Title: CGO Professional Development Conference
1CGO Professional Development Conference
Lt Gen Arthur J. Lichte Asst Vice Chief of Staff
2The Mission of the United States Air Force Is to
Fly, Fight and Win - General Moseley
Integrity Service - Excellence
3ContextOur Responsibilities in a Global World
- DoD is at waryou are the warfighter
- USAF is surging along with ground and maritime
forces - AF fully engaged, worldwide, 24/7/365 and has
been last 16 yrs - 2006 in IZ/AFG flew gt100,000 sorties and
transported gt1.1M people - Expect Air Power to be in SWA/Central Asia
another 10 years - The challenge of our time will last your entire
career - Classic strategic missions remain detect, deter,
dissuade, defeat - Cant focus solely on terrorists,
insurgents or one theater - Must dominate across the spectrum,
across the
globe - The world around us changing rapidly
- Evolving domestic political landscape
- Uncertain geopolitical landscape
- Technology advancing, proliferating
Advocates of an all counter-insurgency force
ignore our countrys strategic operational
4Emerging Threats to Our Air, Space and Cyberspace
- Double-digit SAMs are primary threat to joint air
dominance - Modern IADS will cripple 4th Generation aircraft
- Iran fielding SA-15 advanced SAMs from Russia
- Adversary Air-to-Air Fighters, advanced sensors
weapons comparable/superior to legacy aircraft - Iran considering purchase of advanced MiG
fighters - Growing risk to space access and operations
- GPS jamming already in OIF
- 11 Jan 07 China tested a new ASAT weapon
- Cyber info ops growing military civil threat
Infrared Searchand Track
We live in a threatening, uncertain, dynamic
global security environment Our current force is
at risk of obsolescence vis-à-vis these emerging
threats We MUST keep a global perspective!
5CSAFs Priorities
- Warfighting
- Wage win the Long War while ensuring were
ready for the next war - Organize, train and equip the USAF for full
spectrum dominance - Keep our eyes on the ball outside Ramadi
- Developing and caring for Airmen and their
families - Training educating our Airmen for combat
contingencies this century - Assessing surge requirements and determining the
Air Forces right size and personnel mix - Re-Capitalizing and Modernizing our aging air and
space inventories and equipment - All US Services need to reset build for the
future - USAF is building a force for the future with
range and payload to equip our QDR-required 86
ready, modern combat wings - 20x Global Vigilance, 27x Global Reach, 32x
Global Power, 7x SOF/CSAR
7Mentor Defined
- Men-tor (noun)
- 1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher
- 2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter
- Mentor is first found from Homers novel
Illiad - Mentor was a friend of Odysseus and entrusted
with the education - of Odysseus' son Telemachus when he went
off to war. -
8Some Mentorship For You
- Watch Your Bosses and Leaders Learn Humility
Early On -- Makes You Work Harder - Take Training Seriously
- Don't Be Afraid to Try
- You Never Know When You Are Going to Work for
Someone Again - Always Make a Lasting Impression
- Be Happy and Proud of What You Do
- No BPZ Promotions In-res PME? Not the End of
the World - Learn To Be A Good Mentor
- Clean Up Your Own Mess
- Theres No Such Thing as a Dumb Question
- Your Best Friends are Your Family
- Learn From Your Choices
- Set Goals/Long Range Plans
- Complete PME and Master's -- Don't Procrastinate
- Learn to Communicate Early in Your Career
- Look for Opportunities to Stand up in Front of
9 More Mentorship
- Learn from Britney Spearsspit out your gum prior
to giving a brief/interview - Know proper customs and courtesies
- Please and thank you go a long way
- Stand up for people (literally)
- Someone is always watching you (watch alcohol
consumption, language) - Use email etiquette
- Theres a time and a place for everything
- Praise in public and give constructive criticism
in private but bottom lineGIVE IT - Professional relationships know what the
difference is and keep it that way - The best job youll have is the one you have
right now - Be punctual
- If youre earlyyoure on time. If youre on
timeyoure late. If youre lateyoure fired
Its not whether you get knocked down, its
whether you get up. -- Vince Lombardi