Title: Environmental
1Environmental Issues
-Acid Rain -Atmosphere -Climate -Deforestation -En
dangered species -Environment -Flood -Fossil
-Global Warming -Greenhouse effect -Land
-Litter -Meltdown -Oil -Overpopulation -Ozone
Depletion -Over consumption
-Pollution -Population - Growth - Rain Forest -
Recycle - Renewable energy - Resources - Seal
Level Rise
3Pollution is a serious problem, Mainly in big
cities where there are many cars And many
industries that produce too much smoke which can
cause many health problems. Pollution is a very
serious problem, It can have many effects to the
environment. Acid rain, the greenhouse effect and
the hole in the ozone layer are problems caused
by it. They are environmental problems That need
solutions urgently.
a) problemas ambientais b) poluição c) grandes
cidades d) chuva ácida e) efeito estufa f) buraco
na camada de ozônio g) fumaça h) carros i)
4Global Warming
Climate change has become a big political
issue. The temperature of the globe has
fluctuade since the beginnings of our
planet. Since 1997 we have been having the
warmest years. It had never happened in the last
million years. The proportion of greenhouse
gases has incresead significantly since the
Industrial Revolution. Humans have been burning
fossil fuels in a big quantity in industries and
to generate eletricity.
presente perfeito
presente perfeito
presente perfeito contínuo
passado perfeito
presente perfeito
presente perfeito contínuo
5The littering is a very big problem. We need to
recycle. The deforestation is a very serious
problem. We have to recycle paper to help the
forests. Many trees could be saved if we
recycled paper. Schools, industries and
commercial companies should have recycling
programs. You can recycle plastic, paper, glass,
batteries and mobile phones. You must clean the
materials before recycling them.
6What can be recycled? Which products cant be
recycled? Why do people recycle? Where can you
find a recycle center in Bauru? When have you
started recycling? How much paper, plastic and
glass do you use every year? How many disposable
products have you bought this year? How often do
you throw the trash on the street?
O que?
Por que?