Title: Access to health care for undocumented migrants
1Access to health care for undocumented migrants
- PICUM Platform for International Cooperation on
Undocumented Migrants
- Platform for International Cooperation on
Undocumented Migrants - European network of NGOs, mainly in Western
Europe - Promotes respect for the human rights of
undocumented migrants - Research, advocacy and projects related
activities - Giving visibility to the reality of undocumented
migrants - Bringing undocumented migrants to policy agendas
(at national and at EU level)
- Migrants without residence permit
- An extremely vulnerable group
- Difficult to access housing and extremely poor
housing conditions - Difficult working conditions exploitation
- Continuous fear to be expulsed
- Lack of/ insufficient access to health care ?
worsening of health conditions after arrival - Persons with rights
4Right to health, guaranteed in Europe?
- The international standard is not being
guaranteed -
- Everyone has the right to the enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of physical and
mental health - (Art. 12, UN International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights) - The right of the child to the enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of health, ensuring
also that no child is deprived of his or her
right to access such health care services - (Art. 24, Convention of the Rights of the Child)
- Lots of barriers in terms of law and practice in
all countries - Many differences among Member States
5Right to health, guaranteed in Europe?
- Access to health care for undocumented migrants
is becoming more restrictive - States are using access to social rights as a way
to fight illegal migration - The EU only speaks about UDM in the context of
border control no attention to their rights
- Limited access to the public health system in
many countries the different approaches - The duty to denounce
- Ambiguous legislation
- Lack of definitions urgent medical care
essential care emergency care
- From the side of the local administration
- No uniformity in the implementation of the law
- Problems of interpretation of the law
- Lack of information
- From the side of the health provider
- Lack of information
- Language and cultural barriers
- Discrimination
- From the side of the undocumented migrant
- Lack of information about rights
- Language and cultural barriers
- Fear to be denounced
8Improving access a priority
- For Undocumented migrants
- For the general society
- For local administrations
9A priority for undocumented migrants
- Access to health care is one of their most
pressing needs - Risk of serious consequences for their health and
10A priority for the general society
- Risk for public health
- Higher economic costs
- Risk of social exclusion, public disorder
- The creation of a second-class citizen
11A priority for local actors
- NGOs
- Health care providers
- Local authorities
- Burden on local actors
- Forced to improvise solutions
- Ethical dilemmas
12EU ProjectAccess to Healthcare for
Undocumented migrants
13EU Project
- Framework Social Inclusion Strategy
- 19 partners, 11 countries
- Innovative approach different type of partners
- NGOs
- Health providers
- Local authorities
14EU Project 11 COUNTRIES
- UK
- Improve access to health care for undocumented
migrants - Map the situation in eleven countries
- Improve the methodology for data collection
- Target undocumented migrants in the Social
Inclusion Strategy - Undocumented migrants are not yet a target
group of the Social Inclusion Strategy!! - Support and multiply good practices and
partnerships at local level
16Building partnerships our experience
- Many possibilities
- Partnerships are crucial in this field
- There already exists a lot of partnerships at
local level - Also difficulties
- Defining the role of local authorities vis-Ã -vis
data collection - Defining the role of local authorities vis-Ã -vis
the Social Inclusion Strategy - Adapting the instruments of the project to the
local authorities
17Undocumented migrants in urban areas
- Many undocumented migrants live in excluded urban
areas - Difficult access to housing
- Link between housing and health conditions (i.e.
childhood lead poisoning)
18Undocumented migrants Housing Strategies
- Own Networks
- Private Housing Sector
- Social Housing Sector
- Homeless Shelters
- NGOs
- Other Housing Strategies shantytowns, abandoned
191. Own networks
- Family, friends, community members
- Most common type of housing strategy of UDM
- French study of 200 UDM (1997)
- More than 50 sheltered by own networks
202. Private Housing Sector
- Second most common strategy of UDM
- Barriers to renting in some countries
- Landlords required to ensure that tenants
register at town hall (Italy, Germany, Austria) - Most likely to occupy worst housing
- Pay disproportionate share of income
- UDM vulnerable to exploitation from landlords
- The system of Camas Calientes in Spain
- The role of NGOs
213. Social Housing Sector
- Legislation in all EU countries excludes UDM from
social housing - Rare occasions, local authorities allow UDM
access if in regularization procedure
224. Homeless Shelters
- Increased demand from UDM, difficulty of shelters
to adapt - Main problem different public and needs
- Exceptions for vulnerable UDM (minors women with
children, sick, the elderly) - Easier access to night shelters, but depends on
- Payment of small fee
- Availability
- Shelter subject to police controls
- Ideology and source of funding of shelter
235. NGOs
- Limited capacities and funding
- Emergency situations for most vulnerable
- Unable to cope with high demand
246. Other Housing Strategies
- Cheap hotels
- Caravans
- Shantytowns, huts
- Abandoned buildings
- Accomodation in workplace (e.g. warehouse, farm)
25Challenges to fight health inequalities
- Local authorities have to be informed about the
law on access to health care - Local authorities have to have a bigger voice in
policy-making - The need of building partnerships with NGOs to
solve problems
26- Any questions?
- Sara Collantes sara.collantes_at_picum.org
- www.picum.org
- Thanks