Chapter 1
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence
- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- Artificial Intelligence in Industry
- Example of an AI Application
3Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
4What is Intelligence?
5(No Transcript)
6Aspects of Intelligence
From B. Koskos book
We never step twice into the same
river Heraclitus (1,500 BC)
We live in a world of marvelous complexity and
variety, a world where events never repeat
exactly. But even though events are never exactly
the same, they are also not completely different.
There is a thread of continuity, similarity, and
predictability that allows us to generalize,
often correctly, from past experience to future
James Anderson (1990)
7According to the Oxford and Penguin English
Dictionaries the word intelligence can be
defined as follows
- ability to understand
- reason
- perceive
- quickness in learning
- mental alertness
- ability to grasp relationships
- clever
- information
- news
8One way to understand intelligence is by
looking at our own capabilities, which means that
humans are able to
- think
- understand
- recognize
- perceive
- generalize
- adapt
- learn
- make decisions
- solve daily problems
9Examples and Aspects Biological Intelligence
- Self-repair
- Self-guidance
- Reproduction
- Making decisions
- Reasoning capability
- Predicting/forecasting
- Understanding noisy or fuzzy information
- Capability to Learn
- Capability to Generalize/Classify
- Capability to Survive
- Gathering of Information
- Recognizing Patterns
- Common Sense
- Logical Thinking
10Humans have self-repair mechanisms in their bodies
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence
- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- Artificial Intelligence in Industry
- Example of an AI Application
12Definition of AI
- Turban Aronson (2001)- concerned with two basic
ideas, firstly involves studying the thought
process of humans and second, it deals with
representing these processes via machines. - Luger (1999)- branch of CS that is concerned with
the automation of intelligent behaviour
13Definition of AI (cont..)
- Norvig and Russel (1995)defines in 4 ways
- System that think like human
- "The automation of activities that we associate
with human thinking, activities such as
decision-making, problem solving, learning..."
(Bellman, 1978) - System that act like human
- "The study of the computations that make it
possible to perceive, reason, and act" (Winston,
1992) - System that think rationally
- " The art of creating machines that perform
functions that require intelligence when
performed by people" (Kurzweil, 1990 - System that act rationally
- "The branch of computer science that is concerned
with the automation of intelligent behavior"
(Luger and Stubblefield, 1993)
14Artificial Intelligence (AI) ?
- AI is a study about inventing
machines/computers that capable of mimicking
human/animal intelligent behavior. - The ultimate objective is to develop a system
that can think and act rationally like humans.
15AI Tree (Turban Aronson, 2001)
16(No Transcript)
17What is Artificial Intelligence?
- AI is a tool that has been developed to imitate
human intelligence and decision-making functions,
providing basic reasoning and other human
18Meaning of intelligent behaviour
- Learning or understanding from experiences
- Making sense out of ambiguous or contradictory
messages - Responding quickly and succesfully to a new
situation (different responses-gtflexibility) - Using reasoning in solving problems and directing
conduct effectively - Dealing with perplexing situations
- Understanding and inferring in ordinary rational
ways - Applying knowledge to manapulate the environment
- Thinking and reasoning
- Recognizing the relative importance of different
elements in a situation.
19An Intelligent pH sensor
20What the Intelligent Microprocessor-based pH
Transmitter can do?
- It can tell the user if its glass electrode is
damaged or clogged - It can determine if a sensor cable is
disconnected - It can determine if the liquid level is too low
21Is there really an Intelligent Machine/System?
- From this point of view it appears that an
intelligent system (or device) contains a
collection of simple features that jointly make
the system easy to use
22Can machines be developed to have intelligence?
- Perhaps one way to do this is to develop
algorithms based on human or animal intelligence
Copying from Biological Systems
- The Motherboard from single layer to multilayer
24Copying from Biological Systems
25Copying from Biological Systems
In a study by T. Yoshikawa (Kyoto University),
the design of the optimal length of robotic
manipulators should follow that of the human arm
26Copying from Biological Systems
From Thumb Print ? Bar Code
27Examples and Aspects Biological Intelligence
- Self-repair
- Self-guidance
- Reproduction
- Making decisions
- Reasoning capability
- Predicting/forecasting
- Understanding noisy or fuzzy information
- Capability to Learn
- Capability to Generalize/Classify
- Capability to Survive
- Gathering of Information
- Recognizing Patterns
- Common Sense
- Logical Thinking
28AI Concepts / Topics(from J. McCarthy, Stanford
- Logical AI
- Search
- Pattern recognition
- Representation
- Inference
- Common sense knowledge and Engineering
- Learning from experience
- Planning
- Epistemology a study of the kinds of knowledge
that are required for solving problems in the
world - Ontology - study of the kinds of things that
exist - Heuristics
- Genetic Programming
29What is the implication of adding intelligence
in machines?
- If artificial systems can be made more robust,
costly redesigns can be reduced or eliminated - If higher level of adaptation can be achieved,
existing systems can perform their functions
longer and better - If machines can be made to be self-organized then
less operations are needed by humans
30Intelligence that can be designed
- Self learning machines
- Autonomous / Self-organizing systems
- Self-optimization
- Path planning
- Pattern recognition
- Decision making
- Prediction
- .
31How do we design Intelligence?
- Study from biological models (brain, genetic,
DNA, life, Molecular biology, .) ? neural nets,
GA, Artificial Life, DNA Computing, Quantum
Computing, Robotics, etc. - Study from human phenomena (common sense,
reasoning, predicting, observing, inference, ) ?
fuzzy logic, expert systems, search techniques,
etc. - Need to develop mathematical/logical algorithms
based on the above biological models or phenomena
32- Mathematics
- Control Theory
- Computer Science
- Physics
- Operational Research
- Neuroscience
- Psychology
- Philosophy
- Biological Science
- Physiology
Artificial Intelligence
Symbolic AI
New AI
Micro. Bio. Models
- Symbolic M. L.
- Logic Prog.
- Nat. Lang. Proc.
- Search techniques
- Fuzzy
- Rough Sets
- Chaos
- ..
33Some Examples of Available Artificial
Intelligence Techniques
- Expert Systems
- Fuzzy Logic
- Neural Networks
- Genetic Algorithms
- Chaos Theory
- Rough Sets
- Artificial Life, etc.
- DNA Computing
Many AI techniques have been developed based on
biological systems/behavior
34The AI Field
- Expert System
- Natural language processing
- Speech (voice) understanding
- Robotic Sensor system
- Computer vision and scene recognation
- Intelligent computer aided instruction
- Neural computing
- Language translation
- Fuzzy logic
- Genetic algorithms
- Intelligent agent
35AI Application Area
- Game playing
- Automated reasoning Theorem Proving
- Expert System
- Natural language understanding semantic
modelling - Modelling human performance
- Planning robotic
- Language Environment for AI
- Machine Learning
- Parallel Distribution Processing (PDP) Emergent
37Future of AI
- Artificial intelligence is always on the
futurist's list of hopefuls but often seems to be
the most unachievable. Here are some of the
predictions for the future decade "The popular
conception of AI as seen with HAL in 2001,
Commander Data in Star Trek, and David in the
film AI, is not far away." This may sound
outlandish, however, who would have thought by
2001, we would have four computers in our kitchen
(this includes the computer chips in our coffee
makers, refrigerators, stoves and radios). "By
2006, it will be quite possible to ask a robot
general questions which it hasn't been told
beforehand and get a response. By 2010, the first
robot will have passed its GCSE exams. Such a
robot would be ready to take its A-Levels a few
years later and a degree a few years after that."
- This is predicted by BT futurologist, Ian
38Others predictions..
- Speed freaks will need to be careful with the
possible introduction of intelligent "cats' eyes"
with integrated speed cameras.
- A food tester that can identify the presence of
bugs could prove useful in the kitchen.
- The desktop looks set for a make-over with
air typing and an air mouse.
39AI Field An Overview
- Expert System
- Fuzzy Logic
- Neural Network
- Genetic Algorithm
40What is an Expert System (ES)?
- Expert System (ES) is a branch of Artificial
Intelligence that attempt to mimic human experts.
- Expert systems can either support decision makers
or completely replace them. - Expert systems are the most widely applied
commercially successful AI technology.
41What is an ES?
- Prof. Edward Feigenbaum of Stanford University,
leading researchers in ES has produced the
following definition - " . . . An intelligent computer program that uses
knowledge and inference procedures to solve
problems that are difficult enough to require
significant human expertise for their solution."
42Fuzzy logic has been developed from the human
reasoning process
- Dragon Fly
- 6 legs
- wings
- Body with 3 parts
- Insect
Knowledge Base
Dragon fly!
43Biological Network
Artificial Neural Network
An artificial neural network is a universal
function approximator. Weights Wij are learned
to fit any function.
1 n
1 ji
n kj
44Genetic Algorithms have been derived from the
human reproduction process
GA Operators
Generation proceed
(Carrier of Hereditary Information)
45DNA Computing ltWatson-Crick Complementaritygt
The DNA Ladder
46Artificial Life
- A-Life focuses not so much on human biology but
on biology in its widest sense. It has already
given birth to such strange things as robots that
work in teams, machines that evolve and virtual
creatures that learn, age, breed and die. - Today, biologists study evolution in virtual
worlds, computers are protected from malicious
viruses by artificial immune systems, and in
Oxford, a heart made from millions of software
cells is teaching doctors things about medicine
that no living heart could have done. Prepare to
have your mind boggled...
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence
- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- Artificial Intelligence in Industry
- Example of an AI Application
48World Industrial Leaders by Country(1975-2000)(MI
S for the Info Age)
In 1994 alone Japan sold US34 billion worth of
consumer products using fuzzy logic technology
493 General Types of Industries
- Companies engaged in manufacturing
- Automotive Parts Industrial Equipment
- High-tech Industry Heavy Equipment
- Planes and others
50Why Industries need AI/new technology?
- Improved performance
- Reduced operations by humans
- Better reliability
- Cost reduction
- Easier maintenance
- Simpler to design
- Able to design complex tasks
51Made in Japan(based on a video on innovations
and the need for change)
- 1980s
- Excellent Quality
- Expensive
- Leadership
- Balance of Payments
- High Technology
- Innovations
- 1960s
- Junk
- Cheap
- Poor Quality
- Copies
- Low Technology
- Imitation
52Is there really a need for AI?
- Manufacturers need to improve on their products
- Need to satisfy customers
- Need to improve products reliability
- Need to improve products performance
- Need to improve products features
- Need to distinguish their products away from
their competitors
53AI Applications
(IT) Decision Support Systems
Consumer Products
Industrial Products
Medical Applications
54Intelligent Systems Design
Algorithms, computations
Intelligent machine
55Example of Products with AI
Genie Fuzzy Logic Jar Cookers
56It also has a Neuro-Fuzzy Logic System- a smart
system that knowsyour lifestyle and learns your
pattern of use(like what time the doors are most
frequently opened or closed) and controls the
refrigerator accordingly either through quick
cooling, low cool or defrosting.
57This Refrigerator has a Neuro-Fuzzy Control
System(For Door Cooling and Super-Cooling and
58(No Transcript)
59(No Transcript)
609 point AiAF Artificial Intelligence Autofocus
61Why the need to develop Intelligent Systems and
Why Now?
- More challenging problems
- More complex systems
- More powerful computers/hardware
- Better/powerful algorithms
- Better software tools
- Human desire
62Plants are becoming more complex, Thus, new
techniques are needed for better and tighter
63Advantages of Adding Intelligence in Products/
- Better performance
- Longer Life
- Reliability
- Simpler operation
- Cost effective
- Higher efficiency
- Self-organizing / self-optimization
- Simpler design
64How would you design an intelligent traffic
lights system? Features/Advantages - Technology
65Where AI can/should be applied?
- Data is overwhelming/abundance
- Too many manual operations/procedures
- Optimization is possible
- Parallel/Distributed procedures/architectures are
needed - Decision making is required
- When current techniques are too complicated to be
66Where AI can/should be applied? .. Contd
- Mathematical models are too complex/impossible
- To increase efficiency
- To reduce cost
- To improve performance and reliability
67Where AI should not be applied?
- Lack of Data
- Simpler techniques are available / sufficient
- Further optimization is not possible
68How AI can be applied?
69Some Pre-requisites in understanding AI
- Some mathematical background
- HLL Programming
- Discrete-time systems
- Some aspects of biological systems as well as
philosophy and psychology - ..
70Some Important Facts, you need to know.
- AI is not the only solution
- AI is only one part of technology
- AI is just a tool for improvement
- You must know your domain/target application
71To gain Competitive Advantage in our Products
- Technology Driven
- International Market
- Develop Home-grown Expertise
- Design Own Products
- Integrate Local Design with Foreign Components
- Use Advanced Technology Tools
- Enhance RD Capabilities
- Innovate and Progress
72The Future Humanoids
7330-year robot project pitchedResearchers see
tech windfalls in costly humanoid quest
- Japanese researchers in robot technology are
advocating a grand project, under which the
government would spend 50 billion yen (USD400
million) a year over three decades to develop a
humanoid robot with the mental, physical and
emotional capacity of a 5-year-old human. The
researchers believe the Atom Project, inspired by
the popular robot animation series "Tetsuwan
Atom" by the late cartoonist Osamu Tezuka, would
help promote scientific and technological
advances in Japan, just like the U.S. Apollo
Project, which not only succeeded in landing men
on the moon but contributed to a broad range of
technological breakthroughs. Unlike cartoonist
Tezuka's "Atom" character, known as "Astro Boy"
overseas, based on an image of a 9-year-old boy,
the Atom Project aims to create a humanoid robot
with the physical, intellectual and emotional
capacity of a 5-year-old that would be able to
think and move on its own, the researchers say.
As exemplified by the Asimo robot developed by
Honda Motor Co., Japan's technology in this field
has reached a level where its robots can be
programmed to approximate the way humans walk.
However, their physical ability is still no match
for a 5-year-old human.
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence
- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- Artificial Intelligence in Industry
- Example of an AI Application
75(No Transcript)
76Hondas Humanoid Robots
77The P2 Humanoid
78P3 Humanoid
79Introducing a New ASIMO Featuring Intelligence
- Tokyo, December 5, 2002 --- Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
has released a new model of its intelligent
humanoid robot ASIMO which is capable of
interpreting the postures and gestures of humans
and moving independently in response. ASIMO's
ability to interact with humans has advanced
significantly --- it can greet approaching
people, follow them, move in the direction they
indicate, and even recognize their faces and
address them by name. Further, utilizing networks
such as the Internet, ASIMO can provide
information while executing tasks such as
reception duties. ASIMO is the world's first
humanoid robot to exhibit such a broad range of
intelligent capabilities. Starting from January
of next year, Honda plans to commence rental of
this new version of ASIMO to public institutions
and companies.
80ASIMOAdvanced Step in Innovative MObility
Camera Eyes AI
Battery (Fuel Cell)
Gyro Sensor Measuring Body Angle
Actuators and Other Peripheral Systems
Controlling leg movements AI
Load Sensors In Leg
Intelligent Real-time Flexible Walking AI
81The New ASIMO
The key features of the new ASIMO
includeAdvanced communication ability thanks to
pattern recognition technology 1. Recognition of
moving objects 4. Sound recognition 2. Posture
/gesture recognition 5. Face recognition
3. Environment recognition
82Mitsubishis- Annanova
83Sonys AIBO
84Fujitsus HOAP (Miniature Human Robot)
85Sonys SDR (Sony Dream Robots)
- Introducing 4 new technologies
- Small robot actuators (ISA-4)
- Real-time Integrated Adaptive Motion Control
- Motion creation software
- Real-time Real World Space perception
- Multi-modal Human-Robot Perception
86SDR - specifications
87Intelligent Servo Actuators (ISA-4)
88Other Features
89Some Postures of SDR
90Future Research in Humanoids
- Slow
- Intelligent
- Easily tired
- Imaginative/Creative
- Emotional
- Etc.
- Speed (Fast)
- Not tired-Can do repetitive job (Fuel Cell)
- Not imaginative/Not creative
- Better speech and pattern recognition
- Some emotion
- Entertainment
- Personal Friend
91Issues in AI
- Party At Fault - The AI Machine
- Are Robots More Intelligent
Than Humans? - Can Robots Replace Humans?
- Human vs Machine
92Class Discussion 1
- Choose one of the applications and explain it
from the following point - What concept of AI that applied
- How they applied it
- The benefit of applied AI to that application
- Compare the performance of application - before
and after using AI