Title: Breeding Objectives
1Breeding Objectives and Plans
2- Objectives of the Lecture
- Concepts and factors associated with
developing a breeding plan. - Describe an applied breeding program that
utilizes a quantitative and a qualitative trait
to illustrate activities you must be concerned
3Your Position / Assignment
- Production Agriculturalist
- Private Farmer
- Wildlife Conservationist
- Re-establishment of Endangered Species
4Breeding Objective(s)
- Enhance the current animals performance -
milk yield, calving ease, litter size,
livability, feed conversion efficiency.... - Capitalize upon a mutation (hairless cat)
- Create a nucleus of breeding animals for
reintroduction to the wild
5- Breeding Plan
- Type of trait - Qualitative, autosomal
sex-linked, - single locus or multiple,
- expressivity and
penetrance, - pleiotropy.
- - Quantitative, heritability (low,
medium, high) - easy to select for?
known genetic correlations
6Breeding Plan.... Adequate Resources Available
? Market Genetics (Numbers
available) Physical (buildings, land,
isolation) Competent labor
Financial Time to develop
7Breeding Plan.... Mating System - Mass Mating
versus Pedigree Determined by the
type of trait Record Keeping - What records to
maintain, and where? --Maintain a
journal of primary activities, daily
8Record Keeping..... Types of records, -
Birth, death (incl. COD), Cull (and reason),
Parentage, Vaccinations (when,
type, lot s) - Mating, AI, Animal
Disposition - Identification scheme (keep a
copy at a different location)
9Animal Pedigree Identification System
- Purpose of Identification,
avoid - genetic errors,
potentially unwanted inbreeding, ability to
differentiate between lines... - Methods Available,
- appropriate for the animal, not injurious, will
not cause chronic discomfort, allows for easy
identification of the animal
10- Types of Animal Pedigree Identification...
- Ear/ Skin Tattoos
- Fire / Freeze Branding
- Plastic / Metal Ear Tags
- Ear Notching System
- Wing Banding, Toe Clipping, Web Cutting
- Bar Coding with subcutaneous implants
11Bio Security
Keep Out
Restricted Area No Admittance
What is it ? Do you Need it ? Types of
Pathogens to be Concerned about.