Title: The Myrtle Beach Trip
1The Myrtle Beach Trip
2Meet the Designers
Sarah Beth, Jamoris
3Getting Ready
All of us are about to get on the bus. We were
about to leave Sunset Park.
4We are waiting to find out where we will sit on
the bus. It is taking a little while.
5The Bus Ride
This is Macie, playing cards with Samantha. Kelci
fell asleep.
6This is Mrs. Jackson and Tia. This is Mrs.
McCullough and Bre.
7This is Malika, Kelci, and Jasmine. Mrs. Burris
fell asleep on the bus.
8Jamoris fell a sleep. Mrs. Hyatt went a sleep.
9This is Jarvis, Dylan and JaDarius.
This is Mike and Mr. Jones.
10The Atlantic Ocean
We felt what the ocean feels like. The waves were
strong and they were pushing people.
11The waves pushed Dylan and I. The waves were
12The Atlantic Ocean is very fun. The ocean was
cold. We saw a hot air balloon.
13 Summer and I were eating lunch on the beach. We
were about to get in the ocean.
14We were laying on the sand. We all thought that
the waves were going to hit us in the face.
15The Water Park !
This is Summer and I at the Water Park. This is
Dylan on a slide at the Water Park.
16This is Ms. Hyatt and Mrs. Burris at the Water
Parks playground. This is Jasmine in the Water
Park lazy river.
17This is some kids at the Water Park pool. This is
Malcome in the lazy river.
18This is Kelci going down a slide. This is Mrs.
Burris and Malika H in the lazy river.
19This is Macie, Samantha and Adrianna. This is
Malika S going down a slide at the Water Park.
20The Arcade !
This is Desmond, Malika S and Kelci playing a
game at the Arcade. This is Shane playing a game
at the Arcade.
21This is Mr. Hale, Matthew, and Lashard. This is
Evan playing a game at the Arcade.
22This is Michael and Jamoris playing a game. This
is Matthew M and Jamoris. Matthew is waiting to
play a game.
23This is Colton in front of a game at the Arcade.
This is Mr. Gordon helping John play a game at
the Arcade.
24This is Kelci, and some other kids playing games
at the Arcade. These are some other kids playing
games at the Arcade.
25Alligator Adventures !
This is Aubriana feeding a black bear named
Clyde. Mrs. Burris made Clyde stand up.
26This is Summer, Malika, Sarah Beth, Jasmine, and
Aubriana. This is Clif feeding a black bear.
27The Aquarium
This is Mrs. Cagle and Mrs. Burris and all the
3rd graders at the Aquarium.
This is Mr. Jones group in front of the Aquarium.
28This is Desmond in an astronaut statue. This is
Samantha in an astronaut statue at the Aquarium.
29At Wendy's
This is Aubriana, Malika, Jasmine, Summer, and
Sarah Beth at Wendys. This is Colton, Clif, and
30This is Mrs. Burris, Mrs. Cagle, Ms. Hyatt, and
Mrs. Jackson. This is Shane, Evan, and Desmond.