Title: Carl Sandburg College EduNet
1 Carl Sandburg College EduNet
- Bringing Opportunities to West Central Illinois
2Mission Statement
- To provide accessible, quality education in a
caring environment by keeping the learners needs
at the center of decision making and by working
in partnership with communities of the College
3WIU Macomb
4 Background
- Connectivity to K-12 schools and communities
- Crossing Telecom Provider LEC territories
- Growth of IP based distance learning technologies
- Access to Educational Services
5September 27, 2002
6September 27, 2002
Galesburg Register Mail
7Galesburg Register Mail March 31, 2003
8Galesburg Register Mail March 31, 2003
9(No Transcript)
10March 31, 2003 Galesburg Register Mail
Mr. Thomas Schmidt President, CSC
11April 22, 2005 Galesburg Register Mail
12April 22, 2005 Galesburg Register Mail
Mr. Thomas Schmidt President, CSC
13April 22, 2005 Galesburg Register Mail
14 EduNet Timeline
- Sept 2002 -- Presentation to CSC Board of
Trustees - Nov 2002 -- Feasibility Study Commissioned
- Jan 2003 -- Feasibility Study results positive to
the concept - Oct 2004 RFI issued Three Proposals Received
- Jan 2005 RFP issued
15RFP Results
- Four Proposals
- Motorola 1.9Mil, Circle K Communications, IA-2.4
Mil, Evans and Associates No bid, WI and
Derbytech, East Moline, IL 645,000! - Proposal Review, Clarifications, Deliberations
and Site Visits - Recommendation to the CSC Board of Trustees to
award contract to Derbytech
- April 2005 -- CSC Board of Trustees approve
recommendation to award contract to DerbyTech
Computer Works
17Highlights Of Derbytech Proposal
- Use of existing infrastructures Water towers,
tall building, grain elevators, grain legs and
silos - Redundant network equipment and paths
- Partnership vision reducing operating costs
- Rural Broadband Access
- Highly Scalable and Replicable
18After Board Approval
- Design and Logistics Team formed
- May 2005 CSC drafts EduNet price structure and
Intergovernmental Agreements - Marketing to K-12 School Districts
- June 2005 CSC obtains Service Provider
Identification Number (SPIN)
19Its Not Just Internet Access
- IP Based Private Distance Learning
- WebCT
- High Speed Internet
- Educational Cable TV 24 hour programming
20 Additional Services
- Voice over IP
- Data Bureau
- Disaster Recovery
- E-mail and web hosting
- Tech Support
- The possibilities are endless
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
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26(No Transcript)
27Progress Report
- Ten Schools have joined EduNet
- Abingdon, Avon, Galesburg, Knoxville,
Monmouth-Roseville, United, West Central,
Williamsfield, Spoon River Valley, Yorkwood. The
list keeps growing - Western Illinois University and University of
Illinois Extension in Knox County recently joined
EduNet. - Construction Phase I, II and III have been
completed bringing connectivity to our member
28Community Support
- The following city councils have voted to
allow antennas to be installed on their water
towers - Abingdon, Avon, Biggsville, Bushnell, Carthage,
Farmington, Knoxville, LaHarpe, Monmouth,
Roseville, Sciota, Stronghurst, Warsaw,
Williamsfield - Also, antennas on WIU, Roseville Grain
Elevator, Twomey (Yorkwood), Carthage Middle
School, Colusa (Grain Elevator)
29 EduNetWireless Wide Area Network
WIU Macomb
Phase 1 and 2
Phase 3
30CSC Wins Award for EduNet
- Carl Sandburg Community College recently was
awarded the 2005 Illinois Council of Community
College Administrators (ICCCA) Innovation Award
for this new wireless wide area network project,
31Western Illinois University Joins EduNet
- At the regular meeting of the Carl Sandburg
College Board of Trustees on Nov 15, 2005,
Western Illinois University and Carl Sandburg
College signed an Intergovermental Agreement for
WIU to deliver junior and senior level courses,
masters and doctoral programs to CSC campuses and
K-12 schools who are interested in delivering
these services in their communities.
32WIU President Dr. Al Goldfarb
Dr. Goldfarb signs EduNet Intergovernmental
Agreement with Carl Sandburg College Nov 15,
33 EduNet
- First of its kind in the Country
- Superior Technology
- Redundant
- Quality of Service
- Reliable and Scalable
- Bandwidth on Demand
- ICCCA Innovation Award 2005
34 Opportunities
- Dual Credit
- Course Sharing Between K-12 Schools
- Adult Education Delivery
- Teacher Training and Recertification
- WebCT Hosting
- Broadband Access to Rural West Central Illinois
- Western Illinois University Partnership
- University of Illinois Extension Partnership
- EduNet will bring unprecedented and expanded
access to rich, diverse and high quality learning
opportunities to public schools and communities
within Carl Sandburg College District