Title: The Roman Empire
1The Roman Empire 27 BC 180 AD Pax Romana
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3Romes Mission
Column of Trajan, 113 AD
4Roman, remember by your strength to rule Earths
people for your arts be theseto pacify, to
impose the rule of law,To spare the conquered,
battle down theproud. - Virgil The
Aeneid (book 6)
- preserve peace
- institute justice
- spread Roman civilization
5City Key to Expansion
6Forum Focus of the Empire
- One Religion
- One Ruler
- One Set of Laws
- One People
But . . . with flexibility adaptability
External unity but not internal uniformity
7The Reach of Rome
8Benefits of Romanization
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11Model of an insula, Ostia, Italy, 2nd century CE
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13Atrium of the House of the Vettii, Pompeii,
Italy, 2nd century BCE (rebuilt 69-72 CE)
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17Entertainment Bread Circuses
Arles, France
18Theater Amphitheater
19The Baths
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21The City of Rome
22Circus Maximus
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26Basilica of Maxentius Constantine
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29Bring back the age of gold his empire shall
expand. . . to a land beyond the zodiacAnd the
suns yearly path, where Atlas, the sky-bearer
pivotsThe wheeling heavens, embossed with fiery
stars, on his shoulder. - Virgil The Aeneid
(book 6)
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31Pax Romana 27 BC 180 AD
- Created a world community
- Developed rational system of law that applies to
all - Preserved spread Greco-Roman civilization
- Achieved ideal of Greek city-state protection
promotion of a civilized life