Title: Finland Public TV Services
1Finland Public TV Services
I Conference on Service TV Barcelona 2th June
2005 Ms. Marjukka Saarijärvi
2Digital TV milestones in Finland
3Digital TV transmissions and coverage in Finland
- Multiplex C
- CANAL, 4 pay-TV channels
- Urheilukanava (sports channel)
- TV5 Finland Oy
- Local channels
- Turun Kaapelitelevisio Oy
- Tuotantoyhtiö Kuvaputki Oy
- KPY Kaapelitelevisio Oy
- Estradi
- radios Iskelmä and Kiss
- short-term television operating licences
- Multiplex A
- YLE24
- YLE Teema
- Radio services
- YLE Radio Peili
- YLE Radio Vega
- Yle Classic
- Multiplex B
- MTV3
- MTV3 (partly pay-TV)
- Subtv
- Nelonen
- Nelonen Plus
- Cable TV networks
- Several local cable operators
- Digitalised throughout the country
- Operators carry broadcasts of terrestrial
network license owners and a number of other
4- 25 of households - 600 000 - have digital
receivers - Penetration of terrestrial broadcasting 44 (456
000 households) and cable 11 (114 000
households) - 3 MHP (Multimedia Home Platform) enabled
- Total number - 722 000
- Spread of digital TV is consumer driven
- No subsidies
- Promotion of new service through regular
broadcast - and other media.
The digital TV receiver situation in February 2005
5Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)
- DVB SI EIT shows today, tomorrow and full 8 day
schedule - Programme name, short description, content
description - List of services
- DAB services
- Data services
- All DVB services
- Other common
- configurations
- possible
6YLE Digital Teletext
- One application, a range of content
- The same MHP application for every broadcaster
- Can create different content, user-interfaces and
feel - DVB MHP-compatible
- content format
- Navigation by page
- numbers,hyperlinks
- and menus.
7Use of red and blue button in remote control
- Blue button opens service list
- Red button activates programme related services
8Examples of MHP Services
YLE Parliament application
YLE Newsticker
YLE Newsticker
9Elections and DVB-MHP
Possibility to take part in the game either via
MHP return channel or sms messaging
11Digital TV cluster programme ArviD 2004-2005
By the end of the decade digital TV - by
exploiting the best features of broadcast service
and evolving consumer habits will have assumed
a well recognised role as a conduit for
entertainment, information, participation,
education and business. www.arvid.tv
12The ArviD programme promotes the use of digital
TV by
- sponsoring the development of service innovations
ranging from entertainment to business
applications - initiating cluster-wide measures to achieve
synergies in service production - creating a network for cluster-wide collaboration
- programme related and interactive services
- 14 service development projects
- MHP specifications used
13Service Development Projects
- DTV services for senior citizens
- iTV application for a Heath Care show
- MHP Context subtitling, sign language chat and
T-learning - Text to Speech
- Game enhanced language T-learning application
- Communal learning for Children
- City of Helsinki DTV tourist information
- Interactive library services
- Event TV ticketing
- Personalized Real Time Public Transportation
Information - iTV Capture
- Multichannel publishing system
- End-user test-panels for pre-production testing
14More information about health
15Health tests related to the themes of the Akuutti
16Communal learning experience through digital TV,
Pilot Get along
17Virtual environment for communal learning for
18Capital of Finland on digital TV
- Helsingin kaupungin digi-tv hankkeen
tavoitteet - pilotoida sisällön jakelua digi-tvn kautta ja
kerätä siitä kokemuksia. - lisätä asiakkaiden itsepalvelun astetta
tiedonhaussa ja asioinnissa, ja siten vähentää
painetta puhelinneuvonnassa ja asiakaspalvelupiste
issä. - markkinoida Helsingin tapahtumia ja
matkailukohteita, ja siten välillisesti lisätä
kulttuuri- ja matkailusektorilta saatavia
19(No Transcript)
20Subtitles become speech
21More informationwww.digitv.fi information about
digital TVnetwork, technical development,
channels, equipmentwww.arvid.tv Digital TV
cluster programme