Title: Targets for PlanetDisk Studies YSOs t110 Myr samples
1Targets for Planet/Disk Studies? YSOs (t1-10
Myr samples) ?
- Hiro Takami1, Tomoyuki Kudo2,3, Yoshiko Okamoto3,
Motohide Tamura2, HiCIAO Science Team
1) ASIAA 2) GUAS 3) NAOJ 4) Ibaraki Univ.
2Searches for Exoplanets toward YSOs
10-40 MJ
40 MJ
DH Tau (Itoh et al. 2006)
GQ Lup (Neuhauser et al. 2005)
100 AU
- Extensive observations will allow for
understanding - What are the population and separation of
extremely low-mass stellar companions - How their formation is related to BDs/sub-BDs
3Searches for Exoplanets toward YSOs
- Why do we need YSO samples?
- This will allow for
- Exploring the lowest mass limit
(Open Clusters)
Credit Taro Matsuo
4Searches for Exoplanets toward YSOs
- Why do we need YSO samples?
- This will allow for
- Exploring the lowest mass limit
- Investigating the relationship
- with-
- Disk structures
- Population (and binarity) of
- BDs/sub-BDs
- in the same SFR
10 100 1000 MJup
Luhman et al. (2007)
5Searches for Exoplanets toward YSOs
- Previous Large Coronagraphic Surveys
- Subaru Disks and Planets Survey (SDPS)
- Subaru CIAOAO36, 60-80 targets
- HST NICMOS survey(?)
- 26 optically-thick disk candidates
A HiCIAO survey will definitely provide
significantly better detection limit!
(Credit Taro Matsuo)
6Searches for Exoplanets toward YSOs
- Criteria for Target Selection
- D lt 200 pc, t lt 10 Myr
- Dec. gt -40 deg. (El. gt 30 deg.), R lt 15 mag.
- Number of Targets 100
- 50 from a T association, 50 from an OB
Taurus (140 pc)
Oph/Sco (140-150 pc)
TW Hya (60 pc)
Corona Australis (130 pc)
Lupus (190 pc)
Chamaeleon (170 pc)
7Searches for Exoplanets toward YSOs
- Taurus (d140 pc)
- One of the best studied T-associations
- Dec20-30 deg. ? the best performance is expected
for AO correction (i.e., the elevation reaches up
to 80-90 deg.) - Upper Scorpius (d150 pc)
- A sub-cluster in one of the nearest OB
associations - Only the central region is selected to adjust the
number of targets - Spectral Types of Targets
- A/F/G/K (i.e., M0.5-2 Msolar)
8Searches for Exoplanets toward YSOs
Spectral Types
Upper Sco
Mother Sample
R Magnitudes
Upper Sco
Rejected due to the performance of AO
9Studies of Protoplanetary Disks
FN Tau
HD 142527
AB Aur
(Fukagawa et al. 2006)
(Kudo et al. 2008)
(Fukagawa et al. 2004)
HD 141569A
HD 100546
(Grady et al. 2001)
(Clampin et al. 2003)
10Studies of Protoplanetary Disks
FN Tau
HD 142527
AB Aur
(Fukagawa et al. 2006)
(Kudo et al. 2008)
(Fukagawa et al. 2004)
Simulated by Indiana Univ.
(Augereau et al. 2004)
11Studies of Protoplanetary Disks
- Key Questions
- How do these disks evolve?
- What determine the observed structures?
- Are these structures related to the formation of
extremely low-mass companions? - Are these structures related to the evolution of
the inner disk region?
12Studies of Protoplanetary Disks
- Key Questions
- How do these disks evolve?
- What determine the observed structures?
- Are these structures related to the formation of
extremely low-mass companions? - Are these structures related to the evolution of
the inner disk region?
IR CO emission (Najita et al. 2003)
SED (Calvet et al. 2002)
- Notes on Observations to Date
- Despite interesting results, most disks appear to
remain undetectable in the scattered light - It is not clear if the detactability is
correlated with the other disk signatures like mm
CO/dust emission, Ha
13Studies of Protoplanetary Disks
Major Survey
(1) 40 CTTSs in the Taurus-Auriga Region
- Best declination (20-30 deg.) for AO correction
- One of the nearest best-studied star-forming
regions - High Resolution (7AU in H-band)
- Easily performed comparisons with
other data (Spitzer etc.) - Almost unbiased!
- all B/A/F/K YSOs with EWHagt10 Ã… (and Rlt15
(2) 20 Previously-Detected Disks in Taurus
- High signal-to-noise is guaranteed
- Observed for detailed studies
(e.g., J/H/K-bands)
14Studies of Protoplanetary Disks
Major Survey (continued)
(3) 20 Polarized Targets
- Based on previous NIR surveys (e.g., SIRIUS)
(4) Additional 30 Nearby HAeBe Stars (B5-A9,
lt200 pc)
- Extending the understanding to intermediate-mass
YSOs, and relationship with debris disks
Back-up or Demonstration
(5) 10 YSOs with early B types (B0-B5)
- Distant (up to 500 pc), but likely to host large
disks (up to 1000 AU)
15Studies of Protoplanetary Disks
- Other Note
- Observations will be made using PDI Mode,
thereby- - Allowing for studying dust properties
- Minimizing false detection due to imperfect AO PSF
b Pic (Tamura et al. 2006)