Title: Atmospheric Chemistry Related Research at Texas Tech University
1Atmospheric Chemistry RelatedResearch at Texas
Tech University
2Flux 20 Hz Microfabricated Moisture Sensors
Inexpensive and versatile, fully automated,
lt500, 1 ppb sensitivity, 2-5 min integr time
(Also for NO2)
Fast and Sensitive, 10 Hz, Solution
Other Gases Hydrogen peroxide, Methyl
hydroperoxide, Formaldehyde, Ammonia, all
fluorescence based, mid-low ppt LODs
Developing capabilities Acetone, alkenes, Fast
3Ionogenic Gases
Organic Acids, HF, HCl, HONO, HNO3, SO2, H2C2O4,
NH3 10-15 min time resolution, low to sub-ppt
Ionogenic Particles
Ammonium, organic acid anions, fluoride,
chloride, nitrite, nitrate, sulfate, oxalate
10-15 min time resolution, low ng/m3 LODs
4Size and wavelength multiplexed Aethalometry
Light attenuation as a function of particle size
and wavelength
5In Progress EPA Carbonaceous PM Project
On-line Liquid Chromatographic Mass Spectrometric
Characterization of PM2.5
6Rh moisture sensor deposit Ni/Ti electroplate
Rh spincoat Nafion
7Rh Sensor Response Speed Data points 10 msec
Apart Speed increases with increasing applied
8Intermediate range humidity calibration
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10Porous membranes carry 10-20 as much light as
Teflon AF but has 10-20 times higher gas transfer
11Analytical reaction Indigosulfonate ozone
Colorless Product Use Yellow Food Dye as
ReferenceWater evaporation compensation
12Renew the reagents at fix time or renew it when
?A0.05 AU
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16Measurement of Atmospheric O3
17Gas inlet
Aluminum block
Black plexi
Liquid in
Liquid out
Clear plexiglas
Signal out
Gas outlet
PMT cell
Dark housing
Fresh CA soln.
18Response time
Rise time 0.14 s
Fall time 0.12 s
CL responses for ozone. Left 0 ppb to 110 ppb
ozone right 110 ppb to 0 ppb ozone.
19An Instrument that measures Gas phase Hydrogen
Peroxide and Methyl hydroperoxide
LEDs Multiplexed Detector
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21Instrument Schematic for HCHO
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24Stability of response to 7.9 ppbv HCHO, 3/7 min
252.0 ppbv H2O2 and 3.4 ppbv MHP.
26Aircraft measurement data
27Different origin of air mass
28Gas Particle Analysis Systems
29Separating Gases From Particles
Principles of Diffusion Based Collection   Â
 Gormley, P.
G. and Kennedy, M. Proc. Roy. Soc. Ir. Acad.
Sci. 52A163 (1949) Â For high Collection
Efficiencies (f) 1-f 0.819 exp(-3.657?)
0.097 exp (-22.3?) 0.033 exp (-57?)
..... Â where ? ?DL/Q D Diffusion
Coefficient, cm2/s L Active length of
denuder Q sampling rate, cm3/s
30Parallel Plate
1-f 0.91 exp (-2.4w?/s)) where w is the width
of the plate and s is the separation between
them see Simon, P. K. Dasgupta, P. K. Anal.
Chem. 65, 1134 (1993). Amendments De
Santis, F. Anal. Chem. 66, 3503 (1994). Â Example
L 30 cm, w 5 cm, s 3 mm Test gas SO2 Q
5L/min f 99.8 Q 10 L/min f 95.2
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32In our laboratory, we have chosen to work with
the parallel plate denuders The current versions
are made from plastic, rather than glass and
simple field deployable stands are used.
33 Tampa 2003
3495 mm
76 mm
35A Continuous Analyzer for Soluble Anionic
Constituents and Ammonium in Atmospheric
Particulate Matter R. Al-Horr, G. Samanta and P.
K. Dasgupta Environmental Science and Technology
(ASAP, on web)
36To get meaningful results for sticky gases like
HNO3, must operate a separate denuder without
cyclone or other inlet
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39Thank You!