Title: Time to Disease Progression Study M00-211
1Time to Disease ProgressionStudy M00-211 ITT
P (G1,1) .136
HR 0.885 (95 CI 0.755 1.037)
Scheduled radiographic scans
2Time to Disease Progression Study M00-211
Patients with Bone Metastases
P .016
HR 0.813 (95 CI 0.685 0.965)
3Time to Disease ProgressionOBrien-Fleming
AdjustmentStudy M00-211Patients with Bone
P .023
HR 0.818 (95 CI 0.691 0.968)
4Summary of Endpoints
Time to disease progression HR 0.885 (0.755, 1.037) P .123
5Summary of Endpoints
Time to disease progression HR 0.885 (0.755, 1.037) P .123
BAP P .001
PSA P .023
6Summary of Endpoints
Time to disease progression HR 0.885 (0.755, 1.037) P .123
BAP P .001
PSA P .023
Prostate Cancer Subscore P .032
PCS pain P .015
7Summary of Endpoints
ITT Bone metastases(Unadjusted)
Time to disease progression HR 0.885 (0.755, 1.037) P .123 HR 0.813 (0.685, 0.965) P .021
BAP P .001 P lt .001
PSA P .023 P .015
Prostate Cancer Subscore P .032 P .035
PCS pain P .015
8Summary of Endpoints
ITT Bone metastases(Unadjusted) Bone metastases(OBrien-Fleming)
Time to disease progression HR 0.885 (0.755, 1.037) P .123 HR 0.813 (0.685, 0.965) P .021 HR 0.818(0.691, 0.968) P .023
BAP P .001 P lt .001
PSA P .023 P .015
Prostate Cancer Subscore P .032 P .035
PCS pain P .015
9Course of StudyStudy M00-211
- Powered to detect a treatment difference at 650
events - June 2001 Study initiated
- Sept. 2002 IDMC halts enrollment at 809
patients - Jan. 2003 IDMC recommends study stop (343
events) - Feb. 2003 Sites notified of study closure
- Mar. 2003 Last patients final visit (610
events) - May 2003 Study blind broken
- Study blind maintained through collection of
10Time to Disease Progression Study M96-594 ITT
10 mg vs. placebo
P .132
HR 0.769 (95 CI 0.545, 1.085)
11Group Sequential Stopping Rule
- One-sided symmetric (Emerson and Fleming, 1989)
- Type I error 0.025, power 90
- Conservative early boundaries
- Efficacy reject null hypothesis
- Futility reject alternative of effect similar
to M96-594 - G1,1 statistic
12Time to Radiographic ProgressionStudy M00-211
Patients With Bone Metastases
P .080
HR 0.846 (95 CI 0.698 1.025)
Events 212/355 (59.7) Events 206/335 (61.5)