Title: Desert Hills Presbyterian Church
1Desert Hills Presbyterian Church
- Period of Discernment
- Recent Actions GA 2008
2History of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
- We came to this continent in the 17th century
(Puritans). - Presbyterians have split and reunited several
times. - Constitution
- Book of Confessions
- Book of Order
3Where is the Denomination Going?
- There has been a debate about issues
- Divinity of Christ
- Ordination Standards
- Gods will for our sexuality
- Individual Conscience vs. denomination standards
- Teaching and Authority of Scripture
- The Nature of Christian Life
4Voices of Sophia
- Re-Imagining Conference 1993
- PC(USA) Group Voices of Sophia-1994
- Promotes Feminine Images of God
- Promote Reproductive Freedom- Abortion
- Call to Ministry Persons of all Sexual
Orientations - Denies Deity and Uniqueness of Jesus
52001 GA Statement on Christ
- Overture submitted to GA stating salvation is
found in Christ alone. - GA unable to affirm the overture.
- Compromise proposal Jesus is unique.
- Compromise approved.
- In response, Desert Hills published its own
Summary of Beliefs.
62002 Summary of Our Beliefs
- The reality of God who is self-revealed as
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. - The Deity of Jesus Christ, Gods Son.
- The integrity and authority of the Bible as Gods
Word. - Jesus Christs atoning death on the Cross.
72002 Summary of Our Beliefs (Cont.)
- The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Salvation comes only by Gods grace through
Faith, not through human efforts. - The necessity for moral behavior.
- The coming of Jesus Christ to judge the world at
the end of human history.
82006 GA Trinity Paper
- Non-Traditional Statements about Trinity
- Metaphorical in Character
- Report received for study not approved
- Again Introduced to the 2008 GA
- Report and Study Materials were approved in 218th
92006 2008 AI Scruples
- 2006 GA approved PUP Authoritative Interpretation
candidates can Scruple. - GAPJC Overruled Interpretation 2/2008.
- 2008 GA reaffirmed PUP Authoritative
Interpretation. - Now applies to all Ordination Standards.
102008 GA Changes to Heidelberg Catechism
- Reduces confessions from authoritative statements
to historical documents. - Delete language Christ alone is Gods own
eternal son to read natural son. - Rejection of the Deity of Christ
112008 GA Changes to Heidelberg Catechism
- Certainly not! Scripture says, Surely you know
that the unjust will never come into possession
of the kingdom of God. Make no mistake no
fornicator or idolater, none who are guilty
either of adultery or of homosexual perversion,
no thieves or grabbers or drunkards or slanderers
or swindlers, will possess the kingdom of God. - Based on I Corinthians 69-10.
122008 GA Changes to Heidelberg Catechism
- Certainly not for as Scripture says no unchaste
person, idolater, adulterer, thief, greedy
person, drunkard, slanderer, robber, or anyone
like that shall inherit the kingdom of God. - A portion of I Corinthians 69-10 was omitted, as
catechism was written for children. - Advocates wish to return to catechism as
originally written.
132008 GA Adopted Social Creed
- Promotes quality public education and universal
healthcare - Tax and budget policies Equalize wealth
- Immigration policies to protect family unity
- Multilateral diplomacy over unilateral force
- Nuclear disarmament and redirect military
spending to peaceful uses
142008 GA Equality for Homosexuals
- GA Approved Resolutions supporting
- Same-sex marriages in Civil Court.
- Against definitions of marriage as between man
and woman. - Support legal cases furthering equal civil rights
for homosexuals. - Recommended removing chastity in singleness or
fidelity in marriage clause.
152008 GA Interfaith Statement
- Unqualified support for Muslim document, A
Common Word between Us and You - Participation in Sacred and Holy observances in
each others traditions - Celebrate religious holidays together, setting
aside days of worship - Contradicts our Summary of Beliefs
16The Issues that Confront Us
- Passed a resolution that Jesus is unique
- Allow candidates to scruple any standard
- Confessions become historical documents
- Redirects us to pursue social justice
- Participate in sacred observances of other faiths
that do not recognize Christs Deity - Diminished importance of Christianity
17Summary Period of Discernment
- Please contact the Connectional Committee
- Please talk to us.