Title: EE 624 Advanced DSP
1EE 624 Advanced DSP
2Lets look at an example of a 2-dimensional
function that is separable.
3Now apply the 2D DTFT to this set of nine points
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5Alternatively, we could look at desired frequency
responses in the frequency domain and work
backward to find the corresponding impulse
response h(n1, n2) in the time domain. For
instance, we can look at creating 2-dimensional
filters using this approach which would be
similar to how we created 1-dimensional FIR
filters with the windowing technique. The two
common types of 2-D filters are 2-D Separable
Filter 2-D Circularly Symmetric Filter Consider
a typical 2-D separable filter
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7The impulse response is obtained from the 2D DTFT
synthesis equation
Since X(?1, ?2) is separable the double integral
This will simply integrate into two sinc
functions, one for each axis
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9Now consider the 2-D circularly symmetric
low-pass filter
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11- Some theorems about the 2D DTFT
- The 2-D DTFT of a sequence x(n1,n2) exists if the
sequence is absolutely summableLet h(n1,n2)
represent the impulse response of a 2-D LTI
system. If the input is a 2-D complex
exponential , then its output is the same
complex exponential with magnitude and phase
given by and ,respectively, at (?1, ?2)
(?x, ?y). - The 2-D DTFT of any discrete-time sequence is
periodic with a period of (2?,2?). - The 2-D DTFT of a separable sequence is the
product of the 1-D DTFT of the individual