Title: Identity ~ Unit 1
1Identity Unit 1
With Mrs. Francene Gillis
Copy all notes answer all questions do all
- Brainstorm what identity means.
- What determines identity?
- List ten criteria used in determining ones
identity. - Is it possible to mis-identify someone?
- Is it possible to have multiple personalities?
- Which is more important, our physical identity,
or our spiritual identity? Support your opinion. - How important is ones name? Comment with
examples of support.
Creative Me
- Create an "Identity Map" depicting all the
components that make up your identity, including
the many roles you play.
- What 3 words would you choose to best describe
yourself? - Why do those words accurately describe you?
- What 3 words would your family use to describe
you? - What three words would your friends use to
describe you? - Have three classmates describe you. How accurate
are their perceptions of you? - What 3 words do you want to describe yourself as
10 years from now?
5Physical Self
- In a paragraph describe yourself physically
- Have a friend describe you (one paragraph)
- Have a sibling/parent/guardian describe you.
- What physical attribute is dominant in your
family? - What do you like most about your physical self?
Explain. - What would you change if you could? Explain.
- Have you, or would you go on a diet, take diet
bills, abuse your body, take steroids, have
surgery? Explain. - What animal best reflects your physicality? Write
a paragraph of support.
6Spiritual Self
- In a paragraph describe your personality.
- Have a friend or relative describe your
personality in one paragraph. Compare. - List five virtues, positive attributes.
- List five vices, negative attributes.
- List five things you like to do.
- What animal best reflects your spiritual self?
Write a paragraph of support.
7Revealing Lists
- List your favorite foods, songs, music, places
- List your favorite sayings, movies, games
- List your friends, relatives, teachers
- List three most important people in your life
- List three possible careers
- List three childrens stories you like
- List five favorite cartoon characters
- List five character traits you admire.
8Theme Self Identity
- What four emotions reflect you?
- List five human values important to you.
- List and specify five skills you have or would
like to have. - What are principles? List three you follow.
9Theme Who Are You?
10How We Are Identified
- Finger prints/foot prints
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate
- Physical Traits
- Family Tree
- Name/Nickname
- Where we live
- Our voice
- Our mannerisms
- Applications
- Certificates
- Pin Numbers
- Financial Accounts
- DNA Blood Type
- Photograph (s)
- School/Student IDs
- Passwords
- Signature
- Drivers License
- Social Insurance
- Passport
- Email Accounts
- Facebook/Internet
- Mirror
11Whats In A Name?
- Research the meaning of your full name. Write a
paragraph for your name page. - Why were you given the name you have?
- Do you go by your first or second name?
- Do you have a nickname? If so, what? Why?
- Is your name spelled different or unique?
- Literally define name. Figuratively define name.
- Research ten favorite names
- Research the ten strangest names you have ever
heard. Provide background and proof.
12Identity Quotations
- Copy/Write a half page on each.
- Add to portfolio.
- I am who I am, or am I? Mrs. Gillis
- It takes only one person to change your life
- - you! Ruth Casey
- Change is the law of life, and those who look
- only to the past or present are certain to miss
the future. - John F. Kennedy - I am invisible, understand, simply because
people refuse to see me. - Ralph Ellison - I want, by understanding myself, to understand
others. - Ralph Waldo Emerson To believe your own
thought, to believe that what is true for you in
your private heart is true for all men, -- that
is genius.
13True Identity Stories
- Mistaken Identity - Documentary
- Multiple Personalities - Essay
- Identity Thief Check Forgery
- ATM Stolen Information
- Conjoined several cases
- Own Stories (Research and write one page synopsis
and commentary on one case of any of the above
and share with class.)
14Moments That Shape Us
What is most personal is most universal
- Copy the above quotation and explain what it
means. Be sure to support your answer. - In a half page, describe a low point in your life
and how it shaped who you are. - In a half page, describe the high point of your
life thus far, and explain how it has shaped you.
15Identity Theme In Writing
- Essays
- Short Stories
- Novels
- Movies
- Poems
- Biographies
- Profiles, tributes, roasts
16(No Transcript)
17Are you who you want to be?
- In a five paragraph essay answer the above
question at this point in your life with an
explanation and concrete support. - Narrow focus and topic.
- Brainstorm and outline.
- Create solid thesis statement.
- Provide concrete support.
- Give essay strong title. (Due next day)
18 19Whitney Cerak and Laura Van Ryn
Mistaken Identity
20Shared Tragedy After Horrific Crash
- Is it possible to mistake a loved one for another
or vice versa? That is exactly what happened with
Laura Van Ryn and Whitney Cerak. Theirs is a
story of triump turned tragedy, tragedy turned
triumph. - On April 26, 2006 a van carrying five students
and four employees from Taylor University, a
small evangelical Christian college in Upland,
Ind., was struck head-on by a tractor trailer
whose driver had fallen asleep on I-69 between
Indianapolis and Fort Wayne. One of the girls was
killed, another in coma. - Mistaken Identity Two Families, One Survivor,
Unwavering Hope.
21Abigail Brittany Hensel
Conjoined - 1 Or 2?
22Abigail Brittany Hensel
Identity - 1 Or 2?
Brittany (left) and Abigail (right) are conjoined
twins. Born in 1990 they live in Minnesota, USA.
They have two spines which join at the pelvis.
They have two stomachs, three lungs, and two
23Abigail Brittany Hensel
24One or Two?
25Lori and Dori Schappel
"Don't assume our life is difficult, until we
tell you it is." Lori Schappell
26The sisters were born Lori and Dori Schappell on
September 18, 1961 and lived in a home for people
with severe mental disabilities until they were
24 years old.
Two or One?
27George Marcus Cain
- ABC News Primetime Live, Transcript 344. For
22 years, George Holmes and his twin brother
Marcus, have been almost inseparable. As
fraternal twins, that means they don't look much
alike, they grew up together, played together,
establishing a special bond. - But then arrived a stranger--a young man who had
no place in their life until George Holmes looked
into his face and saw himself....His name is
Brent Tremblay and, in time, tests would reveal
the shocking truth--that he is George's identical
twin brother from whom he was separated shortly
after birth Marcus is not a biological brother
at all. - In Ottawa, Canada, in 1971, 21-year-old Laura
Cain gave birth to twins. She was a single
mother. Days after her boys were born, she
decided to give them up, temporarily, to foster
care. She later married the boys' father, Randy
Holmes, and two and a half months later took her
boys out of foster care. - Meanwhile Carol and Jim Tremblay were waiting to
adopt a baby who finally arrived from foster
care...and somehow ended up taking home George's
twin whom they named Brent.
28(No Transcript)