Title: Groo%20:%20Behavior-based%20Control%20of%20Real-time%20Game%20Agents
1Groo Behavior-based Control of Real-time Game
Developers Aaron Khoo, Greg Dunham, Nick
Movement behaviors control navigation. They
affect 3 actuators rotate, translate and strafe.
We decided to control these three actuators
together since they are very closely related.
- Behavior-based AI in Half-Life Multiplayer Bots
- NPCs controlled via behavior-based techniques.
Programs compile to parallel networks of
finite state machines - All inferences completely recomputed on each
decision cycle - Most actuators separately controlled by
individual behaviors which are run
simultaneously. Outputs of behaviors sent to
FlexBot DLL on each program cycle. - Waypoint-less navigation.
- Performance (450 Mhz Pentium3, 384 Mb RAM, 16Mb
Riva TNT) - 0.3 of CPU consumed per second per bot
- 52 bytes of static data memory during runtime
per bot - Compiles to less than 18K of object code in
debug mode with no optimization - Long mean time to failure. Groo bots have been
successfully run for days at a time
Sample code for a behavior in Groo
shoot? (and facing-enemy? not-alt-fire?
(or clip-not-empty? (
current-weapon crowbar))
(or (and enemy-long-range?
enemy-short-range? being-shot?))
Northwestern University