Title: The Chandra view of Mrk 279
1The Chandra view of Mrk 279
- Elisa Costantini
- SRON, National Institute for Space Research
- Astronomical Institute Utrecht
- Mrk 279 Chandra-LETGS observation
- Emission spectrum
- Broad lines
- UV X-rays modeling
- Absorption components
- Warm absorber
- Redshift zero absorption
- Conclusions
3Mrk 279 previous study
- z 0.0306
- ASCA (Weaver et al. 2001)
- Variable iron line at 6.4 keV
- On the line of sight of ionized gas at z0
(Savage et al. 2003) - HTSFUSEChandra HETGS (Scott et al. 2004)
- 4 absorption systems from the host galaxy
- 1 warm absorber
4LETGS observation of Mrk 279
- - 10-20th May 2003
- - 7 shots (30-100 ks)
- - Total exposure 355 ks
- FUSE (91 ks) HST (41.3 ks) Arav et al. 2004,
2005 Gabel et al. 2005
5The first fit
- Complex oxygen region
- Narrow emission lines
- (OVII f, OVIII Ly a)
- Absorption lines ? OI-OVIII
- Broad emission features OVII, OVIII
6X-rays broad lines in Sy 1
- Broad emission lines ?
- Iron K a 6.4 keV (Tanaka 1995)
- OVII triplet (21.5-22.09 Å)
- (ngc5548 Steenbrugge et al. 2005)
- OVIII Ly a (18.96 Å)
- (ngc4051 Ogle et al. 2004, Fenovcik et al. 2005)
NGC 5548
7X-rays broad lines in Sy 1
- Broad emission lines ?
- Iron K a 6.4 keV (Tanaka 1995)
- OVII triplet (21.5-22.09 Å)
- (ngc5548 Steenbrugge et al. 2005)
- OVIII Ly a (18.96 Å)
- (ngc4051 Ogle et al. 2004, Fenovcik et al. 2005)
Relativistic broadening
8UV broad lines
Gabel et al. 2005
FWHM11000 km/s
9The LOC method
- One component of ionized emitting gas is
inadequate to describe emission. - ? BLR as a distribution of clouds with
different density, distance, column density,
and covering factor. - (Baldwin et al. 1995, Ferland et al.)
- The Locally Optimally emitting Cloud (LOC)
- ? Successfully applied to NGC 5548 (Korista
Goad 2000)
10The LOC method (2)
- Ingredients for the BLR
- Log NH23 cm-2
- Cf 0.5
- Log n 8-12.5 cm-3
- Log r 15.2-17.5 cm
11- FUSEHST best fit
- ? 0.89
- 0.97
X-ray line luminosity !
12Where are the lines produced?
BLR size 6-17 ldays (Santos-Lleo et al. 2001)
13- No strong evidence of
- highly ionized skin of the BLR
- relativistically broadened profile of OVIII
14Warm absorber the models
- SPEX (Kaastra 2001)
- SLAB transmission from a thin layer.
- Parameters ionic column densities, outflow
velocity, line broadening - XABS fit with a pre-calculated grid of NH and ?,
gi ven a SED - relies on XSTAR or Cloudy
- Parameters NH, ?, outflow velocity, line
broadening -
- WARM a continuos distribution of XABS
- Parameters outflow velocity, sigma, ?low ?high
15Warm absorber variability
- Difficult issue because
- High S/N
- High resolution
- Sufficient flux amplitude variation
- Long time scale variation
- e.g. ngc 3516 (Turner et al.2005)
- ngc 4151 (Kraemer et al. 2005)
- Short time scale variation
- No ngc 5548 (Steenbrugge et al. 2005)
- ngc 3783 (Netzer et al. 2003)
- Yes ngc 4051 (Krongold et al. 2005)
0 days 10
16 warm absorber variability
Log ?
- Large error bars
- Large scatter in the ionization parameter
17The warm absorber (2)
3 ionized warm absorbers intrinsic to Mrk 279 2
absorbers in the Milky Way
18The nature of the wa in mrk 279
No pressure equilibrium ? continuous
distribution ?
19Continuous vs clumpy wa
- Phases in pressure equilibrium
- NGC 3783 (Netzer et al. 2003,
- Krongold et al. 2003)
- Prompt reaction to flux variation
- Continuous distribution
- NGC 4051 (Ogle et al. 2004)
- NGC 5548 (Steenbrugge et al. 2005)
20The Milky way ionized absorber
Blue wing v - 87 km/s s 80 km/s
(Kaastra et al in prep.)
21Z0 absorber interpretation
- predicted EW(OVI)X 0.74 mÅ, consistent with non
detection - if OVII were connected with the narrow UV
component - ? deep OVII edge which is not observed
Global UV-X model collisionally ionized
Winning interpretation HVC complex C/K v
-(100-55) km/s solar metallicity
- Broad lines
- HST FUSE ? BLR lines in X-rays
- ? independent constraints to the X-ray spectral
fit. - No strong evidence of a highly ionized skin of
the BLR - No strong evidence of relativistic profiles
- Warm absorbers
- 3 main components, not variable, possibly in a
continuous outflow - z0 absorption most likely in the Milky Way