Title: INDEPENDENT COMPLIANCE AUDIT Chris Bateman, Jones Environmental
NFGWS Annual Conference Water Services National
Training Group Nuremore Hotel, Carrickmacross,
Co. Monaghan 18th September 2002
2Why Independent Compliance Audit (ICA) is required
- Demonstrate to Stakeholders that the facility is
being properly managed - Assess PSPs and Employers Performance
- Group Member perception Good Management
- Quality Management
- Emerging practice in EU, Europe and US
3Why do we need to Audit?
- Services today are frequently outsourced
- Must deliver good service Quality Assurance
- Audit the service delivery Good or Bad?
- Good Is there room for improvement?
- How do the Group Members know the service is
good? - Personal Experience
- Regular Audit
Group Members Perception will improve. Regular
Audit. Clean bill of health
4What does ICA Achieve?
- Quality Assurance
- Delivery of services is checked independently
- Very effective Management Procedure
- Constructive feedback to both Parties
- Provides assurance to Group Members
Does not relieve Employer of his Responsibility
to manage the Contract
- Contract Between PSP and Employer
- PSP Operate and Maintain the Facility
- Employer Monitor and Manage the Contract
- Independent Compliance Audit checks if PMS is
being implemented
6Information Given to Auditor
- Contract Documents, including PMS
- LMC meeting minutes
- MSRs (for period of audit)
- PSPs Complaints Records
- Employers Complaints Records
- Payments to PSP
- Copies of previous ICARs
- Site Safety File
Auditor is Required to Limit his Investigation to
this Information
7Contents of ICA Report (ICAR)
- Non-Technical Summary
- Review of Monthly Status Report
- Review of Compliance with Performance
Requirements - Review of Emergency Systems and their
Implementation - Review of Third Party Complaints and their
Resolution - Review of LMC Meetings
- Review of Payments and Expenditure
9Synopsis of Procedure AP1
Procedure AP1
- Auditor provided with specific information
- Audit based exclusively on that information
- Includes Non-Technical Summary
- Audit Report based on Table of Contents in PMS
10AP1 - Checklist
11Procedure AP4
Synopsis of Procedure AP4
- Compare actual performance of facility with the
Specified Requirements - Highlight Non-Compliance
12Procedure AP8
Synopsis of Procedure AP8
- Check that Payment Procedures are being adhered
to - Verify
- Payment frequency is per Contract
- Contributions to CRF are made and disbursed as
agreed - Penalties (if any) are applied as per the
Contract - Indexation is as per the Contract
13AP8 - Checklist
14ICA Report
- Completed within one month of Audit
- Submitted to
- Employer
- Information for Employer to pass on to Group
15Appointment of Audit Service Provider
- DOELG will set up National Framework Panel of
Auditors - Appointed from Panel by rotation
- In interim follow regular procurement
procedures (detailed in PMS) - Sample Advertisement and Brief included in PMS
16Frequency of Audit Service
- Set down in Contract (Employers Requirements)
- Generally once per year
- Cost provided for in the Contract
17ICA To Summarise
- It is Good Management Practice
- It Provides a vital assessment of the Service
being Provided - It Provides Good Feedback to the Employer, Group
Members and the PSP
It is an Essential part of the PMS
18The End