Title: HannahSpacex Gallery, Exeter
1Johanna Centre for Contemporary Art and the
Natural World, Haldon Forest
HannahSpacex Gallery, Exeter
Ula Freelance
Caroline Plymouth Arts Centre
Nia Lighthouse Visual Arts Centre, Brixham
Community College
2How has enquire enabled regional networks and new
partnerships? What has this achieved for
partners? How can such networks be facilitated?
3Share knowledge
4Share contacts
5Support each other
6Plan joint marketing and advocacy
7Plan future collaborations
8Tackle shared problems
9Share practical ideas
10Strengthen our practice
11How can such networks be facilitated?
- To take our partnership forward we plan to
- Believe in and communicate the value of the
network - Ensure that each partner organisation supports
the network at a senior level - Appoint someone to co-ordinate meetings/venues
- Include new partners
- Continue using basecamp
- Continue working on projects together
- Make space for open dialogue