Title: How has reliability of technology developed through time
1How has reliability of technology developed
through time?
Erika Echavarria, TU Delft - DUWIND,
Netherlands Berthold Hahn, ISET, Germany
- Objectives
- Results
- Conclusion
- Future work
- Component reliability through time with respect
to the technology, - using the WMEP database.
- Specific Objectives
- Failure rates of wind turbines through
operational years - Rate of exchange of main components
- Failure rates of components through 2 study cases
4250 MW Wind Programme database
- Cause of malfunction
- Effect of malfunction
- Removal of malfunction
- Replaced main component
- Reason for repair
- Downtime
- Costs stated on bill
- Comments
5Failure Rates per component
6General development of reliability
Failure rates of wind turbines
Distribution of the 1500 wind turbines per
7General development of reliability
Annual exchange rate of main components
1500 wind turbines
8Stall versus pitch
Annual Fault Frequency of all Components
Distribution of the 1500 wind turbines per
9Induction versus synchronous generator
Annual Fault Frequency of the Generator
Distribution of the 1500 wind turbines per
10Conclusions (1/2)
- Reliability through time
- For wind turbines it increases
- For newly introduced models it is very low
- It escalates inversely with wind turbine size
- Blades, generators, and gearboxes have the
highest rate of exchange. - Offshore versus onshore availability differently
affected by component reliability
11Conclusions (2/2)
- Reliability of components through time
- Highly influenced by wind turbine type and size
- Wind turbines with pitch or stall system have
equivalent reliability - Synchronous generators are less reliable than
induction generators - There is no general behaviour through time
12Future Work
- Maintenance records The wind community should
work together gathering data on new turbines. - Design approach to target faults and to remove
potential failures at the design stage in order
to increase reliability and availability of wind
farms. - Maintenance (i.e. RAMS/LCC methods) has to be
improved to keep up with new challenges,
technologies, and escalation.
13Thank you for your attention
14Stall versus pitch
Annual Fault Frequency of Mechanical Brakes
15Stall versus pitch
Annual Fault Frequency of Hydraulic System
16Stall versus pitch
Annual Fault Frequency of the Rotor
17Induction versus synchronous generator
Annual Fault Frequency of Power Electronics