Title: The exciting and perilous lives of...
1Mike Niemann
The exciting and perilous lives of...
The Limnologists
2What is a Limnologist?
I don't know...
3Oh Wait! Now I remember...
Wanna see their friends at work?
4(No Transcript)
5Working in Limnology
Becoming a Limnologist requires a lot of
hard work and knowledge. Usually, Limnologists
are highly skilled and educated in Marine
Biology, Biology, and Chemistry, as well as
6What's another good reason to
become a Limnologist?
The flexibility!
Many Limnologists also choose to pursue their
careers in other directions. Many go into areas
of study such as teaching, geology, and other
environmental sciences.
7Why should you become a Limnologist?
Becoming a Limnologist offers complete grounding
in studies of fresh water systems. Although it
takes many years of study, and the field is so
popularly competitive, many choose other areas
along with Limnology. To become a Limnologist
would mean getting out, and doing your job, you
get to work at lakes, with animals and plants and
have fun, too. Best of all, you get to call
yourself a scientist!
Where should I begin...?
8This is Dr. Robert H. Kenney, and he says you
should become a Limnologist!
Thats right kids!
Become a Limnologist today!
9So where do I get all this junk?
Dr. Judith Budd, Limnologist lthttp//www.geo.mtu.e
du/jrbudd/gt Limnologist lthttp//www.umesci.maine
.edu/biology/mt/joblimno.htmgt Great Lakes
Careers Limnologist lthttp//www.schoolship.org/c
areers/limnologist.htmlgt email
info_at_schoolship.org Wisconsin Lakes Program
and don't smoke!