Title: The Face
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2The Face
- Components of the Facial and Trigeminal Nerve
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11Facial Form
- Brachicephalics (Round, Broad faces)
- Wide cranial base
- Less protrusive upper face
- More upright forehead
- Broad, short nasal aperture
- Protrusive mandible (tendency toward Class III)
- Less glabellar prominence
- Eyes more wide set
- Flat facial profile
- Asian or African ancestry
12Facial Form
- Dolicocephalics (Long, Narrow faces)
- Narrow cranial base
- Protrusive upper face
- Sloping forehead
- Long narrow nasal aperture
- Mandible is more retrusive (tendency toward class
II) - Convex facial profile
- More protrusive glabellar prominence
- Recessive chin
- European or Mediterranean ancestry
13Morphologic Differences in the Faces of Males vs
- Males
- More prominent upper face
- Protruding glabella supraorbital rims
- More retrusive mid-face
- Broad nasal aperture
- Short styloids bulbous mastoids
- Females
- More prominent cheek bones (less facial fat)
- More prominent upper jaw
- Smaller nasal aperture and less pronounced
supraorbital rims - Smaller more retrusive mandible
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15Cranial Nerve VII, the Facial Nerve
16Branches of Facial Nerve
- Facial Nerve Proper SVE,GSA
- Auricular br.
- Temporal br.
- Zygomatic br.
- Buccal br.
- Mandibular br.
- Cervical br.
- The motor fibers arise from the motor nucleus
of VII. The sensory fibers (1st order cell bodies
are in the geniculate ganglion, 2nd order cells
are in mesencephalic nucleus of V).
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21Other Branches of the Facial Nerve
- Chorda Tympani (GVE,SVA) - carries secretomotor
branches to the submandibular, sublingual and
minor salivary glands after synapsing in
submandibular ganglion and also returns fibers
for taste sensation from the anterior 2/3s of
the tongue ( 1st order cell bodies are in
geniculate ganglion, 2nd order cells in are in
solitary nucleus).
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23 Greater Petrosal Nerve (GVE, SVA) - carries
secretomotor fibers to the lacrimal gland, nasal
and oral mucosal glands after synapsing in
pterygopalatine ganglion. Returns fibers from the
palatal taste receptors. (1st order cell bodies
are located in the geniculate ganglion and the
2nd order cells are found in the solitary
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25Parasympathetic Nervous System
26Muscles of Facial Expression
- Occipito-Frontalis
- Anterior, Superior and Posterior Auricular
- Orbicularis Oculi
- Corrugator Supercilli
- Procerus
- Nasalis
- Zyomaticus Major Minor
- Levator Anguli Oris
- Levator Labii Superioris (aleque nasi)
- Orbicularis Oris
- Buccinator
- Risoris
- Depressor Anguli Oris
- Depressor Labii Inferioris
27Muscles of Facial Expression (Continued)
The role of Muscles of Facial Expression, is not
as much to express ourselves as to control the
openings of the facial skeleton which they
surround .
28Facial Muscles
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31Trigeminal Nerve Branches (GSA)
- Maxillary Division
- Posterior Superior Alveolar
- Zygomatic
- Zygomaticofacial
- Zygomaticotemporal
- Infraorbital
- Descending Palatine
- Greater and Lesser Palatine branches
- Ophthalmic Division
- Lacrimal br.
- Frontal br.
- Supraorbital
- Supratrochlear
- Nasociliary br.
- Posterior ethmoidal
- Anterior ethmoidal
- Infratrochlear
- Long ciliary
32- Pterygopalatine(Spheno-palatine)
- Nasopalatine
- Posterior nasal
- Pharyngeal
- Mandibular Division
- Auriculotemporal
- Inferior Alveolar
- Mental
- Mylohyoid
- Lingual
- Long Buccal
- All the sensory fibers are GSA components (1st
order - cells are in the Trigeminal Ganglion)
33Cranial Nerve V, the Trigeminal Nerve
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41Trigeminal Sensory Nuclei
- Mesencepahalic Nucleus Of V - associated with
proprioceptive sensation. - Chief Sensory Nucleus - associated with touch and
pressure sensation. - Spinal Nucleus of V - associated with pain and
temperature sensation
42Cranial Nerve Nuclei
43Branches of the Carotid Artery
- Common Carotid
- Internal Carotid
- External Carotid
- Superior Thyroid
- Lingual
- Facial
- Submandibular
- Inferior labial
- Superior labial
- Angular
- Lateral nasal
- Ascending Pharyngeal
- Occipital
- Maxillary
- Superficial Temporal
- Transverse Facial
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49Veins of the Head
Drain into External Jugular
Drain into Internal Jugular
- Superficial Temporal
- Maxillary
- Posterior Auricular
- Facial Vein
- Supraorbital
- Supratrochlear
- Angular
- Labial
- Retromandibular
- Occipital
- Facial
- Anterior Jugular
- External Jugular
Veins of the head have no valves.
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