Title: Spectroscopy
- PART III Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy - Organic Chemistry 30B
213C NMR Spectroscopy
- Carbon-12 nuclei have a spin of zero, so are not
NMR active - Carbon-13 nuclei (1.11 natural abundance) have
a spin of 1/2, so are NMR active - Absorption of radio waves in the wavelength range
of 3.3 m (frequency of 100 MHz) causes nuclear
spin flips - The resonance frequencies are a function of the
local magnetic field which is dependant on the
molecular structure
313C NMR Spectroscopy
- Since protons have a spin of 1/2 every carbon
with protons attached should show 1J coupling and
be split following the 2I 1 rule - Thus a methyl carbon should appear as a quartet
and a methine as a doublet - And every carbon with protons attached to the
next carbon should show 2J coupling and be
further split following the 2I 1 rule - Therefore 13C NMR spectra are acquired in a
proton decoupled mode so only single lines are
4Chemical Shift
- The Chemical Shift range for 13C NMR is 0-200
ppm. - Tetramethylsilane is again the reference standard
at 0 ppm.
513C NMR Spectrum
6Chemical Shift
- Carbon-13 NMR signals near 20 ppm are for nuclei
that are shielded - Carbon-13 NMR signals near 200 ppm are for nuclei
that are very deshielded
713C NMR Spectra
- Information obtained from an 13C NMR spectrum
- The number of signals indicates the number of
different types of carbons - The chemical shift indicates the type of carbon
and proximal functional groups
813C NMR Spectra
- Information NOT generally obtained from a
standard 13C NMR spectrum - Integration for the ratios of numbers of carbons
- Signal shape indicating environment dynamics
- Signal splitting indicating the number of nearby
protons or carbons - But different types of 13C NMR, such as DEPT, can
indicate the number of attached protons
9Equivalency of Atoms or Groups
- Homotopic atoms or groups are equivalent
- and will present one NMR signal
- Enantiotopic atoms or groups are equivalent
- in an achiral environment and will present
- one NMR signal
- Diastereotopic atoms or groups are different
- and will present separate NMR signals
- Integration is not typically accurate for
indicating the ratios of the number of carbon
atoms in 13C NMR
11Chemical Shift
12Chemical Shift
20 ppm Alkane carbons R3CH 50 ppm Carbons with
heteroatoms X-CR3 80 ppm Alkyne
carbons R-CC-R 120 ppm Alkene, Aromatic
carbons R2CCHR ArH 170 ppm Acid, amide,
ester carbons RXCO 200 ppm Aldehyde, ketone
carbons RRCO
13Example 13C NMR Spectrum
14Example 13C NMR Spectrum
In CDCl3 solvent
15Experimental Detail
13C NMR spectra are usually obtained with the
compound of interest in solution, so cannot avoid
seeing carbons from solvent. Usually use
deuterated solvents such as CDCl3 for both 1H NMR
and 13C NMR spectra. Since deuterium has a spin
of I 1, see a 111 triplet signal (splitting
to 2I1 lines) at 77 ppm for CDCl3.
In CDCl3 solvent
16Example 13C NMR Spectrum
In CDCl3 solvent
17Example 13C NMR Spectrum
In CDCl3 solvent
18Example 13C NMR Spectrum
In CDCl3 solvent
19Attached Protons
- Can the number of attached protons be found?
- 1) Generally, carbons with protons attached give
taller signals - 2) DEPT Spectra
20Attached Protons
Six short signals in 13C NMR spectrum for the
six carbons without protons attached
21DEPT 13C NMR Spectrum
- DEPT Carbon-13 NMR spectra directly indicate the
number of attached protons - Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization
22Example DEPT 13C NMR Spectrum
23Example DEPT 13C NMR Spectrum
24Example DEPT 13C NMR Spectrum
CDCl3 signal disappears in DEPT spectra, since no
protons attached to carbon.
25Example DEPT 13C NMR Spectrum
Do not see quaternary carbons in DEPT spectra, so
do not see signals at 150 and 175 ppm.
26NMR Spectral Problems
WebSpectra NMR spectral problems are available
at http//www.chem.ucla.edu/webspectra
27Interpreting 13C NMR Spectra
- Number of Signals - of types of carbons
- Chemical Shifts - Carbon environment
- DEPT spectra - of attached protons
- Combined with other information such as Mass
Spectra, Infrared Spectra, and 1H NMR Spectra,
the goal is complete determination of the
molecular structure