Title: Watch Out for False Prophets
1Watch Out for False Prophets Matt. 715-20
2Big Idea If you want to find the right gate,
you must follow the right guides.
31. The Character of False Prophets (715)
- They will come in disguise
41. The Character of False Prophets (715)
Identifying false prophets is the responsibility
of everyone, but especially the elders.
52. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
- Ones true nature determines the kind of fruit
that will be displayed.
62. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
- One cannot produce fruit contrary to ones
72. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
Sound doctrine and sound living are the marks of
genuine prophets.
82. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
Doctrinal Marks
- False prophets avoid the subject of Gods wrath.
92. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
Doctrinal Marks
- False prophets avoid teaching on judgment
against sin.
102. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
Doctrinal Marks
- False prophets fail to emphasize the depravity
of man.
112. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
Doctrinal Marks
- False prophets do not emphasize the necessity of
the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ for
122. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
Character Marks Fruit of the Spirit
132. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
Character may remain hidden for awhile, but
eventually it will be revealed.
142. Testing the Messengers (716-20)
- One who does not produce good fruit will
eventually be removed.
15See you at Labour For Your Neighbour At Janssen Pa