Title: Welcome to MDA
1RADARSAT-2 Radargrammetry
MDA Proprietary
Marco van der Kooij Director, GSI Services MDA
Geospatial Services mvanderkooij_at_mdacorporation.co
m 613-727-1087
Alaska DEM Workshop July 22-23, 2008 Anchorage,
- Introduction, GSI Services, Radarsat-2
- ERS InSAR example, N-Canada
- Radarsat-2 Radargrammetry validation experiment
- Strengths of Satellite radar solution
3MDA Geospatial Services
- Data Business
- Service Business (after acquisition of Vexcel
Canada in 2007) - InSAR deformation Services (Oil and Gas, Mining)
- Digital Elevation Models
- Land based services
- Maritime services
4RADARSAT-2Testing and Launch
- Satellite completed July 24 2007
- Shipped to the launch site (Baikonur, Kazakhstan)
November 12, 2007 - Successful launch and deployment December 14,
2007 - Commissioning phase completed April 15, 2008
5RADARSAT-2 Mission Overview
- Co-funded by Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and
MacDonald Dettwiler (MDA) - Data continuity from RADARSAT-1
- all RADARSAT-1 imaging modes supported
- plus many additional capabilities
- Mission duration 7 years
- Designed, built, operated and owned by MDA
6RADARSAT-2 Beam modes and features
- High resolution
- 3 m
- multi-look 10 m
- SpotLight
- Polarimetric modes
- single/dual polarization
- quad-pol
- Right and left-looking capability
- Enhanced ground system providing
- efficient satellite tasking
- (12 - 24 hours routine)
- faster data processing
- Calibrated data
7RADARSAT-2 Imaging Modes
8Vancouver, Ultra-fine
9Detail, Vancouver Airport, Ultra-Fine
10Polarization Concepts
- For imaging radar applications, the polarization
state of the radar wave is defined
with-respect-to the Earths surface - Co-polarized
- transmit/receive horizontal (HH)
- transmit/receive vertical (VV)
- Cross-polarized
- transmit horizontal, receive vertical (HV)
- transmit vertical, receive horizontal (VH)
11Fine Quad PolarimetryDevon Island
- Atlantis Scientific / Vexcel InSAR software for
elevation mapping - MDA InSAR toolkit for elevation mapping
- Northern Canada, Baffin Island, 150,000 scale
mapping, 7 m vertical accuracy for low to
moderate terrain - Radargrammetry
- Commercial off-the-shelf
- Vexcel Radargrammetry
- Finishing, based on SRTM methodology but further
automated - Photogrammetric base mapping editing tools and
13ERS Tandem InSAR DEMs Baffin Island7 m LE90
for low to moderate topography
- Y. Robitaille (PM, CTI) The best 150,000
scale DEMs we have ever seen. Vertical accuracy
is 7 m LE90 - Elevation data available to the public through
Can. Gov. portal
14Radar across Track Geometry
Projection of Radar Image
Shadow behind peaks
Mountains overlay lake
15Radar Triangulation (2-D)
Across Track
2-D Coordinate System
2-D coordinates determined by intersecting arcs
16Across Track Geometry - Single Stereo Pair
100 km
800 km
50 km
17RADARSAT-2 Mapping Flexibility This pattern is
repeated every 24 days
Repeat paths of the satellite...
Three stereo models
18Radargrammetry with Radarsat-2(compared with
- Higher resolution, more looks better matching,
more features - Multi-look fine (9 x 9 m, 4 looks)
- Ultra-fine (2 m x 3 m, 1 look)
- Spotlight (2 m x 1 m, 1 look)
- More favourable stereo geometry for high
resolution modes (full flexibility of incidence
angles (30-50 deg) - Repeat pattern (24 days) is suitable for stereo
angles - The combination of left and right looking modes
improve the acquisition capacity and geometry
(potential of 4 azimuth look directions
(ascending/descending and left/right) - Orbit accuracy improved (GPS). Reduced need for
ground control points. - Large acquisition capacity for commercial
acquisitions (87.5 of capacity, 2360 scenes per
19Area of Interest
- Roughly centered on Morrison, Colorado
- Also the test site of other Digital Elevation
Models (DEM) evaluations - Benefit of multiple control and evaluation
MDA Proprietary
Alaska DEM Workshop June 22-23 Anchorage -
20Validation activity Radarsat-2 Radargrammetry
- R-2 DEM from 1 pair of UF
- Acquired April 1 11, 2008
- R-2 DEM from 1 pair of MLF
- Acquired March 1 11, 2008
- 42 National Geodetic Survey (NGS) benchmark GPS
points collected (sub-meter accuracy) for QA - USGS NED 10 m DEM
- SRTM 1 arc second and 3 arc second datasets
MDA Proprietary
Alaska DEM Workshop June 22-23 Anchorage -
21Accuracy Evaluation Specifics
- 43 NGS points were collected and 42 used
- 1 NGS point was removed due to obvious erroneous
value - 28 remaining points in terrain less than 20
degrees - 14 remaining points in terrain more than 20
degrees - (highlighted in green)
MDA Proprietary
Alaska DEM Workshop June 22-23 Anchorage -
22NGS Benchmark Data
- Reference data set for absolute vertical accuracy
MDA Proprietary
Alaska DEM Workshop June 22-23 Anchorage -
23Theoretical accuracy (LE90)based on Radarsat-1
Radarsat-2 Multi-Look-Fine
Radarsat-2 Ultra-Fine
Radarsat-2 Spotlight
24Theoretical accuracy (LE90)Compared with
Radarsat-2 measurements
Radarsat-2 Multi-Look-Fine
Radarsat-2 Ultra-Fine
Radarsat-2 Spotlight
25SRTM 90m
SRTM 30m
NED 10m
Ultrafine 30m
Multi-Look 30m
MDA Proprietary
Alaska DEM Workshop June 22-23 Anchorage -
26Statistical summaryAbsolute accuracy (LE90)
LE90, abs (m) NED SRTM 30 SRTM 90 UF MF
lt 20 deg 7.03 6.3 18.7 13.0 9.7
gt 20 deg 11.1 15.7 30.5 20.5 18.2
All 8.2 14.0 22.0 19.3 16.1
MDA Proprietary
Alaska DEM Workshop June 22-23 Anchorage -
27Statistical SummaryStandard Deviation of
Subtraction Images
NED 7.75 11.16 7.07 7.61
SRTM 30 8.29 6.08 9.06
SRTM 90 9.34 11.42
MDA Proprietary
Alaska DEM Workshop June 22-23 Anchorage -
28Improved accuracy
- Additional stereo pairs (ascending AND
descending) to cover acquisition holes and for
error reduction - Automatic finishing methodology to filter
outliers and apply water body flattening,
drainage network consistency - Photogrammetric editing techniques
- Use of higher resolution beam modes (Ultra-fine
and Spotlight mode)
29Horizontal and vertical control
- Accurate orbit data (several m) allow absolute
horizontal control of DEM - Local sources of vertical control (e.g. NGS,
Aster) - Validation and local collaboration
30Acquisition approach for successful coverage of
- Prior modeling of layover, foreshortening,
shadow. - 1 ascending pair and 1 descending pair for each
location Improved vertical accuracy - Nearly constant, suitable incidence angle range
(38-50 degrees) to optimize successful coverage
of slopes - For steeper terrain
- Additional smaller incidence angle pairs to
maximize slope coverage - Additional azimuth coverage from right looking
modes if necessary - Use of Spotlight mode for key targets (e.g. Mt.
31Building of archive
- Currently no archive exists
- Archive can be built up quickly with Multi-look
Fine, complemented with Ultra-fine and Spotlight - Independent of cloud cover!
- Acquisition during winter and summer
- Large acquisition capacity
- DSM (Digital Surface Model), spacing 10-30 m
- Ortho SAR images
- Breaklines
- Features
- Water bodies, rivers etc.
- Licensing
- DEMs negotiable
- Price lt 10 M
- Radarsat-2 is a viable source of DEMs
- Radarsat-2 is reliable and with a very large
capacity for mapping - Potential collaboration for downlink and
applications expertise at Alaska SAR facility - Medium to high resolution source imagery
(including Spotlight) - MDA has experience in providing elevation data
for Northern Canada for operational mapping - Radarsat-2 could play a role in monitoring
environment and for special applications (e.g.
deformation monitoring)