Title: Hydrologic Setup of the DSHVM for Rainy Creek
1Hydrologic Setup of the DSHVM for Rainy Creek
- Colleen O. Doten
- August 18, 2004
- Digital Elevation Map
- Soil Types
- Vegetation Types
- Soil Depth
- Streams
- Roads
- Meteorological Forcings
- Hydrology Results
3Digital Elevation Model
- 30-m resolution
- 49,085 grid cells
- Elevation range 630 to 2150 m
- Processed to fill sinks in four directions and
ensure flat areas drained
4Rainy Creek Soils
Soil Types
Loamy sand Sandy Loam Fine Sandy
Loam Loam Organic Bedrock Water Fragmented Rock
Provided by USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest
Research Station and Wenatchee Forestry Sciences
5Rainy Creek Vegetation
Vegetation Types
COLD_int1,3 COOL_int1,2,3 DRY_int1,2,3 DRY_ofms2,3
Forest_si1,2,3 MOIST_int1,2,3 Grassland Shrubland
Water Rock Barren
Impervious fraction 0.0 RPC (W/m2) 10 Mass
release drip ratio 0.4 Snow interception
efficiency 0.6 Vapor pressure deficit (Pa) 4000
OS Moisture threshold 0.33 US Moisture
threshold 0.13 OS monthly albedo 0.2 US monthly
albedo 0.2
Provided by USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest
Research Station and Wenatchee Forestry Sciences
6Rainy Creek Vegetation
Provided by USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest
Research Station and Wenatchee Forestry Sciences
7Rainy Creek Soil Depth
Depth, m
- Range 0.1 to 2.0 m
- Average Depth1.54 m
Provided by USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest
Research Station and Wenatchee Forestry Sciences
8Streams Processing Steps
- Created network based on 4 ha support area
- createstreamnetwork.amlcreates
- stream.network.dat
- stream.map.dat
- Created stream.class.dat
- resel slope lt .002 and segorder ge 50 and
segorder lt 100 - calc chanclass 3
- calc hyddepth 1.5
- calc hydwidth 3.0
9Stream Statistics
10More on Stream Processing
- Some segments were not in the valley bottom
(based on flow accumulation from the DEM) - Short segments
11Roads Processing Steps I
- Cleaned up File
- Assigned class to segment without a class
- Removed segments outside the basin
- Removed segments that overlapped
- Removed duplicate segments
- Removed extra nodes not associated with changes
in class ID
12Roads Processing Steps II
- Ran createroadbreak.aml
- Breaks road network at sinks and divides
- createroadnetwork.aml creates
- road.network.dat
- road.map.dat
- Ran fixroads
- Assign culverts at stream crossings and low
points in the network - Created road.class.dat
13Rainy Creek Roads
Density 1.05 km/km2 Road Surface Area 0.23
km2 No. Culverts 284 Culvert locations stream
crossings (91) road low points (193) Road
Segments 332
14Road Classes
15Road Statistics
16Met Forcings
- Precipitation, temperature, and windspeed were
taken from the nearest 1/8 degree grid cell
(latitude 47. 8125, longitude -121.0625,
elevation 1286.86 m) in the continental dataset
of Maurer et al. (2002). - Precipitation and temperature in this dataset
were interpolated from station observations, and
daily windspeed was obtained from the NCEP/NCAR
Reanalysis (Kalnay et al., 1996).
17Met Forcings
- Relative humidity, shortwave radiation and
longwave radiation were derived from
precipitation and temperature as described by
Maurer et al. (2002). - Time series was then adjusted to each of the
DHSVM grid cells by - lapsing temperature at -0.006 C/m
- precipitation at 0.0007 m/m
- METEOROLOGY Meteorological stations
- Number of Stations 1 Number of meteorological
stations - Station Name 1 VIC_84480 Name for station 1
- North Coordinate 1 764833.6 North coordinate
of station 1 - East Coordinate 1 395901.0 East coordinate
of station 1 - Elevation 1 1286.86 Elevation of station 1
in m
18Hydrology Results I - Streamflow
19Hydrology Results I - SWE
20Hydrology Results II
21Hydrology ResultsMonthly Stream Flow
22Hydrology ResultsMonthly Stream Flow
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effects of forest roads and harvest on catchment
hydrology in a mountainous maritime environment,
In Wigmosta, M.S. and S.J. Burges, (eds), Land
Use and Watersheds Human Influence on Hydrology
and Geomorphology in Urban and Forest Areas, AGU
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145-164. - Bowling, L.C., and D.P. Lettenmaier, 1997
Evaluation of the effects of forest roads on
streamflow in Hard and Ware Creeks, Washington,
Water Resources Series Technical Report No. 155,
Department of Civil and Environmental
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PRISM approach to mapping precipitation and
temperature, In reprints 10th Conf. on Applied
Climatology, Reno, NV, American Meteorological
Society, 10-12. - Daly, C., R.P. Neilson, and D.L. Phillips, 1994
A statistical-topographic model for mapping
climatological precipitation over mountainous
terrain, Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33,
140-158. - Kalnay, E. and Coauthors, 1996 The NCEP/NCAR
40-Year Reanalysis Project. Bull. Amer. Meteor.
Soc., 77, 437-471. - LaMarche, J., and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2001 Effects
of Forest Roads on Flood Flows in the Deschutes
Basin, Washington, Earth Surf. Process.
Landforms, 26, 115-134.. - Maurer, E.P., A.W. Wood, J.C. Adam, D.P.
Lettenmaier, and B. Nijssen, 2002 A long-term
hydrologically-based data set of land surface
fluxes and states for the conterminous United
States, Journal of Climate, 15, 3237-3251. - Montgomery, D.R., K. Sullivan, and H.M.
Greenberg, 1998 Regional test of a model for
shallow landsliding, Hydrol. Process., 12,
943-955. - Schmidt, K.M., J.J. Roering, J.J. Stock, W.E.
Dietrich, D.R. Montgomery, and T. Schaub, 2001
Root cohesion variability and shallow landslide
susceptibility in the Oregon Coast Range, Can.
Geotech, J., 38, 995-1024. - Storck P., and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2000 Trees,
snow and flooding An investigation of forest
canopy effects on snow accumulation and melt at
the plot and watershed scales in the Pacific
Northwest, Water Resources Series Technical
Report No. 161, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of
Washington. - Storck, P., L. Bowling, P. Wetherbee and D.
Lettenmaier, 1998 Application of a GIS-based
distributed hydrology model for prediction of
forest harvest effects on peak stream flow in the
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Rodriguez-Iturbe, 1991 On the Extraction of
Channel Networks from Digital Elevation Data,
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the effects of forest roads on watershed
hydrology, In Land Use and Watersheds Human
Influence on Hydrology and Geomorphology in Urban
and Forest Areas, M.S. Wigmosta and S.J. Burgess
(eds), AGU Water Science and Application, V.2, p.
24Model Constants
Model constants - Ground Roughness 0.02 Roughness of soil
surface (m) - Snow Roughness 0.01 Roughness of
snow surface (m) - Rain Threshold 0. Minimum
temperature at which rain - occurs (C) minor decrease in snow
from 0 - Snow Threshold 0.5 Maximum
temperature at which snow occurs (C) - Snow Water Capacity 0.03 Snow liquid
water holding capacity (fraction) - Reference Height 43.0 Reference
height (m) - Rain LAI Multiplier 0.0001 LAI Multiplier
for rain interception - Min Intercepted Snow 0.005 Intercepted
snow that can only be melted (m)
25Run Time Statistics
- Hydrology, fast computer (2133 mHz)
- Rainy Creek
- 49,085 active pixels
- 0.6 hour/yr (w/o roads)
- Little Wenatchee
- 291,169 active pixels
- 3.75 hours/year (w/o roads)
- Sediment module, fast computer (2133 mHz)
- Rainy Creek
- 3.75 hours/year w/o roads
- 4 hours/year w/ roads
- Little Wenatchee (w/o roads)
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