 1000 930 722 586
538 450-420
Events Final Composition
The writer established the feast of Purim as a
remembrance of Gods deliverance of his people
and as a reminder to remain faithful to him even
when living under oppression.
Esther and Mordecai in the Persian
Court (11-223)
Trouble for the Jews (31-417)
Esthers Intervention (51-710)
Victory for the Jews (81-917)
Esther and Mordecai in the Persian
Court (918-103)
God raised Esther and Mordecai to prominence in
the Persian Court.
Mordecai, Esther and the Jews were threatened by
Hamans edict of genocide.
God protected Esther and Mordecai as they worked
within the Persian system to counteract Hamans
The plans of a proud enemy were reversed and the
people of God were protected through courage and
The people of God were honored even outside their
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