Title: OnePoint Perspective Landscape Drawing
1One-Point Perspective Landscape Drawing
- The road to a distant land
- An example created by
- Mr. Wald
2Watch for these vocabulary words during this
- Horizon Line The place in a drawing or painting
where the sky meets the ground. - Vanishing point a point of disappearance, in the
distance. Within a landscape drawing it would be
located on the horizon line. - Orthogonals these are parallel lines that help
the viewer's eye to connect points around the
canvas to the vanishing point - Overlapping when objects partially cover one
another. The object behind the others would show
something is farther away. - Space an element of art, placement and size of
objects in relation to one another helps shows
space or distance. - Depth the range of distance represented in a
drawing or painting. - Distance how far away or how close something
appears from the viewer. - Contrast a principle of design, the difference
between two colors. - Shading a drawing technique used to make objects
appear to have volume or dimension. - Gradation the gradual changes in color from
light to dark. - Atmosphere the perception of depth in nature
created by using lights and darks. - Environment a collection of the living or
non-living things in a drawing or painting that
shows the viewer how all things relate to one
3Start by adding a horizon line. This is the line
where the ground and sky meet.
4Now add a vanishing point. This will become the
farthest distance in the drawing.
5Add lines to the vanishing point. These lines are
called orthoganals.
6These orthogonals will represent my road or path
that leads to the horizon.
7Shading and contrast also helps shows depth.(The
color gets darker as the distance increases)
8 Tip Objects such as trees or buildings would
also get smaller and closer together as
they got farther away.
9This gradual color, or gradation is done with all
colors and is applied to all parts of the drawing.
10The sky is darker at the top and lighter where it
meets the ground. This is opposite from the
ground. This is how you create atmosphere.
11The overlapping shapes and darker colors in the
background adds the elements needed to help
create an environment.
12What will your distant city or village look like?