Title: Work and Energy
1Work and Energy
?Work A Force acting through a distance
? Work Force x DistanceWFxd
? Units Newton x meter or, Nm
(English lbft)
? Units 1 Nm 1 Joule (J)
3Fig 6.2a, p.173
Slide 3
? Work Force x DistanceWFxd 600 N x 1.00
m 600 Nm
Fig 6.2b, p.173
Slide 4
5Fig 6.3b, p.174
Slide 5
6? Work Force x DistanceWFxd (1kg x 9.81
m/s2) x 2 m 9.81 N x 2 m
19.62 Nm
Fig 6.6, p.176
Slide 6
7? Force must be in same direction as the motion?
So, in this case the man does no work on the
Fig 6.4a, p.175
Slide 7
8Fig 6.4b, p.175
Slide 8
9Fig 6.11, p.182
Slide 9
10?Energy The ability to do work
?Units Joule (J) (Unit for work also)
?Forms of Energy - Mechanical - Heat -
Chemical - Electromagnetic - Nuclear
11?Mechanical Energy - Energy associated with
motion - Includes - Moving water - Wind -
Motors - Sound
12(No Transcript)
13?Heat Energy - Energy of vibrating molecules -
Faster movement more heat - Friction causes
heat - Adding or removing heat
causes temperature changes
14?Chemical Energy - Energy needed to bond atoms
together - When bonds broken energy is
needed - When bonds form energy is
released - Fuels and food contain chemical
15?Electromagnetic Energy - Electricity -
Light - Radio Waves - X-rays - Microwaves
16?Nuclear Energy - Nuclear Fission - Nuclear
Fusion on sun - involves joining nuclei of two
hydrogen atoms to produce helium
17Fig 6.p184, p.184
Slide 17
18Fig 6.12, p.185
Slide 18
19Fig 6.13, p.185
Slide 19
20Fig 6.p186, p.186
Slide 20
21Fig 6.15, p.189
Slide 21
22Fig 6.16 , p.189
Slide 22
23Fig 6.p191, p.191
Slide 23
24Fig 6.17, p.192
Slide 24
25Fig. 6.P17, p.203
Slide 25
26Fig. 6.P44, p.205
Slide 26
27Fig. 6.P55, p.205
Slide 27
28Click to view animation.
29Click to view animation.
30Click to view animation.