Title: Manybody Greens Functions
1Many-body Greens Functions
- Propagating electron or hole interacts with other
e-/h - Interactions modify (renormalize) electron or
hole energies - Interactions produce finite lifetimes for
electrons/holes (quasi-particles) - Spectral function consists of quasi-particle
peaks plus background - Quasi-particles well defined close to Fermi
energy - MBGF defined by
2Many-body Greens Functions
- Space-time interpretation of Greens function
- (x,y) are space-time coordinates for the
endpoints of the Greens function - Greens function drawn as a solid, directed line
from y to x - Non-interacting Greens function Go represented
by a single line - Interacting Greens Function G represented by a
double or thick single line
3Many-body Greens Functions
- Lehmann Representation (F 72 M 372) physical
significance of G
4Many-body Greens Functions
- Lehmann Representation (physical significance of
5Many-body Greens Functions
- Lehmann Representation (physical significance of
6Many-body Greens Functions
- Lehmann Representation (physical significance of
G) - Poles occur at exact N1 and N-1 particle
energies - Ionisation potentials and electron affinities of
the N particle system - Plus excitation energies of N1 and N-1 particle
systems - Connection to single-particle Greens function
7Many-body Greens Functions
- Gell-Mann and Low Theorem (F 61, 83)
- Expectation value of Heisenberg operator over
exact ground state expressed in terms of
evolution operators and the operator in question
in interaction picture and ground state of
non-interacting system
8Many-body Greens Functions
- Perturbative Expansion of Greens Function (F 83)
- Expansion of the numerator and denominator
carried out separately - Each is evaluated using Wicks Theorem
- Denominator is a factor of the numerator
- Only certain classes of (connected) contractions
of the numerator survive - Overall sign of contraction determined by number
of neighbour permutations - n 0 term is just Go(x,y)
9Many-body Greens Functions
- Fetter and Walecka notation for field operators
(F 88)
10Many-body Greens Functions
- Nonzero contractions in numerator of MBGF
11Many-body Greens Functions
12Many-body Greens Functions
- Nonzero contractions in denominator of MBGF
- Disconnected diagrams are common factor in
numerator and denominator
13Many-body Greens Functions
- Expansion in connected diagrams
- Some diagrams differ in interchange of dummy
variables - These appear m! ways so m! term cancels
- Terms with simple closed loop contain time
ordered product with equal times - These arise from contraction of Hamiltonian where
adjoint operator is on left - Terms interpreted as
14Many-body Greens Functions
- Rules for generating Feynman diagrams in real
space (F 97) - (a) Draw all topologically distinct connected
diagrams with m interaction lines and 2m1
directed Greens functions. Fermion lines run
continuously from y to x or close on themselves
(Fermion loops) - (b) Label each vertex with a space-time point x
(r,t) - (c) Each line represent a Greens function,
Go(x,y), running from y to x - (d) Each wavy line represents an unretarded
Coulomb interaction - (e) Integrate internal variables over all space
and time - (f) Overall sign determined as (-1)F where F is
the number of Fermion loops - (g) Assign a factor (i)m to each mth order term
- (h) Greens functions with equal time arguments
should be interpreted as G(r,r,t,t) where t is
infinitesimally ahead of t - Exercise Find the 10 second order diagrams using
these rules
15Many-body Greens Functions
- Feynman diagrams in reciprocal space
- For periodic systems it is convenient to work in
momentum space - Choose a translationally invariant system
(homogeneous electron gas) - Greens function depends on x-y, not x,y
- G(x,y) and the Coulomb potential, V, are written
as Fourier transforms - 4-momentum is conserved at vertices
4-momentum Conservation
Fourier Transforms
16Many-body Greens Functions
- Rules for generating Feynman diagrams in
reciprocal space - (a) Draw all topologically distinct connected
diagrams with m interaction lines and 2m1
directed Greens functions. Fermion lines run
continuously from y to x or close on themselves
(Fermion loops) - (b) Assign a direction to each interaction
- (c) Assign a directed 4-momentum to each line
- (d) Conserve 4-momentum at each vertex
- (e) Each interaction corresponds to a factor V(q)
- (f) Integrate over the m internal 4-momenta
- (g) Affix a factor (i)m/(2p)4m(-1)F
- (h) Simple closed loops are assigned a factor
eied Go(k,e)
17Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Equation of Motion for Field Operators (from
Lecture 2)
18Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Equation of Motion for Field Operators
19Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Differentiate G wrt first time argument
20Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Differentiate G wrt first time argument
21Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Evaluate the T product using Wicks Theorem
- Lowest order terms
- Diagram (9) is the Hartree-Fock exchange
potential x Go(r1,y) - Diagram (10) is the Hartree potential x Go(x,y)
- Diagram (9) is conventionally the first term in
the self-energy - Diagram (10) is included in Ho in condensed
matter physics
(i)2v(x,r1)Go(x,r1) Go(r1,y)
(i)2v(x,r1)Go(r1,r1) Go(x,y)
22Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- One of the next order terms in the T product
- The full expansion of the T product can be
written exactly as
23Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- The proper self-energy S (F 105, M 181)
- The self-energy has two arguments and hence two
external ends - All other arguments are integrated out
- Proper self-energy terms cannot be cut in two by
cutting a single Go - First order proper self-energy terms S(1)
- Hartree-Fock exchange term Hartree (Coulomb)
term - Exercise Find all proper self-energy terms at
second order S(2)
24Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Equation of Motion for G and the Self Energy
25Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Dysons Equation and the Self Energy
26Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Integral Equation for the Self Energy
27Equation of Motion for the Greens Function
- Dysons Equation (F 106)
- In general, S is energy-dependent
- Both first order terms in S are
energy-independent - Quantum Chemistry first order terms in Ho
- Condensed matter physics only direct first
order term is in Ho - Single-particle band gap in solids strongly
dependent on exchange term
28Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
- One of the 10 second order diagrams for the self
energy - The first energy dependent term in the
self-energy - Evaluate for homogeneous electron gas (M 170)
29Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
- Polarisation bubble frequency integral over b
- Integrand has poles at b e lq - id and b -a
e lq id - The polarisation bubble depends on q and a
- There are four possibilities for l
30Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
- Integral may be evaluated in either half of
complex plane
31Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
- From Residue Theorem
- Exercise Obtain this result by closing the
contour in the lower half plane
32Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
- Polarisation bubble continued
- For
- Both poles in same half plane
- Close contour in other half plane to obtain zero
in each case - Exercise For
- Show that
- And that
33Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
34Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
35Evaluation of the Single Loop Bubble
- Real and Imaginary Parts
- Quasiparticle lifetime t diverges as energies
approach the Fermi surface