Title: Not ITIL Brian Johnson CA Technology Services February 2006
1Not ITILBrian JohnsonCA Technology
ServicesFebruary 2006
2The Business Perspective
ITIL solve all our problems!
..thats what you think!..
Part 1
Is ITIL a business and IT alignment instrument?
3How Not to Implement ITIL
- Introduction ITIL the Business
perspective (.why are we doing it again?) - Common types of approach (.how not to do
it) - Scoring goals (own goals)
- Barriers enablers
- Success factors
Part 1
Part 2
Disclaimer All characters and events depicted in
this presentation are purely fictional and in no
way reflect the behavior, attitudeand
professionalism of IT staff.unless you know
4Individual Personal Learning Plan
Your session not mine
Into action
5ITIL and the Business Perspective
Business demand
Is ITIL a business and IT alignment instrument?
Value chain focus
Business focus
Impact of IT on the business
Customer focus
Product/Service focus
Technology focus
Growth model Role of IT in the Organization
IT growth
6Implementing ITIL
Business demand
is to embark upon an organizational change
program ...many change programs fail to
realize desired results
Change program
ITIL is no different...
The only thing standing between you and a
successful ITIL change program is..
Technology focus
IT growth
7The Business View of ITSM
Business demand
Id like an information system that will
enable me to process customer requests, allowing
me to rapidly call up customer information and
most recent purchases linked to geographical
and product based groupings...
Change program
ITIL bridge
the communications gap.
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
8The Business View of ITSM
Business demand
Change program
Really.how fascinating. And how many gangle
bits of multiplexed asynchronous digitized
transfers per cybernetic transaction phase will
be processed..
gangle bits.. multiplexed .. asynchronous digit
ized transfers
...er sorry?
You will be
Communication issue
if at first you are not understood. say it
again..only slower....
Technology focus
IT growth
9The Business View of ITSM
Business demand
I dont think were on the same PLANET..
Er.I dont think were on the same WAVELENGTH..
Change program
Communication issue
Technology focus
communications break down.
IT growth
10The Business View of ITSM
Business demand
probably the most important management
fundamental that is being ignored today is
staying close to the customer to satisfy his (or
her) needs. In too many companies the customer
has become a bloody nuisance whose unpredictable
behavior damages carefully made strategic plans,
whose activities mess up computer operations, and
who stubbornly insists that purchased products
should work.
Change program
a bunch of technoids
We dont have any technoids in our
they can only communicate in techno
Communication issue
Technology focus
technoid spotty faced know it all IT technical
person that communicates in grunts and snorts
(Not the IT Infrastructure library)
IT growth
11The Business View of ITSM
Business demand
Change program
ITIL show that we are service and customer
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
12The Business View of ITSM
Business demand
Unclear ROI or business case
Change program
Lack of IT leadership
Poor communications, expectations management
change management
Lack of business knowledge
Findings of the itSMF Special Interest
Group Business-ICT alignment
Lack of ICT knowledge
EY trends
- Key issues
- internal processes
- insight into costs
- lowering costs
- customer focus
Attitude/ trust
Lack of effective ICT governance
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
13Common Types of Approach
Business demand
ITIL be alright on the night!.
Change program
garbage in, garbage out
ITIL for the sake of ITIL
the sleight of hand
ITIL to the letter
The paper chase
The great tool hunt
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Thats what it says in the book
a fool with a tool is still a fool
Technology focus
IT growth
14ITIL for the Sake of ITIL
Weve been using ITIL for over a year now and it
hasnt made a difference
Business demand
- ITIL as the GOAL
- allocating process owners (dumping it
somewhere) - no evidence of - goal of this process?
this procedure? - goal
achievement? - were going to IMPLEMENT ITIL
Change program
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT leadership? Clear ROI?
IT growth
15ITIL for the Sake of ITIL
- often a bureaucratic overload of procedures and
work instructions that nobody uses
..ITIL is too bureaucratic - experts hired in to write procedures
because theyve done it before youve
done it before..give us some off the shelf
procedures - no ownership of procedures - no real responsibility and authority
Business demand
Change program
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
16ITIL for the Sake of ITIL
Business demand
- often commitment is lacking
- Everybody needs to walk-the-talk
- attitude also refers to line managers
Change program
You have my full commitment.. Apart from money,
time resources and attention and just so long as
I dont have to be involved
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT leadership? Managing change?
IT growth
17ITIL to the Letter.
Business demand
ITIL never work hereIt is out of
date Thats not the way it works in reality?
- thats what it says in the book.. ITIL is
out of date, and just for mainframes - failure to use ITIL as a reference model of
best practices. - no understanding of purpose of procedures
- too rigid and inflexible, no real fit to
organizational situation and needs
Change program
In the beginning was the word and the word
was ITIL...
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
18Business demand
Entry card to the US.
Change program
Have you, or are you involved in espionageor
sabotage or genocide?
Have you ever been, or are you a trafficker of
controlled substances
IMPORTANT If you answered yes to any of the
above, please contact the American embassy BEFORE
you travel to the U.S.
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
.how many people do you think have answered yes?
Communication issue
A procedure must serve a purpose and be seen as
useful by those involved in it.
Technology focus
IT growth
19The roles in ITIL v3
- OGC is committed to a collaborative approach to
achieving global best practice through - Stewardship
- itSMF International, working on behalf of the
ITIL community, and in partnership with OGC,
should have a key role in stewardship by ensuring
that the guidance is truly best practice and is
scalable and international in its application.
itSMF International is non-profit organisation
whose expertise, and commitment to the
preservation and evolution of ITIL have propelled
its global success. - Examination Institutes and other partners also
have an important stewardship role. - Ownership
- Ownership by OGC means that ITIL is perceived as
free from commercial bias. OGC protects the core
IPR and assures everything connected with it is
conformant and licensed. This leads to a single
identity in a coherent product/services set from
multiple vendors.
20ITIL partners
ITIL Certification Mgmt Board
publishing partner
Exam Institutes
user group
British Standards
Course Providers
accreditation service
Institute of Service Management
fast tracking
professional body
ISO 20000
30 worldwide chapters
21- Outsourced procurement to suppliers using global
standards - Easier to partner with other organisations
- IT savings can contribute to Business Efficiency
targets - Changes in marketplaces, technologies and
business requirements have heightened the need
for a review of ITIL content. - Enhance benefits for business efficiencies
- Outsourcing supplier compliance benefits
- Revitalising the ITIL guidance to reflect the
expanding global marketplace, - the present and future trends of IT service
management and the diversity - of the global IT service workforce
22The success factors
- It should be
- stable, clearly defined, consistent and
well-protected core best practice which gives
confidence to users and service providers
worldwide - It should support
- a dynamic market for value-added products and
services which show how current technology and
business issues are addressed in a manner
consistent with core ITIL - easier integration of ITIL into organisational
standards and easier demonstration of supplier
conformance and VFM (it should be easier to
measure benefits) - A transparent update process open to the
international community, to ensure maximum
participation and support from the community and
industry - different cultures and countries
- different scales of implementation
23The findings
- Consistency in all the guidance structure,
process,etc. - Add Process Models for every process
- Include examples, case studies, templates
- Implementation guidance outsourced services
- Scalability address small, medium and large
orgs - Hooks into other best practices CobiT, CMM,
etc. - Much more on business benefits and marketing
- Better exams, more qualifications, more
consistency - Guidance on selecting good tools
- Consistent terms and definitions
- Download the findings report http//www.itsmf.co
24The future
- Business Perspective 2
- ITIL/COBIT mapping
- Introduction
- Process models
- Revise Foundation if necessary
Two year plan
- set in place management structure for refresh
- Rolling update to core ITIL guides until Oct 2006
- Rolling update to qualifications until Oct 2006
- process models
- communication and benefits realisation plans
- correct known errors
- create website
- consult with international community
- define authoring process
- define publication QA process
- define qualification update process with
ISEB/EXIN - identify accreditation and customisation issues
- consult/align with BSI and ISO
- interface to other best practices and standards
- define work packages and delivery options
- address implementation and conformance issues
- License Added Value tools
- License Added Value publications
- Update to ITIL standards
- Update to accreditation/compliance assessment
25The Great Tool Hunt.
- were going to implement ITIL we need a
tool - a fool with a tool is still a fool
Business demand
ICT thinks in terms of systems?
Change program
let me just check in our state of the art help
desk tool where we store advanced
diagnostic scripts to aid speedy resolution of
I cant get the cut and paste from my Lotus
spreadsheet to unpack correctly into my
PowerPoint slide. When I paste it I lose all the
bar graph fills...
is your PC switched on?
Help desk what do you want now?..
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
26The Great Tool Hunt.
- registering everything and anything and
not knowing why.inability to find anybody
remotely interested in the data... or not
registering enough! - shaping the organization and process to fit
the tool, not the tool to fit the process..
Business demand
Change program
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
27The Business.
Business demand
Change program
- Business knowledge of ICT
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
28The Paper Chase.
Business demand
- we produce heaps of reports.
- no ownership of content, once-off project
reporting - much of what gets registered is not used
anywhere in any reporting
Change program
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
our IT organization is effective they produce
many ITIL reports, e.g on changes and
problems noI dont actually read the reports
they are not useful to me
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT leadership? Clear ROI?
IT growth
29The Paper Chase.
Business demand
- thats what ITIL says we need to report..
- no clear link to goals
- baffle them with BS and theyll go away..
Change program
IT leadership? Clear ROI?
Just tell them concrete actions have been taken
by our IT professionals that CLEARLY show a
drastic reduction in theamount of changes that
degrade IT services
The Board of Directors is complaining about the
amount of IT changes that seem to go wrong. They
want to know what we are going to do about it!.
Output focus
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
30Improving the Quality of Service
Business demand
if you aim at nothing,
nothing is what youll hit..
Change program
It leadership? Clear ROI?
more efficient, cost effective provision of
quality IT services
User complaints
Capacity demands
Output focus
User satisfaction
BullSt Meter
Attitude/ trust
IT director
Communication issue
Often the desired results are not quantified. so
what you get is what you aimed for...
Technology focus
IT growth
31Goal Setting.Or How to Score Own Goals
Business demand
Change program
Customer focus
Output focus
Often the goals are IT facing and dont take into
account the customer perception and needs...
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
Business intelligence? Clear ROI?
Customer focus
IT growth
Technology focus
32Goal Setting.Or How to Score Own Goals
Discrepancy between business IT
Business demand
results of a Dutch study involving more than
600 respondents..
Change program
Inability to plan,control MEASURE
Customer satisfaction
Customer focus
IT director
Output focus
- Key industry recommendation customer
service focus - process improvement focus aligned to
Customer perception
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
IT growth
33Goal Setting.Or How to Score Own Goals
Goal reduce the amount of incidents
to the help desk
Business demand
Change program
Goal 99 availability of the unix
system Availability management
is the most mature tactical process in
our organization
most dissatisfied aspect of IT service
delivery according to the users availabilit
Customer focus
Goal alignment
Output focus
..thats because users dont understand what
availability management is.. theyre
moaning about the application!...
Attitude/ trust
Communication issue
Technology focus
ICT thinks in terms of systems?
IT growth