Lecture 2 11603 Ch1 pages 1621, 2527, Ch3 5863 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 2 11603 Ch1 pages 1621, 2527, Ch3 5863


1) How & why do stars appear to travel across the sky during the night? ... Vernal(spr) & Autumnal Equinox - day when sun's path passes equator - length of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 2 11603 Ch1 pages 1621, 2527, Ch3 5863

Lecture 2 - 1/16/03Ch1 pages 16-21, 25-27, Ch3
  • Old business
  • Text reading assignments, listed on link on
    website given at top of lecture notes
  • Scale of Universe
  • Distance from sun to nearest star 4.2 light yrs

Location and Motions of Objects in Nighttime Sky
  • Motivation
  • 1) How why do stars appear to travel across the
    sky during the night?
  • 2) How do planets travel across the sky?
  • 3) Future research on positions of stars in the
    sky (somebody is interested in this stuff?)

Why do celestial objects move across the sky?
  • 1) Daily rotation of Earth (diurnal motion)
  • 2) Annual motion of Earth around Sun
  • 3) Wobble of Earth's rotation axis
  • Long term effect
  • 4) Relative motions of stars
  • Long term effect (ignore for purposes of our

Diurnal Motions
  • Most stars appear to migrate east to west
    across the sky each night
  • Cause rotation of Earth (NOT the physical
    movement of the stars)

Diurnal Motions/Celestial Sphere
  • 'Easy' way to represent stars we see on Earth is
    to project the sky onto a CELESTIAL SPHERE
  • Positions of stars on sphere given by 'right
    ascension' and 'declination'
  • Analogous to familiar longitude (EW) latitude
  • Important terms
  • North Celestial Pole, South Celestial Pole,
    Celestial Equator
  • Intersections of celes sphere w/ ...

Celestial Sphere (cont.)
  • More terms
  • Horizon
  • Point where 'earth meets celestial sphere' - what
    you can see - 180 deg - when stars emerge from
    your horizon they are 'rising', when they
    disappear from your horizon the are 'setting'
  • Zenith
  • Single point directly overhead
  • Meridian
  • Line where stars appear highest in sky (midpoint
    at which stars are neither rising or setting
    (except for circumpolar stars))

All Stars Seen From Toledo Rise Set, Right??
  • www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/heavenly.sht

Circumpolar Stars
  • Stars which never go below the horizon (never
    set) are called circumpolar stars
  • When is a star circumpolar?
  • Stars above (90 - declination)
  • Toledo (90 -41 49) --gt all stars w/ dec higher
    than 49
  • N Pole?
  • Somewhere on equator?
  • S hemisphere?
  • Follow 1 cycle, circumpolar star moves both E-W
    and W-E!! (it must to make a circle)

Why do stars rise 4 min earlier each night?
  • Ex observation Assume that Betelguese rises
    above the horizon tonight at 9pm ... if you look
    at sky tomorrow night, Betelguese will rise at
    856pm (etc)
  • Solar Day
  • From one day to another, time it takes sun to
    reach meridian ... 'normal time' ... sun crosses
    meridian at noon each day
  • Sidreal Day
  • Time for a specific star to return to its exact
    location in sky on a subsequent day
  • Sidreal day is 4 min shorter than solar day

Solar vs. Sidreal Days
  • Sidreal Day
  • Cause Earth moves a finite distance along its
    orbit around the sun each day --gt Earth must
    rotate a little more than 360 deg to complete one
    solar day
  • Because we all set our clocks to correspond to a
    'Solar Day', stars rise 4 min earlier each day

Annual Motions
  • Earth's rotation axis is inclined 23.5 degrees
  • Effects?
  • Apparent motion of sun in sky throughout the year
  • Path it follows eccliptic
  • Causes sun to appear high in the sky in our
    summers(days longer), low in sky in our
    winters(days shorter)
  • Summer Solstice - N.Hem. faces sun most
    directly(sun is highest in sky, it is directly
    overhead for people at dec of 23.5)
  • Vernal(spr) Autumnal Equinox - day when sun's
    path passes equator - length of day/night equal
    in both hemispheres - sun directly overhead for
    people living on equator

  • Sun Moon exert gravitational forces on the
    Earth which causes the Earth's rotation axis to
    precess (like the motion of a top)
  • Pole remains tilted at 23.5 degrees, gradually
    traces out a circle (different stars become the
    'north star')
  • 1 cycle takes 26,000 yrs
  • astro.wsu.edu/worthey/astro/html/lec-precession.ht
  • http//www.opencourse.info/astronomy/introduction/

Precession (cont.)
  • Historical evidence for precession?
  • Air shafts in pyramids (Great Pyramid at Giza
    2600 BC)
  • Effects
  • 1) 'North star' will change with time
  • 2) Stars that are circumpolar today may not be in
    thousands of years
  • 3) Some stars not visible today in Toledo (too
    far south) will be visible in thousands of years

Planetary Motions
  • Mercury Venus orbiting closer to Sun compared
    to Earth - called 'inferior planets'
  • Never appear far from the Sun as seen on Earth
  • 'Superior planets' (everything past Earth) each
    have a successively slower orbital speed around
    the sun (to be discussed in a few lectures)
  • Since it takes the Earth a shorter time period to
    complete 1 revolution about the sun, the Earth
    will periodically 'pass up/overtake' the superior

Retrograde Motion
Future Research?
  • Astrometry
  • Study of the positions of celestial objects -
    'positional astronomy'
  • Useful (discuss later in semester) in determining
  • Hipparcos (ESA, 1989-93)
  • FAME (Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer)
  • NASA, launch 2004
  • GAIA (ESA, 2010)

  • You observe a star rising due east. When this
    star reaches its highest position above the
    horizon, where will it be?
  • a) high in the northern sky
  • b) high in the eastern sky
  • c) high in the southern sky
  • d) high in the western sky
  • e) directly overhead

  • You are in the southern hemisphere, and observe a
    star rising directly to the east. When the star
    reaches its highest position above the horizon,
    where will it be?
  • a) high in the northern sky
  • b) high in the eastern sky
  • c) high in the southern sky
  • d) high in the western sky
  • e) directly overhead

  • You are in Toledo. Looking directly north, you
    see a star just above the northern horizon. A
    little while later you notice that it has shifted
    positions slightly. Which way did it move?
  • a) to the right (east)
  • b) to the left (west)
  • c) up (rising)
  • d) down (setting)
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