Title: Additive RungeKutta Time Integration Of PDEs with GridInduced Stiffness
1Additive Runge-Kutta Time Integration Of PDEs
with Grid-Induced Stiffness
2What Problems Are We Trying To Solve?
- Far-field noise propagation
- Generally, PDEs with multiple spatial scales
3Far-field Noise Propagation Wind Turbine
Xu, Uzun, Hussaini, Kopriva, Harden (AIAA 2005)
used Euler equations with blades modeled by a
force term Mesh had 16200 elements, approx. 200
of which were small to resolve the tower Physical
frequency is typically 0.5Hz modeled frequency
was 100Hz Hence a realistic domain should be much
4Model Noise Propagation Using Euler Equations in
Conservation Form
5Relevant Spatial Scales In Far-Field Noise
- Characteristic Lengths of Objects in Domain
- Wavelengths of Incoming Waves
- Wavelengths of Scattered Waves
6Multiple Spatial Scales Lead to Grid-Induced
- Complex geometric features gt small elements
- Spectral approximation gt incoming scattered
waves resolved with only a few points per
wavelength - CFL condition on small elements gt explicit time
step is smaller than what is needed to resolve
7Sample Stiff Mesh Airfoil
A Joukowski airfoil (left) a zoom near the
airfoil (right).
8What is Additive Runge-Kutta?
- Single-step, multi-stage ODE solver for the
- Nonstiff summand is approximated with an explicit
Runge-Kutta - Stiff summand is approximated with an implicit
Runge-Kutta method
9What is a Runge-Kutta Method?
- A Runge-Kutta method is a single-step
multistage ODE solver for problems of the form - where U can be a scalar or vector quantity.
- It is applied as
10The Butcher Array
- A Runge-Kutta (R-K) method is usually represented
by its Butcher array The array consists of two
vectors b,c, and a matrix A -
11Explicit Runge-Kuttas (ERKs)
- Matrix A is lower triangular, zero diagonal
- Calculation of each stage relies only on
the values of the previous stages. - Stability region is always bounded
- stages order, with equality only for s lt 6
12(E)xplicit First-Stage, (S)ingly (D)iagonally
(I)mplicit (R)unge-(K)utta Methods
Butcher array has diagonal entries Therefore we
must solve for each stage value
- Advantages
- A-stability
- Explicit 1st stage allows stage-order 2
- Requires an implicit solve for only one variable
at each stage, - Allows for stiff accuracy and L-stability
- Disadvantages
- Considerably higher ops count at each stage
- Considerably higher storage requirement
13How ARK Is Used To Handle Grid-Induced Stiffness
- Large elements integrated explicitly
- Small elements integrated implicitly
- CFL condition on large elements used to set time
14IMEX versus Explicit Integration
- Consider the linear advection equation with exact
- Ratio of largest element to smallest element
(stiffness ratio) is 100
Data below are for solution after propagating 100
wavelengths. Avg. of GMRES iterations 50
15The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle