RU activities in Spectroscopy diagnostics for JET, MAST, ITER Gran Ericsson, UU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RU activities in Spectroscopy diagnostics for JET, MAST, ITER Gran Ericsson, UU


1) Modelling radiative power from the divertor of ToreSupra. ... P Beaumont, M Bennett, S Brezinsek, I Coffey, T Elevant, K Fullard, S Griph, P ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RU activities in Spectroscopy diagnostics for JET, MAST, ITER Gran Ericsson, UU

RU activities inSpectroscopy diagnosticsfor
JET, MAST, ITER Göran Ericsson, UU
  • MST work at JET and MAST KTH Physics
  • Spectroscopy for JET ILW KTH Alfvén lab
  • Neutron diagnostics UU IFA

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Spectroscopy diagnostics KTH-Fysik Elisabeth
Projects during 2008 1) Modelling radiative
power from the divertor of ToreSupra. 2) Motional
Stark effect diagnostic analysis at JET mostly
for TF S2 but also several other experiments. 3)
Motional Stark effect diagnostic at MAST-
collaboration with the MAST MSE team. Projects
started, continues into 2009 1) Development of
new spectroscopic diagnostic (x-ray and VUV
wavelengths) with ideas towards a-particles-
collaboration with MIT and UKAEA. 2)
Collaboration with the MAST and JET MSE teams on
the development and analysis of the motional
Stark effect diagnostic applications 3)
Collaboration with the ADAS (atomic data analysis
structure) teams for development of new atomic
and molecular data for modelling of radiative
processes (also experimental work).
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
SIW ProjectStatus of implementation
  • K-D Zastrow
  • for
  • P Beaumont, M Bennett, S Brezinsek, I Coffey, T
    Elevant, K Fullard, S Griph, P
    Heesterman, G Hermanns, M Jennison, K
    D Lawson, A G Meigs, P D Morgan, C Morlock, M
    OMullane, A N Other, M F Stamp, W Studholme,
    S G Tyrrell

Spectroscopy in Support of the ITER-like Wall
Project goals
  • As stated in the PMP and right at the top of the
    project website http//
  • Measurement of photon fluxes from which core W
    concentrations can be derived (VacuumUV, X-ray).
  • Measurement of the poloidal distribution of Be, C
    and W sources (Visible, UV).
  • Measurement in real time of transient events in
    Be and W sources.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Spectrometer Room 2nd February 2009
10 Fibre bundles Patch panels
Polychromator Assemblies
Neutron spectroscopy at UU
  • Staff Göran Ericsson, Sean Conroy, Marco
    Cecconello, Matthias Weiszflog, (Henrik
  • PhD Erik Andersson Sundén, Maria Gatu Johnson,
    Carl Hellesen, Emanuele Ronchi, (Siriyaporn
  • Faculty/VR/STEM/Euratom supported research
  • Ph D theses (L.Giacomelli, H.Sjöstrand)
  • JET (Orders, Notifications, Mobility) -
    Campaigns, TOFOR, MPRu, camera
  • MAST new neutron diagnostics (camera/spectromete
  • ITER studies of neutron emission and
  • Old EFDA contracts ITER studies
  • modeling of diagnostic performance (baseline
  • assessment of HRNS instrumentation (priority
  • New EFDA TG-Diagnostics contracts
  • MAST development (PS incl. hardware)
  • coordinate further ITER HRNS studies (PS)
  • evaluate nd/nt measurement on ITER with ND (BS)
  • ITPA work SWG on neutrons, voluntary tasks

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Information in the neutron emission
  • Neutrons are produced in most advanced fusion
    relevant plasma experiments
  • Fusion neutrons
  • dd ? 3He n (2.45 MeV)
  • dt ? 4He n (14.0 MeV)
  • Total neutron rate gives fusion power n
  • Neutron spatial distribution for fueling and
    control neutron cameras
  • Neutron energy spectrum for ion temperature,
    rotation, heating efficiency neutron
  • Scattered neutrons energy downgraded
  • Non-fusion neutrons
  • 3He9Be ? 11C n (Q 7.6 MeV)

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Neutron diagnostics for JET
  • MPRu and TOFOR neutron spectrometers handed over
    to JET operator
  • Operations and development of TOFOR
  • Operations and development of MPRu
  • Development of analysis and modeling tools
  • Participation in experiments with ND
  • Neural Network analysis of neutron data
  • Sean Conroy long-term secondment to JET to work
    on neutron diagnostics

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
JET TOFOR Time-of-Flight spectrometer
1.5 m
Stop (32) 2.45 MeV n 65 ns Start (5)
  • TOFOR 20m long collimation ? HRNS ITER
  • Measures time of interaction events in Start and
    Stop detectors
  • Custom-built digital time-stamping electronics
  • Time-of-Flight spectrum reconstructed off line

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Gatu Johnson, NIM A591 (2008)
TOFOR characterization
2.45 MeV
  • Spectrometer response function (SRF) from
    detailed GEANT simulations
  • Low-temperature plasmas (ohmics) Good
    agreement data SRF over 3 orders of magnitude
    (blue region)
  • Data at low energy (long ttof) require scattered
    neutrons from far wall elastic n scatt. on C,
    Ni, Fe MCNP model
  • Included into analysis ? consistent results for
    all ttof also in NBI heated discharges
  • Can nd/nt be measured by NES on ITER?

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Recent TOFOR results fast ions
  • Neutron spectroscopy observations of fast ion
    dynamics in plasmas with deuterium beam
    injection single PINI NB heated D plasmas,
    comparison/validation of TRANSP simulations using
    TOFOR data for (NF?)
  • Neutron emission generated by fast deuterons
    accelerated with ion cyclotron heating at JET
    3rd harmonic ICRF heating creating very high
    neutron rates, Correlations seen with MHD
    activities, such as monster sawtooth crashes and
    toroidal Alfven Eigen modes
  • Poster by C.Hellesen (PRL)
  • Neutron emission from 3He9Be reactions in JET
    deuterium plasmas - ICRF heating tuned to
    minority 3He in cold deuterium plasmas, with
    beryllium evaporation highly significant for JET
    ILW project and ITER low activation phase
    (minority 3He in hydrogen plasmas)
  • Poster by M.Gatu Johnson (NF)

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
MPRu results (I)
  • MPRu upgraded for improved S/B and 2.5 MeV
  • Thin-foil technique best suited for 14-MeV n in
    D(T), DT
  • MPRu in supporting role in D
  • Validate Yn (poster by HS)

2.5 MeV n yield YMPRu 1.02 YFC
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
MPRu results (II) dual LOS
  • Exploitation of dual NES at JET
  • Validation of NES results along two different
    LOS radial (TOFOR), tangential (MPRu)
  • Only MPRu can give toroidal rotation

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Neural-networks (NN) based real-time tomography
for JET
  • Analysis of JET neutron camera (KN3) data for
    emissivity profiles
  • Construction of a suitable parametric model
  • Using the model to generate synthetic data
  • Train NN on synthetic and apply to experimental
  • Application time of NN is in the order of µs ?

Performance on the entire TTE campaign.
Blackminimum ?2 solution (MC) of the model
calculated with a fitter (offline, 2
seconds/fit) RedNN solution (real-time, few µs)
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Poster by E. Ronchi et al. Real-time tomography
of neutron emissivity profiles with the KN3
neutron camera at JET
Neural Nets real-time KN3 tomography (TTE)
T-puffs and T blips
T puff (61138)
LEGEND (folded plots) Black KN3 RAW data
(JPF) Red (NN) Folded NN solution. Blue (MC)
Folded Minimum ?2 solution with the same NN model
T blip (61433)
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
MAST Proof of Principle of a Neutron Camera
Presentation by M.Cecconello New neutron
diagnostics for MAST WP08-09-TGS-xx-yy (ongoing)
Measurement of neutron emissivity profile can
provide important information about the physics
of fast ions, in particular AE instabilities,
which is ITER relevant due the right combination
of magnetic field strength and NBI energy.
The project is in the final stage of design and
the procurement of some components have already
started. Expected start of operation 2009/2010.
Proposed 2-LOS system
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Work on ND for ITER
  • Voluntary simulations studies of HRNS concepts
    (TPR, ToF) poster by S.Conroy
  • Modeling of neutron emission from NB heated
    scenarios for TW6-TPDS-DIADEV (reported)
  • Assessment of HRNS performance for
    TW6-TPDS-DIASUP (reported)
  • Assessment of neutron-based diagnostics for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-06 (ongoing)
  • Assessment of using NES for nd/nt for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-05 (ongoing)
  • Participation in ITPA and Neutron-SWG

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
  • Swedish RU has a broad activity in spectroscopy
    on JET, MAST, ITER
  • Active participation in diagnostics developments
    and experiments on JET, MAST
  • RU active role in SIW project
  • RU own ND on JET MPRu, TOFOR
  • Development of new ND for MAST
  • Participation (EFDA, ITPA) in studies of ND
    instrumentation for ITER

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
ITER - Specific simulation studyThin-foil
Proton Recoil spectrometer (I)
  • Central foil (here 10cm2), Si annular detector
  • Reduced neutron streaming compared to TANDEM
  • Conceptual design
  • Tapered neutron collimator
  • Gd (or similar) foil to reduce thermal flux
    through collimator
  • Thin CH2 foil as proton radiator
  • Micron S1 Si detector (angular and
    -optionally- radial segments)
  • Vacuum chamber (10-5 mbar), Aluminium to reduce
    capture g
  • Lining of 6Li-doped plastic to absorb thermal
    neutrons in chamber
  • Magnetic shield to reduce ITER field in region
    of proton recoils

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Thin-foil Proton Recoil spectrometer (II)
  • Simulation performance study MCNPX
  • Foil 10 cm2 CH2, Si Gaussian resp. fcn.
  • Optimization
  • For given DE/E, what choice df-d and tfoil
  • gives the highest e (i.e., count rate)?
  • Alternatively
  • What geometry to chose to reach
  • DTi/Ti lt10 in shortest possible time?
  • Example
  • Find sweet spot for Ti 20 keV
  • tfoil 0.17 mm, df-d 230 mm
  • DE/E(FWHM) 5.3, e 2.9?10-4 cm2
  • Neutron flux 1?109 n/s
  • (RFW ? 50mm, ITER S2, En 14 MeV)

DE/E ()
Time to reach 10 precision in Ti20keV
DT (s)
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Poster by S.Conroy, S.Conroy et al., RSI 79
(2008) 10E508
  • Possibe TPR telescope
  • Standard design, off the shelf
  • Non-standard thickness 2000mm

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Work on ND for ITER
  • Voluntary simulations studies of HRNS concepts
    (TPR, ToF)
  • Modeling of neutron emission from NB heated
    scenarios for TW6-TPDS-DIADEV (reported)
  • Assessment of HRNS performance for
    TW6-TPDS-DIASUP (reported)
  • Assessment of neutron-based diagnostics for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-06 (ongoing)
  • Assessment of using NES for nd/nt for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-05 (ongoing)
  • Participation in ITPA and Neutron-SWG

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
ND simulations for ITER NBI
General simulation tool ControlRoom fi(v),
kinematics, LOS
Fig. 3. Contour plot of the simulated beam ion
distribution function in cosine of pitch angle
(V/V) and energy (E) for calculations of the
2nd ITER scenario, NB on-axis case. The
distribution function has been integrated over
the (? ,?) space.
Fig. 4 Simulated neutron emission spectra for
scenario of Fig. 3 for radial line of sight
(left) and tangential line of sight (right). The
spectra show the total neutron emission intensity
(T), composed of the components bulk (B), neutral
beam (NBI) and alpha knock-on neutrons (AKN).
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Final report on EFDA Contract TW6-TPDS-DIADEV
Work on ND for ITER
  • Voluntary simulations studies of HRNS concepts
    (TPR, ToF)
  • Modeling of neutron emission from NB heated
    scenarios for TW6-TPDS-DIADEV (reported)
  • Assessment of HRNS performance for
    TW6-TPDS-DIASUP (reported)
  • Assessment of neutron-based diagnostics for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-06 (ongoing)
  • Assessment of using NES for nd/nt for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-05 (ongoing)
  • Participation in ITPA and Neutron-SWG

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Studies of HRNS techniques for ITER
Draft Final report on EFDA Contract
NE213, Stilbene, diamond Reginatto, Zimbal, RSI
79 (2008) Krasilnikov, RSI 69 (1997)
TOFOR Gatu Johnson, NIM A591 (2008)
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
TANDEM (TPR) Hawkes, RSI 70 (1999) 1134
MPRu Andersson Sundén, IoP (NIM) (2009)
Evaluation of HRNS performance using synthetic
data forward analysis
Example Pure thermal plasma, Ti 20 keV 1000
iterations Ncounts 1000 Gaussian SRF
(FWHM/E4) Analysis results Ti 20.01 keV -
no bias s(Ti) 0.4 keV (precision 2) Find
Ncounts for req. precision (10) (Poster by
E.Andersson Sundén)
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Results from preliminary ITER study
Techniques limited by neutron flux MPR, TPR (A
10 cm2) ITER S2 Aperture RFW 150mm ?
Yn9?109 n/s/cm2 _at_spectrometer RFW 50mm ?
Yn1?109 n/s/cm2 - - Techniques
limited by count rate capability ToF, NE213,
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
Work on ND for ITER
  • Voluntary simulations studies of HRNS concepts
    (TPR, ToF)
  • Modeling of neutron emission from NB heated
    scenarios for TW6-TPDS-DIADEV (reported)
  • Assessment of HRNS performance for
    TW6-TPDS-DIASUP (reported)
  • Assessment of neutron-based diagnostics for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-06 (ongoing)
  • Assessment of using NES for nd/nt for
    WP08-09-DIA-01-05 (ongoing)
  • Participation in ITPA and Neutron-SWG

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
ITER Fuel density (nd/nt) study
  • Model ITER Scenario 2, on-axis beam
  • Pfus 410 MW, PNB 33 MW (1 MeV D beam), Ti
    20 keV
  • 2.5 MeV n from dd in full-power DT operation
  • Ithermal ? 0.5 INB - beam-thermal dominates
    the emission!
  • Beam-thermal component boosted by dd cross
  • Very good spectrometer required for studying
    2.5-MeV region!

Bgr ??
RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
  • Swedish RU has a broad activity in spectroscopy
    on JET, MAST, ITER
  • Active participation in diagnostics developments
    and experiments on JET, MAST
  • RU own ND on JET MPRu, TOFOR
  • Development of new ND for MAST
  • Participation (EFDA, ITPA) in studies of ND
    instrumentation for ITER

RUSA Uppsala University May, 2009
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