Title: Freshen Up Your Freezer Case
1Freshen UpYour Freezer Case
- Introducing Lisas Organics line of Organic
frozen fruit vegetables.
2The time forvalue is now.
Economic conditions and rising costs of both food
and energy have increased consumers search for
value opportunities.
3This challenge big opportunity.
Todays retailers must seek real money saving
value added opportunities for their customers.
4Dont cut prices.add value.
Price cutting merely shrinks margin, but quality,
high-volume products like Lisas Organics add
value to both consumer and retailer by
Addressing consumer desire for healthy eating.
Offering price points and margins for the
retailer that maintain profits.
5Health-savvy Customers Want Something Fresh.
Continued understanding of the long-term effects
of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers have
heightened the consumers desire for an
alternative Organics is the solution they are
looking for.
6North American Sourced.
Lisas Organics offers only fruits and vegetables
sourced primarily in North America. We do not
outsource key elements, such as manpower and
energy, to foreign countries.
7Organic Outsells Conventional.
Most, if not all consumers, will purchase organic
products over conventional skus if the price
points are close to parity. When the organic sku
is less expensive than the branded conventional
product, price, the one inhibitor to a purchase
decision, is eliminated.
Please contact Lisas Organics at 877-584-5711
to get more information.