Title: Bow Echoes
1Bow Echoes
- bow echoA bow-shaped line of convective cells
that is often associated with swaths of damaging
straight-line winds and small tornadoes. - Key structural features include an intense
rear-inflow jet impinging on the core of the bow,
with book-end or line-end vortices on both sides
of the rear-inflow jet, behind the ends of the
bowed convective segment. - Bow echoes have been observed with scales between
20 and 200 km, and often have lifetimes between 3
and 6 h. - At early stages in their evolution, both cyclonic
and anticyclonic book-end vortices tend to be of
similar strength, but later in the evolution, the
northern cyclonic vortex often dominates, giving
the convective system a comma-shaped appearance. - From the Glossary of Meteorology online
2Conceptual Model of Bow Echo Structural Evolution
Figure from Fujita (1978)
3Conceptual model of bow echo evolution
- A line of storms initially form
- RIJ and book-end vortices develop 3-4 hours after
initiation. - Planetary vertical vorticity enhanced the
northern BEV, weakens the southern one produces
asymmetric structure by 5-6 hrs. - Notice the two primary flows
- Upshear tilted front to rear flow
- The RIJ
4- Example of Single-Doppler Radar Observations of a
bow echo - Notice
- Well-defined bowing segment in dBZ field,
- asymmetric structure of stratiform precip.
- Well-defined RIJ
- Multi cellular structure
- Well-defined northern BEV
From Atkins et al. (2004 - MWR)
5Dual-Doppler Radar observations of bow echoes
only very recently from the Bow Echo and MCV
Experiment (BAMEX)
From Davis et al. (2004) BAMS
6- Notice that the dual-Doppler analysis appears to
capture the RIJ - Strong updraft at leading edge of system
From Davis et al. (2004) BAMS
- derechoA widespread convectively induced
straight-line windstorm. Specifically, the term
is defined as any family of downburst clusters
produced by an extratropical mesoscale convective
system. Derechos may or may not be accompanied by
tornadoes. Such events were first recognized in
the Corn Belt region of the United States, but
have since been observed in many other areas of
the midlatitudes. Johns, R. H., and W.
O. Hirt, 1987 Derechos Widespread convectively
induced windstorms. Wea. Forecasting, 2, 3249.
(from Glossary of Meteorology online) - There are two types of derechos
- Serial often a line of small bow echoes that
form in the warm sector of a strongly forced mid
latitude wave - Often the small-scale bow echoes form a line echo
wave pattern (LEWP)
- Progressive often a single bow echo system that
propagates along a stationary boundary more
common during the warm season (see Johns and
Hirt, 87 WAF)
The event below produced 151 m in property
damage and 20 m in crop damage in IA and IL.
10Derecho Climatology
Figures from Ashley and Mote 2005
11Bow echo evolution physical processes
- Initially, the updrafts within the convective
line tilt upshear due to the strong low-mid level
environmental shear (c/Du lt 1). - As the convective storms produce a cold pool, the
environmental shear at low levels is balanced by
the baroclinic horizontal vorticity within the
cold pool c/Du 1 - The convection is quite strong at this point
- As the cold pool gets stronger, the baroclinic
horizontal vorticity within the cold pool is
stronger than that in the environmental shear
(c/Du gt 1) - The updraft then tilts upshear. The places warm
buoyant air over cold air in the cold pool.
Lower pressure is generated under the warm
buoyant air. - A horizontal pressure gradient is then produced,
creating the RIJ
12RIJ Formation
Low-level shear vector
Updraft initially tilts down shear
As cold pool develops, updraft is upright as cold
pool (C) balances environmental shear (Du)
13RIJ Formation
From the vertical momentum equation
- As the cold pool continues to strengthen, the
updraft tilts upshear and over the cold pool
since C gt Du - generates an area of low pressure beneath it at
mid levels
14Bow echo evolution physical processes
- The stronger RIJs tend to form in environments
where there is a lot of CAPE and strong low-level
wind shear. - In these environments, the RIJ tends to remain
elevated until it reaches the leading edge of the
convective system. - When the CAPE and low-level shear are weaker, the
RIJ will descend to the ground further to the
rear of the convective system.
15Bow echo environments
- Based on the figure to the right, what
environments produce bow echoes? - This is based entirely on idealized modeling
16Bow echo environments
- Here are some observational results for
derecho-producing environments.
From Evans and Doswell (2001 WAF)
17Bow echo Damage
Both figures from Fujita (78)
18Bow Echo during BAMEX on 9 June 2003
Southeastern NE An example of RIJ Producing
straight-line wind damage swath
-5 5 15 25 dBZ 35 45
55 -30 -20
-10 0 m/s 10 20 30
19Bow echo Damage
from Fujita (78)
20Bow echo Damage
from Fujita (78)
21Bow Echo Tornadoes
- Within BEV
- Pfost and Gerard 97
- Howieson and Tipton 88
- North/At Bow Apex
- Burgess and Smull 90
- Przybylinski 95
- Przybylinski et al. 96
- Spoden et al. 98
- Dewald et al. 98
- Funk et al. 99
- Wolf 02
- Atkins et al. 04, 05
- South of Bow Apex
- Atkins et al. 04
22Bow Echo Tornadoes, cont.
- Tornadoes often form at intersection point of bow
echo/ squall line and preexisting boundary - Bow echo tornado genesis mechanism(s) not well
From Przybylinski et al. (2000)
23Trapp et al. 2005
- Based near St. Louis, MO from 20 May 6 July,
2003 - Objectives
- Bow Echoes Understand and improve prediction of
the mesoscale and cell-scale processes that
produce severe winds - MCVs understand MCV formation within MCSs, the
role of MCVs in initiating and modulating
convection onto MCV intensity, and to improve the
overall predictability of the vortex-convection
coupled system
2510 June 2003 Bow Echo Event During BAMEX
From Atkins et al. (2005)
26Mesovortices and Bow Echo Tornadoes
- Mesovortices
- Form at the leading edge of the convective system
on the large reflectivity gradient - Observed at low levels (0-3 km AGL)
- Lifetime of an hour or less
- 1-20 in horizontal scale (meso-g) often hard to
detect!! - Often tornadic (commonly F0-F2, though up to F4
has been documented - Genesis mechanism(s) is(are) still under
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29- Just recently, its been shown that mesovortices
within bow echoes are also capable of producing
long, narrow swaths of straight-line wind damage. - This damage has been shown to be located NORTH of
the descending RIJ and not collocated with it.
From Atkins et al. (2005)
30From Atkins et al. (2005)
31Mesovortex Genesis
32Mesovortex Genesis
- Wakimoto et al. 2006b
- Airborne Doppler radar observations
- Mechanically-forced downdrafts tilt horizontal
crosswise vorticity - Wheatley and Trapp 2008
- Numerical simulation of a cool season event
- Shearing Instability
33- Quasi-Idealized WRF Simulation of the 10 June
Saint Louis Bow Echo Event - Research Objective
- Examine the mesovortex genesis mechanism(s)
- Experimental Design (Quasi-idealized simulation)
- Sounding 18 UTC Springfield, MO, 2003
- CAPE 2558 J/kg
- Wind vector difference of 18 m/s over lowest 2.5
km (moderate low-level shear) - Domain Dx Dy 500 m, Dz varies from 160-600m)
- Lin ice microphysics
- Three thermal bubbles oriented N-S initiated
convection - Boundaries open N-S, W-E, free slip surface
- Results to be shown are from Atkins and St.
Laurent 2009b, MWR
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35Cyclonic Mesovortices Anticyclonic Mesovortices
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38Following Rotunno and Klemp (85) Using Bjerknes
First Circulation Theorem, the change in
circulation around a material surface is given by
39Mesovortex Genesis Cyclonic Only
Inflow Downdraft/updraft Vortex lines mesovortex
Mechanism is similar to low-level
mesocyclogenesis within supercells discussed by
Rotunno, Klemp, Davies-Jones and others
40Cyclonic Mesovortices Anticyclonic Mesovortices
41All fields at Z 0.2 km Streamlines U (ms-1) W
(ms-1) Qr (g kg-1)
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43Mesovortex Genesis - Couplets
- Same mechanism used to explain the genesis of
- Bow echo line-end vortices (Weisman and Davis,
1989) - Low-level mesocyclones in supercells (Markowski
et al. 2008)
44Cyclonic Mesovortices Anticyclonic Mesovortices
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48- Summary
- Genesis of mesovortices
- Cellular Stage
- Cyclonic only tilting of baroclinically
generated streamwise vorticity acquired by
convective-scale downdraft parcels
49- Summary
- Genesis of mesovortices
- Early Bow Echo Stage
- Couplets - convective-scale downdraft creates
bulge in gust front - vortex couplet forms as updraft tilts
baroclinically generated vortex lines.
50- Summary
- Genesis of mesovortices
- Mature Bow Echo Stage
- Cyclonic only Same as Cellular Stage except
that downdraft parcels are descending within the
rear inflow
51Mesovortex Damaging Potential
- Damage swaths will be found on southern flank of
mesovortex formed near descending RIJ - Due to linear combination of mesovortex and RIJ
RIJ mesovortex
From Atkins and St. Laurent (2009a, MWR)
52dBZ 0.5 degrees
From Atkins et al. (2005)
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59Are Nocturnal Bow Echoes Less Damaging?
60From Jorgensen et al. 05
- Non damaging bow echo at time of aircraft
observation! - 25 ms-1 RIJ!
- Time of observation 0040 am
Low level stable layer sounding launched 95 km
SSW and 1.6 hrs prior to radar observations
61KENX data on 27 July 2008, 0601 UTC Bow Echo
over western MA there were NO damage reports
with this event dBZ
80 knot RIJ
62RUC Sounding at 0500 UTC western MA
Did this low-level stable layer contribute to the
lack of near-surface damaging winds?
63Do low-level stable layers inhibit damaging
surface winds in bow echoes?
64Idealized Bow Echo Simulations with WRF
- Single sounding initialization 2400 J kg-1, U
increases by 20 ms-1 over lowest 2.5 km i.e.,
large CAPE and strong low-level shear) - Domain 350 x 370 x 17.5 km Dx Dy 750 m,
Dz160-700m - Four thermal bubbles every 40 km in the north
south direction initiated convection - Six hour simulations
- Open lateral boundary conditions, free slip
surface, rigid top with Rayleigh damping layer - Kessler microphysics
- Turbulence 1.5 TKE closure
- f10-4 s-1
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66Potential Temperature
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68The RIJ does not weaken significantly when a
stable layer is present
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71Low-level stable layer reduces number and
strength of mesovortices How?
72Mesovortex Genesis
- Not well understood
- State of our understanding is from recent
modeling results
From Trapp and Weisman (2003) and Weisman and
Trapp (2003)
73Mesovortex Genesis Updrafts tilt horizontal
streamwise vorticity
Horizontal vorticity
From Atkins and St. Laurent (2009b, MWR)
74How do low-level stable layers weaken
Horizontal vorticity
From Atkins and St. Laurent (2009b, MWR)
75Strong stable layers will inhibit mesovortex
Horizontal vorticity
From Atkins and St. Laurent (2009b, MWR)
76T 4.5 hours, Z 0.2 km Buoyancy
(ms-2) Horizontal vorticity vectors Vertical
Control Run
77Control Run
78T 4.5 hours, Z 0.2 km Buoyancy
(ms-2) Horizontal vorticity vectors Vertical
505 m deep Stable layer Dq 7K
79505 m deep Stable layer Dq 7K
80This is also possible
81- Conclusions
- Stable layers decrease surface winds within bow
echoes - Stronger and deeper stable layers are more
effective - RIJ strength decreases only a little, can not
explain the large decrease in near-surface winds - Mesovortices progressively become less numerous
and weaker as stable layer becomes stronger - Their source of vorticity is weakened in the
presence of a stable layer - Some nocturnal bow echoes may not pose as
significant of a damaging threat as they would
during daytime hours. - Acknowledgments Research results supported by
NSF under grant ATM-0630445 and Vermont EPSCoR