Title: The Green Creatures
1The Green Creatures!
2- Planted and Raised by
- Alexandra,
- Ashley,
- Ashlyn,
- Dylan,
- Emma,
- Evan,
- Ian,
- Jacob,
- John Henry,
- Kamryn,
- Keeva,
- Lexie,
- Marc,
- Mathew,
- Piper,
- Ryan,
- Sarah,
- Trinity,
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4Alexandra Ruby is very nice. She will not
bite. She is very beautiful!
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6Ashley Coconut has hair. She is cute. Her
eyes are pretty.
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8Ashlyn Lucy is pretty!
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10Dylan Williams hair grows long. I watered
him well.
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12Emma Chocolate likes to grow her hair.
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14Evan Max can hop and jump.
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16John Henry Nick is very rude. He is mad
because everybody else is taller.
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18Jacob Be-Cool is a scientist. He does lots of
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20Ian Hedgie likes to play with me.
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22Keeva Fluffy has polka dots and hair.
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24Kamryn Lemon has green hair.
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26Lexie Bella lives in Lubbock. She is 2 and ½
years old.
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28Matthew Rosie is cute. He doesnt like to
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30Piper Lexie likes pink. She likes playing
with her friends.
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32Marc Blackie is black. He is mad because he
doesnt have a mouth.
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34Ryan Funny likes to play on the slide.
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36William Hedgie is mad because somebody was
messing with his hair.
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38Sarah Sally is pretty. Her hair is pretty.
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40Trinity Rose is happy because it is her
birthday, and her mom gave her a giant real
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42Ms. Johnson Lucky has a ladybug on her. She
needs a haircut.
43Williams mom, Mrs. Akin, came to help sew on our
eyes and noses.
44Now we can see and smell!
45The Girls!
46The Boys
47The Class
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50We get to visit the office!How exciting to be
seen by everyone!
51Here we are with Officer McKee. We did not get a
speeding ticket!
52Mr. Rafe stopped by to say hello!
53Hello Mrs. James!
54We have been invited to the volunteer breakfast
in the library. How exciting!
55We were used to decorate the table. We must be
quite beautiful!
56Off to the party in the library!
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72Wow, food! Anything that grass likes to eat?
73What an adventure!Now we get to go home with our