Title: College Place Public Schools
1College Place Public Schools
- 4-Year Replacement Levy for Continuing Learning
- 2007 - 2010
2What is the difference between a levy and a bond?
- Levies are for Learning maintaining school
programs and operations - Bonds are for Building constructing buildings
3This LEVY would NOT pay for
- A new Davis Elementary School
- A new College Place High School
- A new Walla Walla High School
4What does the replacement levy fund?
5What does the levy help fund?
- Staff
- Physical education, music, band programs
- Health Services
- Special Education
- New curriculum adoption
- Highly Capable program
- Sports program
- Continued maintenance
- Technology program
- Professional development
- Cost of living adjustments for non-state funded
positions - Non-high payment to Walla Walla School District
6What of the Districts budget is funded through
local levy support?
- In the 2004/2005 school year the District
- received 21 of its total revenues from levy
- proceeds and state equalization funding.
If the levy fails then the District also loses
the state equalization funding. In 2004/2005
that amounted to 284,863.12.
7What are we asking tax payers to approve?
- April 25, 2006 Proposal
- 2007 - 1,730,000 _at_ 2.95/1000
- 2008 - 1,850,000 _at_ 3.07/1000
- 2009 - 1,985,000 _at_ 3.11/1000
- 2010 - 2,080,000 _at_ 3.18/1000
8What did you actually pay?
Between 2000 2005 tax payers paid a total of
1.10 less than proposed and voter approved.
9County Rate Comparison
10What happens if College Place doesnt continue to
fund their own public school system?
College Place School District could possibly be
absorbed into the Walla Walla School District.
College Place School District residents would
then pay the same tax rate as Walla Walla School
District residents are paying. During 2005
Walla Walla residents paid 1.25 more per
thousand than College Place residents.
11What does this mean to College Place residents
and their students?
- You will have less of a voice in future decisions
regarding the schooling of YOUR children.
12The voting process is different!
Your ballot will come in the mail near April 7,
If you didnt get a ballot in February, you need
to call the County Auditors Office at 524-2535
to verify your mailing address. (This contact
must be made by March 24, 2006)
13Lets Compare 2006
- Walla Walla School District will collect
- College Place School District will collect
14Info from February 2006 vote
- 44.68 of the registered voters voted
- 58.50 voted yes (it takes 60 to pass)
- All precincts had at least a 50 yes vote
State requires a SUPER MAJORITY of 60 yes
votes to pass a levy
Terri Klundt, Levy Team Co-Chairman
529-7290 Sandy Goodwin, Levy Team Co-Chairman
Tim Payne, Superintendent Shanda Zessin, Business
Manager Phone 525-4827 Website www.cpps.org